Embrace Me at Dawn

Page 2

“Be magickind’s most dastardly super villain or some such, I’m sure.” Bram raked a hand though his already mussed hair. “But did he have to take all that energy and direct it against humans? My God, if humankind discovers that we truly exist, the Inquisition will look like a friendly game of croquet.”

“Did you bloody want him to direct his power at magickind?” Lucan glowered.

“It’s only a matter of time before Mathias comes after us, too,” Anka murmured. “We all know that.”

She knew that better than most.

Shock growled, “Fucking listen! Mathias had nothing to do with the massacre at Stonehenge last week or the death of all those humans. Morganna is beyond control.”

“Even Mathias’s?” Bram quizzed.

“Completely.” Nodding, his dark waves brushing his shoulders, Shock confirmed what some of the Doomsday Brethren had long suspected: Morganna wouldn’t be tamed. “And she is obsessed.”

“With what?” Bram looked skeptical.

A gruff laugh slipped from Shock’s throat. “Do I look stupid enough to spend more time with the shrew than I must? Fuck, no. According to Mathias, she is completely absorbed in looking for something. He has no idea what.”

“Or claims he has no idea.” Bram put his hands on his narrow hips, skepticism hanging heavily around him. “So you’re saying that he has no sway over her actions and no idea what she’s seeking? Convenient, isn’t it?” Bram mused.

Shock rolled his eyes. “Focus, you bloody stubborn wanker. I’m telling you the truth.”

“Maybe I should fetch Felicia to see if that’s the case?” Bram threatened slyly. “The Untouchable will know if you’re lying.”

Indeed. The beautiful Felicia could sniff out any lie, and Anka knew that Bram had come to rely on her skill, made only stronger by her recent mate bond with another Doomsday Brethren member, Duke.

“Feel free.” Shock shrugged his massive, leather-clad shoulders. “I’ve nothing to hide.”

Bram pulled out his mobile phone and sent a quick text. In less than thirty seconds, Duke and Felicia appeared on the dormant lawn, the stylish wizard’s arm protectively around his mate’s small waist, her long golden hair brushing his shoulder and chest.

“Say it again,” Bram insisted.

“Mathias has no control over Morganna and no idea what she’s searching for.”

Every eye turned to Felicia. “He’s telling the truth. Or…at least the truth as he knows it.”

So if Mathias had lied to him—or Shock had intentionally allowed Mathias to do so—Felicia had no way of knowing. Bram sighed, and Duke shuffled his mate behind his body, out of Shock’s path. Even in a suit that cost probably upwards of £1,000, Duke still looked every inch the protector.

The big, leather-clad wizard shook his head at Bram with a sigh. “I’m telling you the absolute truth. And despite your derision, I’m going to do you a huge fucking favor and tell you that Morganna is determined to kill you and your sister.”

Felicia nodded, biting her lip anxiously.

Fear gripped Anka’s throat. For Bram, yes. But he was one of magickind’s most capable and talented wizards. Her fear was mostly for Sabelle. She was a gifted witch, but in Morganna’s league? No one was. Bram, along with Sabelle’s devoted mate, Ice, would both willingly give their lives to keep her safe. And still it might not be enough. If Mathias couldn’t handle Morganna, and Bram died trying, who would save magickind? A bigger force might be their only means of defeating the evil witch—another reason Anka hoped that Bram let her join.

Bram frowned. “Morganna wants us dead because we have Merlin’s blood in our veins?”

“Exactly.” Shock crossed his arms over his chest. “This is merely a guess, mind you, but I suspect she sees it as payback because Merlin managed to keep her soul imprisoned for the last fifteen centuries. By the way, she’s more than a bit vocal about the fact that she could feel pain, thirst, depravation, and agony while trapped in that cave.”

Payback, indeed. Anka swallowed. Morganna had never been known for restraint. Saddled with this sort of fury, what would the witch be capable of?

“I understand. Warning received. Thank you.” Bram sounded almost grateful. “So this going after humankind instead of coming straight here? To draw us out?”

“You want me to guess Morganna’s motives?” Shock’s tone asked if Bram was out of his mind. “I don’t fucking know why Morganna does anything. I just know she must be stopped. And Mathias wishes like hell that he’d never resurrected the bitch.”

Shock drew in a big breath that lifted his massive shoulders. Anka frowned. He was never nervous, but whatever he hadn’t yet said unnerved him.

“Go on,” Bram demanded.

“Mathias has tried to put that genie back in the bottle, but he can’t do it alone.”

As the ramifications of Shock’s visit sank in, everyone froze. Felicia didn’t refute him. Anka merely gaped. How was it possible that she’d lived with this man, yet knew nothing of this revelation? Then again, Shock had never been one to share. Plus, they’d hardly spoken—or anything else—of late.

Their last coupling had been so rushed. Shock had barely touched her, instead just unzipping his leathers and shoving his cock inside. It had taken everything inside her not to push him away, but she’d needed energy as badly as he had—and the guilt for being in his bed was still festering in her heart. Sharing Shock’s sheets at this point shouldn’t matter. But with every moment, she’d thought of Lucan—and barely managed to hold her tears at bay until Shock had forced an orgasm from her and groaned out in completion. Then he’d immediately zipped up and left her sprawled in their bed.

Though hidden behind his sunglasses, Shock turned his eyes on her now. Anka felt his gaze sharpen, as if he was dissecting her. Crap! He knew exactly what she was thinking. She winced and intentionally turned her thoughts to the situation at hand.

Bram narrowed his eyes at Shock. “Are you telling me that Mathias wants our help to end Morganna?”

“What do you think? Either the bitch will go on the sort of rampage that will bring human authorities down around magickind’s ears or she’ll come after you and your sister with every twisted trick she’s got. Deal with those issues yourselves or help Mathias kill her. Your choice.”

“No, there’s another.” Lucan surged at Shock, shoving his face directly into the other wizard’s. “You and your boss have cooked up this elaborate scheme to lead us into a trap and straight to our demise. That would leave Mathias and Morganna free to live creepily ever after, with you as their trusted advisor.”

Shock stared back at Lucan as if the barb hadn’t bothered him a bit, but Anka sensed the fury he barely kept on its leash. A moment later, he wrapped an arm around her waist. Horror spread over her as she realized he was publicly staking his claim on her—in front of Lucan. Her gaze flew to her former mate’s, and his blue eyes turned hard. Shame and guilt doused Anka. She looked away.

“Bitter much?” Shock taunted.

The two caustic words barely left his mouth before all hell broke loose. Lucan rushed Shock with a growl that said he was going to tear the big wizard’s head off. Shock roared in response, pushing her behind him, readying to fight like he was going to enjoy it. Duke hustled Felicia away, teleporting out.

Anka jumped between Lucan and Shock. It wasn’t like her former mate to lose his temper so quickly. Sabelle had more than hinted that Lucan wasn’t himself anymore. Anka’s heart wept with concern. She didn’t dare hope that longing for her had put him on edge. She didn’t know how to make him understand the hows or whys of the past three months. And now that she’d graced the bed of his enemy willingly, she doubted he’d want to hear them. She only wanted him well and happy, and it hurt deeply to know he’d find those things without her.

Both wizards urged her out of their way, then charged at one another again. Thankfully Bram stepped between them this time and threw a force field between both, keeping them apart.

“I have precious little energy for this shit, children,” Bram groused. “The clock is ticking down until Morganna’s next trick, whatever that may be. I have no mate to replenish me. We can’t afford this fighting amongst ourselves.”

Lucan drew in a deep, shuddering breath, jaw clenched, eyes narrowed. God, she’d rarely seen him so angry. But with a roll of his wide shoulders, he backed away, still looking murderous. She wished she could help him. Shock clenched a meaty fist at his side but dropped an expression onto his face that looked to all the world like he didn’t give a fuck. Anka knew better, and she had a feeling she’d have to deal with whatever was eating at him soon.

After a long pause, Bram finally dropped his hands and the force fields. After a sharp glance at both, he nodded. “Shock, you can tell Mathias we’ll consider his request. I’m not ready to commit to anything.”

“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Shock looked at Bram as if someone had beaten the Doomsday Brethren’s leader with a stupid stick. “Do you have any bloody idea what else Morganna can do to expose us while you sit with your thumb up your arse?”

Bram grabbed Shock’s leather jacket with one hand. “I don’t trust you for shit. And I’m hardly sitting around with my thumb up my arse. This isn’t just my decision; it’s everyone’s. I’m not making a move until I talk to them all, so you can run along and tell your boss that once we’ve talked, I’ll be in touch.”

Shock looked like he wanted to argue, but he jerked out of Bram’s hold and straightened his jacket with a shrug. “Stupid fuck. More deaths will be on your conscience.”

“I’m tired of your shit. Get off my property.” Bram tossed his head in the direction of the gate.

Anka bit her lip. She wanted to ask Bram if he could live with those deaths, but before she could, Shock growled, grabbing her arm. “Let’s go.”

“She stays here,” Bram demanded. “She came to me for a favor, and I haven’t heard it yet. I’ll do that now.”

Shock’s gaze bounced between her and Bram. Anka thought of anything and everything other than the topic of her business with Bram. She felt him probe into her mind with a hard shove. It hurt, and she glared at him and winced, raising her hand to her abused forehead.

Lucan charged over to Anka, hovering protectively. “You’re hurting her. Get the hell out of her head!”

After a moment’s hesitation, Shock shrugged. “I’ll figure it out when I fuck her later.”

With a hard slap of his hand on her backside that tingled across her skin and fired her nerve endings, Shock walked away and left the grounds with a slam of the gate before teleporting out.

Lucan stared at her like he didn’t understand. No, like he didn’t know her at all. Having him near brought out the very worst in Shock, and Anka wished to hell the floor would open up and swallow her whole. The silence almost weighed too much for her slender shoulders. God, what must her former mate be thinking? She drew in a deep breath and shook the thought away. Lucan was no longer her concern—even if she missed him until insanity seemed just a breath away.

“Why are you with him?” Lucan demanded.

There was nothing she could say that he’d truly understand. Certainly nothing that would change their situation. So she remained mute.

“Goddamn it! If it’s for protection, you’re deluding yourself. Mathias knows exactly where to find you. If he wants you again, Shock won’t be able to stop him.”

Likely so. But Mathias didn’t really want her, merely to weaken the Doomsday Brethren. He’d nearly driven Lucan mad with mate mourning after forcibly severing her bond with him. She couldn’t risk Mathias targeting Lucan again. She alone had healed him from that terrible, mad state. It had cost her nearly every bit of her magic. Neither of them would survive that again.

She forced herself to face Bram, square her shoulders, and look him in the eyes. “You know what I want. I’m sure Sabelle has told you.”

“Goddamn it, Bram. No!” Lucan snapped.

Bram turned a gaze to his friend. “Go get the others. We have bigger matters to discuss.”

“This matter is vital to us all. Having Anka fighting with us will affect the entire group.”

“You more than the rest. And still, this isn’t your decision. Go.”

Lucan whipped his gaze to her, jaw clenched. “Anka…”

She swallowed. She wanted to soothe him, reach out and brush back his too-long hair, caress his troubled brow. Their past, this…thing still between them, it couldn’t matter anymore.

Resolutely, she ignored him.

He cursed a blue streak, grabbing a chair in one hand and flinging it across the lawn as he made for the house with giant stomping steps. At the door, he paused, staring a hole through her. “We’re not done with this conversation, Anka.”

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