
Page 44

He’s lying there, grinning at me from ear to ear, while I press my hand to my chest in an attempt to forestall the heart attack that was almost imminent. “You scared the hell out of me.”

“Sorry…that was too easy to pass up,” he says and laughs. “You were looking at me so intently, I knew it wouldn’t take much to startle you.”

The realization that he just busted me staring at his groin brings a flood of embarrassment all of a sudden, and I think what a stupid idea that was. I’ve never been one that was very forward in the bedroom, and now I don’t know that I’ll ever try anything that daring again. In fact, I should probably just go check in to the local nunnery.

“Come here,” Garrett murmurs, and pulls the sheet back.

“Um…I was just going to go make us some breakfast,” I stammer.

“Little liar,” he teases. “You were thinking of the best way to get me hard before I woke up.”

My face turns beet red and I actually back a foot away from the bed. “I was not,” I seethe, but damn…he totally knows what I was thinking about.

Garrett just gives a low, husky laugh, then stuns me when he kicks the sheet off his body and wrangles his underwear off. He lies there, fully nude and looking unbelievably sinful. My eyes can’t help but stray to that part of him I was so desperate to see just a moment ago. His cock is only at half-mast, lying heavy against his leg.

“I’m all yours to do with as you please,” Garrett says as he props both hands under his head and gives me a toothy grin.

An urge to flee is present, but the greater urge to touch him wins out. I crawl up on the bed and kneel beside his hip. My hand reaches out to touch his stomach, but he stops me. “How are you feeling this morning?”

My eyes slide over to his and I give him a reassuring smile. “I’m actually feeling pretty damn good. Hungry, as a matter of fact.” I let my gaze slide down his body to his cock, which leaps over the suggestion in my voice and starts to lengthen before my eyes.

“That’s all it takes,” Garrett says softly.

I turn my gaze back to him. “What’s that?”

“Just your words…your eyes on me, and I get hard for you. You don’t even have to touch me.”

“But I want to touch you,” I tell him softly.

“Even better for me,” he murmurs.

Resting one hand on his chest and the other on his belly, I lean over and press a kiss right in the middle. Sliding a hand over, I brush my fingers over his erection and am elated when it jerks under my touch. Staring at it…so dark and beautiful…so stiff yet feeling like silk under my fingertips.

“Um…I haven’t actually ever done this before,” I tell Garrett in a moment of utter honesty. I feel the need to let him know…I could be very bad at this.

“Touched a man’s cock?” Garrett asks in surprise. “I find that hard to believe.”

“No…I’ve done that. I mean…I’ve never given a guy a blow job before.”

“Oh,” Garrett says softly, then even louder in understanding, “Oh. Well, you don’t have to do that. I wasn’t even expecting that, really.”

“I want to,” I tell him firmly. “I really, really want to.”

“Fuck, Olivia…your innocence and your exuberance are a really hot combination,” he says with a smirk. “I might not survive this.”

My fingers close around his shaft and I squeeze him gently, feeling him swell even larger. “Um…I’m not sure if I can…um…”

My voice falters and I’m suddenly doubting every single womanly ability I have. “Not sure you can what?” Garrett prompts me as he brings one hand out to touch my face.

“Swallow,” I whisper. “I don’t want to take any chances in case…um…my stomach decides it’s not through rebelling.”

Garrett blinks at me for a moment, his face a blank mask. I can’t tell if I’ve offended him or maybe he just didn’t understand what I mean by that. Then he throws his head back and laughs. A deep, booming laugh. I watch him for a moment, not sure if I should be angry or not that he’s not taking me seriously, but then I realize…this is pretty fucking funny. So I start laughing too.

“Come here a minute,” Garrett says as he continues to chuckle. I release my hold on him and crawl up his body, until I’m lying almost on top of him.

We stare at each other with goofy grins. “I’m guessing I just took all the sexy out of this little moment, huh?”

Garrett shakes his head, giving another laugh. “You are still sexy as hell. It’s just funny…the little ways in which your cancer will pop up. I mean…seriously, if I was feeling sick, the thought of swallowing that wouldn’t appeal to me either.”

Resting my chin on his chest, I look up at him with a smile. “You’re a good sport.”

He shrugs. “We’ll figure this out together.”

“Agreed,” I say, and then push myself up. “And now…I think I am going to attempt to give you a blow job. Just give me a smack on the head or something when you’re, um…you know, ready to blow or something.”

Garrett starts laughing again, and so do I, and it takes a few moments for us to get under control. Finally, I take a deep breath in and blow it out, sliding a quick look at him. “Okay. I’m ready.”

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