Finding You

Page 53

Jerking my head back toward Noah and my father, I walked up to them and pushed Daddy away as I turned to Noah. “My fault? Did you seriously just say it was my fault?”

Leaning over and looking past me to my father, Noah said, “See. Sir, she can be demanding.”

“Jesus H. Christ. You’re selling me out to my own father, you pansy ass!”

Leaning closer to me, Noah said, “Baby, you don’t understand, I need him on my side. He knows people who know people.”

Sucking in a breath, I stepped back and placed my hands on my hips as I glared at Noah. “Is that so?”

Noah nodded his head and gave me a weak smile. Turning around, I gave my father a once over. He had a satisfied smirk on his face. “Oh, you . . . you just wipe that smile off your face, dear old Dad. Yes. I asked Noah for sex.”

My father’s smile dropped as his eyes widened. “But don’t worry, Dad. That little stunt Noah just pulled guarantees no sex from me for a very long time.”

“What?” my father and Noah both asked in stunned voices as Luke let out another round of roaring laughter. “Shit, this is the best thing I’ve seen in months!” Luke said as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Looking between Noah and my father, I rolled my eyes and stomped off to the back office where I slammed the door and made my way over to my desk. Plopping on my desk chair, I let out a scream loud enough for the whole county of Mason to hear.

Ugh. Men.


Leaning back in the rocking chair, I took a drink from my bottle of water. I loved being out here in Mason. The fresh air cleared my head and the peacefulness calmed my nerves. There were still days I wanted to take a pill, but they were less and less. With Grace by my side each night, I was sleeping the best I had in years. The anxiety was still there, especially when I thought of my mother. Or the future I was planning with Grace. I never wanted to let her down.

Glancing over to Jeff, I watched as he stared out over the countryside. “It’s beautiful here. I swear I could sit here for hours and be happy.”

Jeff nodded his head and smiled. “There is not a place on Earth like the view off this back porch.”

Nodding my head in agreement, we sat in silence another five minutes or so. “Are you going to ask me Noah, or not?”

My throat constricted as I fought to find the words to speak. I rubbed the palms of my hands on my pant legs and pulled up the speech I’d been practicing in my mind.

“Um . . . yes, sir.” Turning my body toward Grace’s father more, I gave him a weak smile as he stared blankly at me. Holy shit. He looked like he was ready to chew me up and spit me out.

“The reason I asked to speak with you alone sir is because I’d like to ask for Grace’s hand in marriage. I love her very much and I’ll spend the rest of my life doing whatever I have to do to make sure she is happy.”

Lifting his eyebrows, he stared into my eyes. I’d never been so unsure of myself in my entire life. Would he think I was good enough for her? Did he believe me when I said I would do anything to make her happy?

“Marriage huh?”

My eyes widened as I felt a panic attack starting to build. “Shit. I wasn’t planning on you saying that. It wasn’t part of my planned speech.”

Narrowing his left eye at me, I closed my eyes. I can’t believe I just said that.

“Noah, open your eyes for Christ’s sake.”

Snapping my eyes open, I attempted to get spit into my bone-dry mouth. “I didn’t mean to say that out loud and well this is not how this is supposed to go.” Shaking my head, I let out a frustrated sigh.

Jeff let out a laugh as he stood up. “Walk with me, Noah.”

Doing as he said, I quickly jumped up and followed him toward the barn. Once we walked inside, I smiled as all the horses popped their heads out one by one to see who had walked in.

“Tell me why you want to marry my daughter.”

Oh this was easy.

Grinning like a fool, I walked up to a bay horse and ran my hand along his neck. “Why do I want to marry Grace?” Letting out a small chuckle, I pictured all the crazy things Grace has done and said since I’ve met her. The time she tied me up to the bedpost at my apartment in College Station and left me there after she got pissed when I accidentally called her another girls name when I asked her what kind of pizza she wanted.

Then there was the time she called me a cocksucking, dirty rotten, pussyfaced, bastard when I tickled her so much she peed her pants. I’d never known anyone to string curse words together like Grace.

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