Heart Recaptured

Page 17

Her legs stilled, her breath came hard, and her chest rose up and down at a crazy speed. Her eyes darted from side to side, looking for a way out of my grasp, and her cheeks were red with too much exertion.

Eventually her big blues locked on mine. Then I almost couldn’t breathe. Inhaling deep, I shook some sense back into my pussy-fogged mind and asked, “You done yet?”

Lilah’s lips pursed and she slowly nodded her head.

My eyes dropped to see her gray dress back in place and her hair messy and slicked back from running, trapped under the white—and now dirt-ridden—headdress. My gaze followed up her chest, her slim throat, her flush cheeks and refocused on her eyes.

Tears filled her stare and she whispered, “Please… do not hurt me…”

A pain shot through my chest at her broken voice, but her being scared of me just damn right pissed me off. “Why did you run?”

Panic flashed across her face. “Please—”

“Answer my fuckin’ question. Why did you run?”

Lilah’s wet pink tongue peeked out and ran across her bottom lip. I felt that lick all the way to my dick. This bitch was killing me.

Her breath stuttered, but she managed to reply, “I am scared… I am so scared of everything… of your world… of you… I do not want to be taken against my will again… I am so afraid…”

Closing my eyes at her words, feeling an ache in my chest. Sympathy? I took a deep breath and looked down again. Her timid blue eyes were fixed on mine, only to drop briefly to my lips and back again. She blushed even more as her thighs squeezed together and her legs squirmed beneath me.

Then I felt it. Like some electric current zapping through my body, my cock wanted in her… bad.

Before I knew it, my thumbs began caressing the soft damp skin on her wrists and I drank in the sight of her lying underneath me. The pilgrim blonde… the fucked-up pilgrim blonde that I had to fix and make normal for Styx… I was beginning to think it was an impossible task. The bitch was almost as tapped in the head as Flame.

How the fuck did you get through to this level of crazy?

Lilah’s head slowly tipped back to our hands and she frowned at the movement of my thumbs. I took the opportunity to lean down and place my lips at her ear.

Christ, she smelled good, some sweet vanilla scent pouring from her wet skin. It made me want to lick her, wrap my hands in her long blond hair, and kiss the fuck out of her pouting lips.

A sharp inhale of breath told me she’d noticed where my mouth was, and I could feel her pounding heart against my chest.

“Ky…” she whispered, and I gritted my teeth at her breathy voice. Hell, she was a fuckin’ temptress. I’d never been so turned on in my life.

Yup, I was in hell.

“I ain’t gonna hurt you, bitch, yeah? There’s no punishment for what happened in the bar. You said no. That’s all there is to it. No need to be flashing me that tight ass,” I answered in a raspy voice. I quickly cleared my throat. “Ain’t no one gonna rape you either, so get that fuckin’ fear outta your messed-up mind.”

Her breath blew past my ear. “I… I don’t understand… what is… rape?”

“What is rape?” I asked, now confused as fuck. “It’s when someone forces themselves on you when you say no. When you have no choice. When you don’t want fucking but they do it anyway. Fuck, bitch, you should know the meaning of that word.”

Her eyes went huge. “That has never been done to me…”

“Yeah, in that cult, it was.”

“No. It was not… rape. It was the elders doing as commanded by the prophet and God.”

I closed my eyes and shook my head. The bitch had been raped for years, but had no fucking clue. “One day, Lilah, you’ll get what I’m talking about and realize how fucked up that excuse sounds.”

She didn’t say shit in response.

I pulled back slightly so my face hovered just above her. Lilah’s skin was golden and smooth, her nose small and cute; those lips… yeah, they were unreal too. Jesus, it was like she was dreamed up just for me; I’d never seen a bitch so perfect in all my life. Hadn’t ever thought such a woman existed until Lilah crawled out of that prison cell a few short weeks ago, only to begin torturing me and my highly exercised cock.

“So I am not in trouble?” she asked.

“Here at the Hangmen, if a bitch says no to fucking, then it means no fucking. Got it?”

Two blond eyebrows knitted together, pink lips pursed in confusion. Lilah shook her head, telling me she didn’t get it.

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