
Page 5

"Who is this Jade girl?" he asked curiously.

Oh, just someone I’ve known for two thousand years—you’ve protected her with your life over and over.  Which is what I wanted to say. When Jade was Cleopatra, Gavin was Hasani, the leader of Marc Antony’s armies. He laid his life on the line for her and in fact, that was how he had ultimately died. But obviously, he no longer remembered that little detail and I wasn’t at liberty to refresh his memory. 

"I met her last night in the bathroom," I answered. "She seems really cool and I think you’ll like her."

"I like everyone," he pointed out, grabbing my hand again.

"True," I agreed. "But she’s new and I thought she looked like she could use some friends."

"You’re a softie," he replied. "So out of character for a goddess. But I love that about you."

"A goddess. I like that," I murmured, closing my eyes.

I loved the feeling of a good sun bath—the way the sun wrapped my body in warmth. I also enjoyed the way Gavin’s hand stroked mine, even when we were practically asleep. We were so in tune with each other that I knew where his body was even when my eyes were closed. Just one perk of being a soul mate, I guess.

A dark cloud stepped in front of my sunshine, though and I scowled as I opened my eyes.

Jess hovered over me with her hands on her hips.

"So, you know, Mace, if you wanted some R&R, you could have just said so. You didn’t need to bail out on Homecoming in an ambulance to do it. Talk about dramatic exits!"

She grinned and tossed a rolled up sandwich on my lap.

"Do you need anything else? Another soda, a fresh pair of sunglasses, a pedicure? I don’t want you to start feeling neglected."

I rolled my eyes at her sarcastic banter. Gavin sat up as he unwrapped his sandwich and turned to me.

"Do you feel neglected, Macy? Because say the word and I’ll totally bring my A-game."

"Hmm. Like maybe handcuffing me to my bed or?"

He raised an eyebrow suggestively at me and I punched him lightly on the shoulder.

"Because that’s the only way you could keep an even closer eye on me. Get your mind of the gutter, mister!" I laughed as I turned my attention back to Jess.

"Seriously, you really don’t need to babysit me, you guys. I’m fine."

"Save it, Macy," Jenn instructed as she settled on the teak lounger to my left. "We’re here to annoy you all day. Don’t ruin it for me."

"Don’t kill your mellow?" I asked with a smile.

"Exactly. I’m glad you understand," she nodded, taking an enormous bite of her sandwich.

"The sun is out, I’m going to lay by the pool AND I get to eat carbs today. It’s a banner day."

I rolled my eyes again. Both she and Jess were rail thin. Tiny little wisps of girls. There was no need to restrict their diet of anything, much less bread and pasta, my two favorite things in the world. But she was adamantly sticking to it. And so far, she was still the same exact size as her sister.

"Whatever," I replied, shaking my head. I glanced around the pool area. The rest of the lounges surrounding the pool were empty, as was the hot tub.

"Where’s Jenn?"

"She’s in the house arranging your Sick Day tray."

"My what?" I looked at her suspiciously.

"A tray of stuff that any sickly invalid needs," she smirked.

"You’re a brat. Just so you know."

"So I’m told," she nodded.

At just that moment, Jenn opened the patio doors, stepping carefully down the steps with a huge tray. I could see magazines, a book, my iPod, a bag of cookies, a stack of sliced cheese and a loaf of Hawaiian bread (my all-time favorite) and several bottles of nail polish.

"Aww—you’re too good to me," I said as she set the tray down on Gavin’s lap.

"I know," she answered back confidently.

"You’re a brat too, though," I added.

"Oh, I know that, too," she replied cheerfully. She stripped off her shirt and revealed a new bright red bikini.

"Wow! Look at you, little Miss Hottie! Love the swimsuit!"

"I know, right? And I haven’t even given up carbs."

"Bite me," Jenn called from her position across the pool. "Seriously, don’t mess with me.

Perpetual lack of bread makes me bitchy."

"Don’t we know," Jess muttered under her breath as she arranged her towel under her.

"What was that?" Jenn called.

"Nothing, dear sister. I said nothing at all."

Jess finally got herself all arranged and stared at me.

"So, what’s up with this new chick?"

"I don’t know. She seemed lonely, so I thought I’d invite her to join us. That doesn’t bother you, does it?"

"Of course not. I know I’m your favorite."

"Not true," Jenn called, scowling at her sister. "I am."

Sensing a twin-sized argument coming on, I stepped in.

"You’re both my favorites," I interrupted diplomatically. It apparently appeased them because Jenn settled back with a magazine. They were so competitive that it made me laugh.

Satisfied with her importance in my life, Jess leaned back in her chair and tilted her face to the sun.

"I could get used to this," she mumbled.

Hammie interrupted our serenity, though, with frantic barking and I sat straight up in my seat. I couldn’t even remember the last time he’d barked like that.

I jumped up and ran into the house, with Gavin close behind me, ever protective. It was still weird to me how personality traits pass down throughout the millennia. He was a protector just like he’d always been.

The dog was jumping at the door, trying desperately to get through it. I grabbed his collar.

"Hammie, what in the world has gotten into you?"

I peeked through the peep hole to find Jade standing on the porch. She was holding a big bakery box and bouncing up and down on her ankles nervously. I wondered if she’d heard my dog going bat-shit crazy over the doorbell.

Gavin grabbed Hammie’s collar from me as I opened the door.

"Hey Jade! So glad you could come. Please come in and ignore my dog. He’s about a hundred years old in people years, so he won’t hurt you. I don’t know what’s wrong with him."

Hammie was practically frothing at the mouth as he lunged against his collar to get to her and Jade stared at him doubtfully.

"Yeah, he looks like a sweetie."

In response, he bared his teeth and growled at her.

I tapped his nose lightly and dropped to my knees to get in his face.

"What is wrong with you?" I shook his collar and glanced up at Jade. "I think we’d better close him up in a spare bedroom so that he doesn’t bother you. Do you have cats or something?

Maybe he smells them."

Jade shook her head. "Nope, my house is a pet-free zone. My grandma is allergic."

Her grandma. I made a mental note of that. She lived with her grandma instead of her parents. Interesting.

"Well, I apologize. I don’t know what has gotten into him."

She smiled graciously. "It doesn’t matter. Here- I thought you could use some cupcakes. I hope you like death-by-chocolate."

She thrust the box at me and I glanced at the top. They were from a gourmet bakery downtown. She had gone to some trouble to get them.

"What girl doesn’t?" I replied with a grin. "Thanks, although you didn’t have to do that."

I handed the box to Gavin.

"Could you take these and Jade out to the pool, pretty-please? I’m going to contain this guard dog in a spare room."

He nodded and willingly led Jade out the back as I put a chew toy and Hammie in an empty bedroom. He was perfectly calm now, as though he hadn’t a care in the world. He dropped onto his side and promptly closed his eyes, not interested in the slightest in the chew toy. His agitation was forgotten.

I shook my head as I closed the door behind me. Crazy dog.

As I emerged onto the deck, I found that everyone else had already descended upon the cupcake box.

"Hey! I’m the invalid! Save some for me!"

I shoved Jess over just in time for Gavin to put a bite in my mouth. I froze as the creamy chocolate frosting melted in my mouth.

"Oh my gosh. This is..." I was at a loss for words.

"Unbelievable? Incredible? Orgasmic?" Jess offered.

"Something like that." I took another bite. "Wow. These are amazing. Jade, you’re my new hero."

She grinned as she licked her fingers. "I know. I try not to go this bakery very often or I’d end up on a carb-free diet, too."

She looked as Jenn, who so far was abstaining from the cupcakes, but her knuckles were turning white as she gripped the arms of her lounger.

"Why are you giving them up, anyway? You’re so tiny!"

Jenn relaxed her hold on her chair and smiled at Jade.

"Thank you. I think you just became my new favorite."

I tuned out their friendly chattering and focused in on Gavin. He was staring at the pool with an absent expression. I would never get tired of studying his face. The cleft in his chin, the cut cheek-bones, the dimples when he smiled. I suddenly had a clear memory of him standing on the edge of the Alexandrian Bay with a sword in his hand and shaking the water out of his hair. He had always taken my breath away. I shook myself out of it.

"A penny for your thoughts?" I offered softly.

He looked at me. "Only a penny?"

"Nope. Name your price. If I have it, it’s yours."

He grinned and I sucked my air in. I would never, in a million years, get used to his beautiful smile.


"Definitely. Name it," I confirmed.

"Alone time. Just for a minute. I want you all to myself."

"Done," I declared, immediately getting up from my seat.

"Gavin," I said loudly as I got up, "I think you left your swim trunks in the pool house last time you were here. I’m going to go check for you." I stared at him pointedly over my shoulder.

"I’ll come with you," he offered, his smile turning devilish.

Ignoring the teasing from the girls, I pulled him into the little pool house and immediately pushed him gently against the wall directly inside the door.

With my face barely an inch in front of his, I whispered, "Okay. We’re alone. Was there a particular reason you wanted me here?"

My lips brushed his as I spoke and I felt a current of electricity spark between us. Warmth instantly flooded into my nether-regions and I pushed myself up against him. The contact was delicious and I wanted more of it.

He might not have the same warrior’s body that he had when he was Hasani, but he was still strong and sexy in a very modern way. He bent his head and lightly kissed my neck from my ear to my collar bone. Goosebumps formed everywhere his lips touched and I shivered.

"You scared me yesterday," he murmured, as he rubbed the goosebumps away.

I couldn’t think straight with him touching me.

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