Game for Seduction

Page 20

Dominic rocked slowly and patiently inside her, and his steady motions were the final push she needed. She cried out as wave after wave of pleasure came over her, and when he climaxed inside her, his c**k throbbing and pulsing in time to her release, she was no longer sure where his body ended and hers began.

They held on to each other forever, it seemed, and Melissa wanted never to let go. She didn't want to have to deal with reality. And she definitely didn't want to hear Dominic apologize again for making her feel so damn good.

The building creaked in the wind, and she jumped. Oh shit. If someone caught her with Dominic, her career could be ruined. How could she be taken seriously if she couldn't keep out of players' beds?

She jumped off his lap and readjusted her clothes, her damp panties a reminder of how strongly Dominic affected her.

"We're safe," Dominic said, instantly assessing her concerns.

"We need to stop having sex in public places."

Damn—she'd made it sound as if she expected their affair to continue in private. And he wasn't interested in another lecture about how they shouldn't even be having sex in the first place.

Dominic ran a hand through his dark hair and said, "I didn't intend to bring you here to seduce you. Again."

She shook her head. "And I didn't mean to let you. But I wanted it, I wanted you." Her lips curved up. "And it was wonderful. All of it."

He looked at her with surprise. "You're not angry?"

She forced a shrug, though she had no idea what they were doing. This was no longer a one-night stand, yet he hadn't stepped up to the boyfriend plate, either. Booty call?

Well, why not? She could have a sexy fling with the best of them. Especially when the man she was flinging with was as incredible as Dominic.

"How could I be angry? You're an incredible lover, Dominic. I'm sure I'm not the first woman to tell you that."

But if she really did want a professional relationship with him, she couldn't keep having sex with him. No matter how good it was.

Escape was the only option. She looked at her watch. "I'm afraid I need to get back to work for some meetings."

Without waiting for a reply, she let herself out the front door and waited in the passenger seat of his car, her heart pounding. She felt unbelievably brave. And desperately out of control.

A couple of minutes later, his footsteps sounded on the gravel outside.

His face was grim when he finally sat behind the wheel, and she could tell by the way his jaw clenched that he was angry. It was good to know that he didn't have any better grip on himself than she had. He sped back down the hill and came to a screeching halt in front of the agency, and she shot out of the car and into the safety of the building.

When the elevator doors opened, Jenny look relieved to see her. "Wow, that sure was a long lunch. I didn't know what to tell JP."

All the blood drained from Melissa's face. "JP is here?"

"He's waiting in the film room. 1 told him you'd just left with Dominic, but he insisted on waiting for you."

Great. She'd been so busy having sex with Mr. Off-limits that she'd completely ignored her one and only client.

She knocked on the door before letting herself in. JP was watching himself make a key block on the enormous screen. The lights were off, and even though he was a gorgeous man well known for his powers of seduction, she wasn't the least bit worried about joining him.

He gave her one of his patented "let's have sex" looks, then patted the seat next to him.

He was so different from Dominic. Light where Dominic was dark, full of laughter where Dominic would likely have growled at her instead.

She liked JP.

But she lusted for Dominic. Enough! JP was going to be the center of her universe from now on.

Dominic had never been this far off his game. He couldn't go the distance with Melissa, but he couldn't stay away from her, either. Worse, it wasn't just lust anymore. That first night had been purely physical. But every time he touched her, he fell further into the deep end. He was starting to care too much to lead her on, yet he couldn't leave her alone.

Dominic had learned to control any inappropriate urges long ago. One huge slip-up in high school had taught him that f**king around would never get him where he wanted to be. He needed to keep his distance until his libido cooled down. He'd head to the gym for a long workout, then sit down with his lawyer and finalize the details of taking ownership of his new restaurant.

But everything within him rebelled against the way he'd left things with her. Taking her up to his future restaurant and making love to her again, then telling her he hadn't meant to seduce her—that was the coward's way out.

He'd been a coward once, a long time ago, and it had changed him, changed everything. He refused to be a coward ever again.

Dominic pulled a U-turn in the middle of a busy intersection, barely registering the chorus of honking cars. He was a man on a mission, and five minutes later he dropped his keys into the valet's hand—something he usually never did, with a car as valuable as his—then stopped the elevator doors from closing with his forearm.

Several people muttered their discontent at being held up, but when they realized who he was, their frowns turned to smiles. A couple of women "accidentally" rubbed up against him. It was par for the course, and usually he wasn't bothered by the attention, but this afternoon it irritated him.

He wasn't interested in being a football hero today. He was focused on only one thing.

He pushed through the McKnight Agency's double doors and made a beeline for Melissa's cubi cle. She wasn't there. Shit. Jenny ran down the hall toward him.

"Are you looking for Melissa?"

He nodded and her eyes widened.

"Wow, she's really popular all of a sudden."

A surge of possessiveness rose inside him. "How so?"

"Well, first you came and took her to lunch, and then JP came to see her, and now you're back again." JP Jesse.

Dominic was going to kill the little punk. If he so much as laid a hand on Melissa, he wouldn't live to play another game.

"Where are they?"

Jenny looked surprised by his curt question. But visions of Melissa and JP naked together skipped through his head, and his fists clenched.

"JP wanted to watch some film while he waited for her to come back, and she joined him a few minutes ago."

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