Holding You

Page 39

Maegan was about to say something when the doorbell rang. Alex, Libby and Maegan all jumped up and squealed. Rolling my eyes, I drank half the glass of wine. I was going need it to get through this night.

Grace’s friend, Anna, walked through the door pulling a dolly behind her and carrying a small cooler. Grace began all the introductions.

“Anna, meet Libby, this is her house.”

Anna smiled and reached for Libby’s hand. “The new mom. I have some wonderful gadgets for you.”

Libby’s eyes widened. “Thank God, Jack and Grace took Mireya tonight.”

Everyone laughed.

“Next we have Alex. She’s getting married this summer.”

Anna smiled bigger. “Ohh . . . I have some fun little tips for the wedding night that will rock your new husband’s world.”

Alex blushed. “Next we have Maegan who could probably have taught this class herself.”

Maegan shot Grace a dirty look. “Fuck you, Grace.”

Anna chuckled. “It’s a pleasure, Maegan.”

Grace walked over to Taylor who looked scared to death. “This is the virgin of the bunch.” Looking at Taylor, Grace pulled her head back and asked, “You are still a virgin, right?”

Red washed over Taylor’s face as she pushed Grace. “Yes, and I wear the title proudly.”

Anna clapped her hands. “Oh good!” Reaching into her bag, she dug around and pulled out a sash. Placing it over Taylor’s head, we all started laughing.

The sash read Proud Virgin.

Grace turned and held her hand out for me. Placing my hand into Grace’s, she pulled me closer to her. “This is the girl who requested your help, Anna. Lauren has recently popped her cherry—”

“Hey!” I said as I looked at Grace, who continued to talk.

“She would like to know the proper way to please her man in the area of blow jobs.”

“I’m going to be sick,” Alex said as her face drained of all color. Pursing my lips together, I attempted to not start laughing.

Anna walked up to me and smiled. It was almost a motherly-type smile. I liked Anna instantly. Her smile was infectious and when she smiled really big, she had a dimple in each cheek. Reaching for my hand, Anna gave it a firm shake. Her nails were flawless. “Lauren, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”

Shaking her hand, I nodded as I felt my cheeks light up on fire. “The pleasure’s all mine.”

Anna gave me a wicked grin. “Oh not yet, honey. But it will be this evening when I’m done with y’all.”

Turning, Anna began pulling everything out of her bags. She put down flavored condoms, flavored lubricants, sex toys, which I had no idea what half of them were used for and some I didn’t want to know what they were used for.

Then she pulled out a few different vibrators and these silicone blob-looking things. Reaching over I picked up the pink one and turned it over. Sucking in a breath of air, I turned to Taylor with a horrified look on my face. Showing her, I whispered, “Does that look like a—”

“Vagina? Yes. Except I don’t think all va-jay-jay’s look like half a rose.”

Giggling, I looked back at it. It did somewhat resemble part of a rose.

Anna looked at Taylor and me and smiled. “You’re holding a masturbation sleeve. Better know as . . . your man’s second vagina.”

“Oh shit.” Taylor and I both said as I dropped the sleeve back onto the table.

My cell phone rang and I quickly pulled it from my pocket. Daddy scrolled across the screen. Standing, I walked to the corner of the room.


“Hey, baby girl.”

Smiling, I shook my head. I adored my parents and was lucky to have a close relationship with them. They both still called me baby girl and even though I wouldn’t ever admit it to them, I loved it.

“Hey, Daddy! What’s up? Are y’all in a port?”

“Yeah baby, we just got off the ship. Is Colt with you?”

My heart dropped. Slowly taking in a deep breath, I blew it out. “No, why do you need him?”

Covering the phone, Daddy shouted something to someone. “I was gonna see if he might be interested in—”

Closing my eyes, I prayed he wasn’t going to say something about the new stallion we had coming in tonight. I wanted my hands on that horse first and I had told Daddy that.

“Lauren? Are you still there?”

Shaking my head, I said, “Um, yeah. Sorry what did you say?”

“I need a fence repaired tomorrow and wanted to see if Colt would be around and could help with it.”

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