Heart Recaptured

Page 76

Bracing himself on his strong arms, Ky glided up my body until his face was hovering above mine. “Baby, listen to me and listen good.”

I sniffled back the threatening emotion and gave him what he wanted: my attention.

His gaze softened and he tucked my hair behind my ear with his finger, his blond beard tickling the skin on my chest. “I ain’t like them. Yeah, I’m a whore. That ain’t no secret. I’ve fucked around with a long fuckin’ line of sluts. But I ain’t ever done one thing. I’ve never given two shits about a bitch like I do you. I ain’t ever held out for one piece’a pussy like I’ve held out for yours. I’d kill for you, baby. Anyone even comes close to trying to take you away from me and I’ll slit their motherfuckin’ throat. You belong to me, you’re mine, and right now, in this bed, I’m gonna do something else for the very first time. We both are.”

I held my breath, too afraid if I exhaled I would ruin the moment and never know what he would reveal.

“I’m gonna make love to you, Lilah. I’m gonna take you as mine, possess you. ‘Cause there ain’t no one out there… no one else who could do this to me, but you.”

“Ky…” I hushed out and this time embraced the tears as they tumbled down my cheeks. They were the proof Ky should receive that I wanted everything with him too.

Ky sighed and kissed a salty droplet away from each cheek. Pressing his forehead against mine, he inhaled a ragged breath and murmured, “I fuckin’ love you, Lilah. This, us, baby, it’s more than just fucking. You get that, yeah?”

My inhibitions evaporated at that moment. Clutching my hands on his face, I crushed my lips to his and confessed, “I love you too, so very much. You make me feel safe… I am unafraid when I am with you. You do not know how special that feeling is to me.”

A blinding smile graced his beautiful face and he began crawling stealthily down my body, only to brace himself at my core, his warm breath blowing heavily on my core. “I’m gonna make you feel good. Okay, sweet cheeks?”

I nodded apprehensively. Suddenly, Ky’s tongue swiped along the seam of my core and my hips lifted off the bed. “Ky!” I cried out, too overwhelmed by this unfamiliar sensation.

But Ky did not stop, his tongue flicking relentlessly at my core, his strong arms holding my thighs, and the grunts of pleasure from his mouth vibrated until my back arched and I fisted the sheets.

“Ky, something is happening!” I panicked, feeling out of control, but Ky did not stop. His tongue worked even harder and, suddenly, his finger circled my entrance and, with one gentle thrust, filled me.

An intense sensation overwhelmed my body. My eyes snapped shut as I floated on a wave of pleasure… so much pleasure I could not contain the scream that rose out of my throat and filled the quiet room.

I was beyond breathless as I fought to regain a semblance of rationality. I barely noticed Ky shift up my body. Hand on chest, I opened my eyes to find Ky watching me, hunger in his intense blue stare.

“Ky… what was that?” I asked.

Tipping his head forward, he nuzzled the side of my neck, his hands pinching and rubbing on my breasts. “That ain’t nothing, babe.” He raised his head and slowly licked his lips. “I need to fuck you, Li. Need to fuck you now.”

My breathing hitched and I felt a flow of wetness run from my core at the thought. “I wish for that too.”

Groaning in anticipation, Ky reached past me to a drawer next to the bed. He retrieved a small foil packet and I watched as he ripped the foil in two, pulling something out, and began rolling it over his length.

Placing my hands on his thick thighs, I ran them up and down, attempting to soothe my nerves, enjoying the flex of his thick muscles beneath my palms. Ky exhaled and dropped forward, staring at me so hard I squirmed under his attention. Taking hold of my waist, Ky rolled us so I was on top of him, straddling his muscled and tattooed waist. Startled and feeling exposed, I lowered my chest, wrapping my arms around Ky’s back, chest flush against his. The thud of his pounding heart drummed in my ears and I gripped him tighter, relief flooding through my veins when his arms wrapped around me.

Shifting down, I traced the outline of a thick rope tied in a loop on his chest, running over his shoulder with my mouth. I then moved my mouth to his ear and whispered, “Take me.”

With a guttural growl, Ky spun us until I was on my back, and with a tenderness I did not expect, he smoothed his hand down my leg, lifting it slightly until his manhood was braced at my entrance. Not once breaking eye contact, he pushed into me so slowly, that I felt every single part of him within me.

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