Finding You

Page 40

Meagan guided me back into the house as I softly spoke, “Noah.”



My body felt numb.

But I was relaxed beyond belief as I searched for my seat. Grayson had flown in and was planning on staying with us over the Christmas holidays. He walked beside me as we headed toward the front door of the house Grace grew up in.

The Valium I popped on the way here would help me get through today. It would be the first time I was seeing Grace’s parents, Jeff and Ari again. They had made it known they were not happy about Grace moving in with me.

The front door opened and Alex walked out. I could see the pity etched on her face and I hated it.

“Holy shit. She’s prego,” Grayson said with a chuckle.

Alex walked up to me and gave me a hug. “Hey, Noah. I’m so glad you’re here.”

Smiling, I glanced down to her stomach and shook my head. “March is getting closer, Alex.”

Laughing, she nodded her head. “Tell me about it. Thank goodness I’m graduated and back home now.”

Nodding my head, I looked over her shoulder and saw the love of my life standing there. And behind her, was her father.

“Noah,” Grace said as she made her way down to me. I prayed like hell she wouldn’t be able to tell I had drugged myself up to make it through this day. Grace had been splitting her time between Mason and Austin. I’d gotten pretty good at hiding the fact that I took pills to keep me calm and pills to help me sleep.

Smiling, I got ready for her to jump into my arms. Catching her when she did, I spun her around as I whispered in her ear, “I fucking missed you.”

“It’s been two days.” She giggled in my ear.

It had been the longest two days of my life. Grayson was staying with me for the whole month of December and the fucker watched me like a hawk. At least he let me get drunk with him last night.

Grace pulled her head back and stared at me.


Smiling, I tilted my head and said, “You forget what I looked like?”

Her smile faded some as she peeked over to Grayson. “What did y’all do last night?” Grace asked as she stared at Grayson.

Leaning forward, Grayson said, “We got drunk and I got laid.”

“Uh-huh. Sounds like that was a fun time.”

“Not really,” Grayson said with a shrug. “My hand doesn’t really count.”

Grace’s face coiled up as she said, “Ugh, you sick bastard. I didn’t need that visual.”

A smirk quickly grew across Grace’s face. “Guess who is here?”

Grayson yawned like he was bored already. “The whole gang from Durango?”

“Yep. Even Meg. Seems like she perked up a little when she found out you were in town. Want to explain?” Grace asked as she crossed her arms in front of her and raised her eyebrow.

Grayson tossed his head back and laughed with a roar.

Grace and I both stared at Grayson. The way he couldn’t keep his eyes off of Meagan last month didn’t slip by anyone. Even me, and I was consumed by my mother’s death.

Thinking about my mother was slowly bringing the pain back to the surface. I needed to push it back down and fast. Pulling my eyes from Grayson, I focused on Jeff.

Smiling at him, I made my way up the stairs and held out my hand. “Good afternoon, Jeff. Thank you for inviting us to stay with y’all.”

Jeff looked me over before he let his eyes settle into mine. I wasn’t sure how long we stood there and stared at each other before Ari cleared her throat.

Looking over at her, I smiled and said, “It’s a pleasure seeing you again, Ari.”

Walking up to me, Ari gave me a soft kiss on my cheek. “The pleasure is all mine, Noah. Come on in, I want to introduce you to everyone.”

Taking in a deep breath, I glanced back to Jeff who smiled and motioned for me to follow Ari. Grace was next to me as we walked into the house. Alex was walking behind us talking to Grayson. It seems she was filling him in on Lauren and Colt.

As we made our way through the house, Ari pointed out the guest bathroom and where to get water, soda or beer if I needed one.

The moment the back screen door opened and we all stepped outside; everyone turned and looked at me. I felt like the new kid in class as all eyes fell upon me. Holy shit, there are a lot of fucking people here. My heart began to race, and I prayed like hell I wouldn’t have a panic attack.

It didn’t take long for Ari to start with the introductions.

“Noah, this is my father and mother, Mark and Susan.”

Smiling the moment I saw Mark, I said, “Mark, it’s great seeing you again so soon.”

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