Holding You

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STANDING BEHIND LAUREN as I pushed on her back lightly, I watched the swing take her up higher. “I hate high school,” Lauren said.

Smiling, I asked, “Why?”

Dragging her feet on the ground to slow herself down, she came to a stop. Twisting the metal chains of the swing, she turned to face me. “Boys.”

My heart dropped. If someone did anything to Lauren, I’d bash their head in. “Did something happen?”

A part of me was scared to hear her say that she liked someone. Holding my breath, I reached out and spun her some, twisting the chains even more. Letting go, Lauren began spinning as she laughed and dropped her head back. Coming to a stop, she looked at me. Her blue eyes danced as the sunlight hit them. We had both just started our sophomore year of high school, and I hated the way some of the guys stared at Lauren.

“No, nothing’s happened. That’s part of the problem.”

Swallowing hard, I asked, “Is there anyone you like?”

The air between us seemed to spark with something I’d never felt before. Lauren slowly smiled as she tilted her head. “Is there someone you like, Colt?”

Allowing my grin to grow bigger, I said, “Oh yeah. There’s this blonde, blue-eyed beauty that has this thing for skipping around instead of walking. Also has a fondness for swings.” Lauren’s face turned from amused to something different. For a brief moment, it felt as if we both shared a connection that I’d never experienced before. My heart felt like the wings of a hummingbird; it was beating so fast. “I kind of think she’s into her horse more than guys though.”

Lauren’s eyes turned dark as she broke our stare and looked to the ground. “Smart girl. I’d pick my horse over a guy any day.” Glancing back up, she winked at me.

Reaching my hand down to Lauren, she closed her eyes as if anticipating my touch. My stomach dropped like always when I thought about kissing Lauren. I did what I always did though. I ignored my feelings and chickened out. Pushing a loose curl back behind Lauren’s ear, I whispered, “Lucky horse.”

Dropping her mouth slightly open, Lauren was about to say something when her father called for her.

Closing her eyes, she stood. Opening them back up, I saw nothing but sadness. I wanted to see the sparkle that was there a few moments ago. Giving me the sweetest smile ever, Lauren said, “I um . . . I guess I’ve got to go help with dinner. Thanks for helping me with the new horse.”

Nodding my head, I grinned. “Anytime.”

“See you tomorrow then?” Lauren said as she walked backward.

“Yep, see ya tomorrow, Lauren.”

Standing there, I watched Lauren skip over to her back door. Pushing my hand through my hair, I walked back over to the barn. Climbing on top of my horse, Samson, I took in a deep breath of air. A cool fall breeze was blowing and the birds were chirping away in a nearby tree. Opening my eyes, I smiled as I thought about Lauren skipping to her back door. Letting out a chuckle, I headed for home. Glancing back over my shoulder, I noticed Lauren looking out her kitchen window. Lifting her hand, she smiled and waved. Raising my hand, I waved back to her as I whispered, “Someday, Lauren Ashley Reynolds, someday I’m going to ask you to be my wife.”

GLANCING AROUND, I smiled when I saw Luke and Libby kissing as the waves crashed around their feet. Their wedding had been thrown together in record time and was probably the most romantic wedding I’d been to yet.

Leaning against the rail, my eyes caught sight of Colt. I watched as he talked to one of Libby’s cousins. The way she was flirting with him turned my stomach. I’d like to pull her by that tight bun on the top of her head and slam her against . . .

“Lauren? Are you okay?”

Pulling my eyes from Colt and the blonde, I turned to face Grace. “Yep. I’m fine. Why?”

Grace gave me a knowing smile. “Well, to start with, you look like you want to kick that blonde’s ass from here to Timbuktu. Second, you’re gripping that bottle so tight your knuckles are turning white.”

Glancing at my hand, I loosened the grip on the bottle. Sighing, I looked back to Colt and the blonde. “He drives me crazy.”

Grace chuckled. “Why? Because a hot girl is attracted to him? Poor Colt can’t help it if he is a mini version of his daddy, Lauren. Girls are going to flock.”

Rolling my eyes, I looked away. “He sure looks like he is interested in her.”

Grace sucked in a deep breath and let it out. “You know what I see, Lauren?”

Turning to look at Grace, I asked, “What?”

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