Holding You

Page 24

“That. Was. So. Hot,” Lauren said between breaths.

I nodded and whispered, “Very hot. So fucking hot.” My heart dropped when I looked into Lauren’s eyes. They were beckoning for me to be lost in them.

“Lauren, never in my wildest dreams did I think my heart could be so in love with one person. I’m captivated by everything about you. Your soft lips, I long to kiss. Your blue eyes, I find myself getting lost in every time I look into them. Your touch sends an instant bolt of electricity to my heart. But I think what I love the most is your heart. It is so pure and full of life.” Closing my eyes, I whispered, “I pray to God it belongs to me.”

Lifting her hand and placing it on the side of my face, I leaned into it as I opened my eyes. “My heart is filled with love for you, Colt. Only you.”

Slowly standing, I lifted Lauren up as we stood under the steaming hot water. Moving my lips to hers, I gently kissed her as I held her face within my hands. Pouring my love into her, I kissed her with every raw emotion I had. Life stopped in that moment as Lauren and I were lost in that kiss.

Brushing my lips gently across Lauren’s, I smiled as I was overcome by the love I had for her. Smiling in return, Lauren giggled. “Think of all the showers we missed out on.”

Chuckling, I pulled her to me. “Sweetheart, I’m never going to be able to take a shower alone again. You know this, right?”

Lauren’s face softened as she gazed lazily into my eyes. “I love that you call me, sweetheart. It makes me feel . . . special to you.”

My heart dropped into my stomach as Lauren’s words filled my mind. Reaching over, I shut off the water. Walking Lauren out of the shower I took in her perfect body. Grabbing a towel, I slowly dried her body off. Starting from her feet up to her hair. Lauren looked completely relaxed as she dropped her head back and let out a contented sigh. Quickly drying myself off, I wrapped the towel around my waist and picked Lauren up. Carrying her back into the room, I pulled the covers back and gently placed her down. Lauren in my bed did crazy things to my heart. She stretched and my stomach did that thing where it flutters at the sight of her.

Covering her up, I kissed her forehead and spoke in a hushed tone. “Sleep, my beautiful princess.”

“Hmm, Colt.”

Lauren quickly drifted off to sleep. Knowing my name was the last thing to be whispered from her lips was amazing. The last twenty-four hours had been amazing.

Taking a few steps back, I sat in the chair that was in my room. Watching Lauren sleep so peacefully in my bed, I knew things in my life would never be the same. Nothing else on Earth mattered except for her.

She was my life. My dreams. My entire world.

REACHING UP WITH my hand, I rubbed my nose.


Something kept tickling me. Not wanting to move, I swept my hand under my nose again.

Stretching, I let out a soft moan as I felt every single muscle in my body. Smiling at the knowledge of why I was so sore, I slowly opened my eyes. Expecting to see Colt, I was met by something far less pleasurable.

Grace and Alex.

Closing my eyes tightly, in hopes to erase them and make Colt appear, I slowly opened one eye and then the other.

Nope. Still Grace and Alex. “What are you two freaks doing in my room?”

Alex attempted to hide her smile as Grace lost it laughing.

“Bitch, please. You are nowhere near your room. Your ass is laying naked in Colt’s bed.”

Sitting up quickly, I pulled the covers with me and looked around. The memory of yesterday flooded my mind as I smiled. Turning back to Alex and Grace, I couldn’t help but bite down on my lip and smile bigger.

Grace gaped her mouth open. “Oh. My. God. The cherry has been popped, and by the look of things, I’d say Mr. Mathews did a good job of it.”

Alex smacked Grace. “Eww. Really? I didn’t need the visual thank you very much.”

Covering my mouth, I attempted to hide my laughter. Alex and Grace both looked at me with beseeching eyes. Finally, Alex said, “So. Tell us everything that happened. I’m dying to hear about how y’all went from hating each other to Colt walking downstairs with the biggest smile on his face I’d ever seen.”

Grace interrupted Alex with, “And you laying up in Colt’s bed naked! Looking rather well-fucked, I might add.”

“Grace!” Alex and I said at once.

Grace looked at Alex and then me with a smug look on her face. “What? Tell me she doesn’t look . . . satisfied!”

Feeling my cheeks burn, I reached over and pushed Grace. “Shut up, you bitch!”

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