Holding You

Page 52

Every single horse had their heads leaning out of the stall doors. Scott had set up a small round table in the middle of the barn. We didn’t want to use real candles so he had LED candles sitting in the middle of the table. There were two place settings and the salad had already been placed onto the table. Turning to me, Lauren slowly shook her head. “Did you plan this?”

Grinning, I nodded my head. “I did.”

Wearing a dazed look on her face, Lauren whispered in a disbelieving voice, “Why?”

Cupping the sides of her face with my hands, my thumb wiped away a lone tear making its way down Lauren’s beautiful face. “Because I love you, sweetheart. And I’m going to miss you fiercely while you’re on your girls’ trip.”

Lauren placed her hands over mine as she closed her eyes. “Colt, I love you so much. You make me feel as if I’m living in a fantasy.”

Clearing his throat, Scott walked to us. Taking a step back, I broke the contact between Lauren and I. Placing his hand on my shoulder; Scott gave it a slight squeeze. “You did good, son. Now don’t keep her out too late. They’re leaving early in the morning.”

Nodding my head, I said, “No, sir, I won’t keep her out late.”

Glancing back to Lauren, Scott leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. “Enjoy your evening, baby girl.”

Sniffling, Lauren whispered, “Thank you, Daddy.”

Reaching for Lauren’s hand I led her over to the table. Pulling out her chair, I waited for her to sit down and then pushed her chair in. Making my way over to my chair I couldn’t help but notice Lauren’s face. She wore the most amazing smile. “Tell me what you’re thinking this very moment.”

Pressing her lips together, she took her napkin and placed it onto her lap. “That Grace would call you an overly romantic bastard . . . or something along those lines . . . if she saw this.”

Laughing, I nodded in agreement. “Yeah she probably would.”

“Colt, I love this so much. I was starting to feel a little down about leaving you and—” Wiping a tear away she continued. “Well, you just do something like this and make me fall more in love with you if that’s even possible. I’m going to miss you so much.”

Reaching for her hand, I moved my thumb across her delicate skin. My heart felt as if it was about to burst. “I’m going to miss you too, but you’re going to have so much fun, it will fly by.”

Looking down, she whispered, “I hope so, cause right now, I don’t want to leave you.”

Squeezing her hand, Lauren looked at me. “I have a fun night planned for us. I promise, tomorrow the excitement to go on your trip will be there.” Nodding, Lauren gave me a weak smile. “Eat up, sweetheart, the night is young and I promised your daddy I wouldn’t keep you out late!”

Giggling, Lauren picked up her salad fork and went to town. It didn’t take Lauren long to figure out that I had the food catered from her favorite restaurant in Fredericksburg, Pasta Bella. The second they placed the manicotti with garlic mushroom and alfredo sauce down in front of her she snapped her head up at me with her mouth gaped open in surprise. “Pasta Bella?”

Winking, I motioned for her to eat. “I know how much you love that place.”

Taking a bite, Lauren rolled her eyes and let out a moan. “Oh my glitter. This is so good. It gets better every single time. How did you do this?”

“I have my ways.”

Tittering, Lauren shoved a hefty bite into her mouth. We spent the rest of dinner talking about the girl’s trip. I was scared shitless and I know Luke and Will were also, but we couldn’t treat them like little girls. They were grown women and I had to just let go of the fear.

Leaning back in her chair, Lauren looked full and happy. “You feel like going on an surprise adventure?”

Watching her eyes light up, she leaned forward and rested her chin on her hand and asked, “What kind of adventure?”

“It wouldn’t really be a surprise if I told you what kind of adventure it was, now would it.”

“Mmm . . . that’s true but I’d be willing to forego the surprise part of it.”

Laughing, I stood and held out my hand. “Come on, let’s get the second part of the evening started.”

Taking my hand, Lauren and I walked to the truck. “Oh wait, Colt what about all that stuff in the barn. Don’t we need to help them clean it all up?”

Shaking my head I kept walking. “Nope, I’ve got it all taken care of.” I’d worked the two weekends we’d been back home by hauling hay for one of my father’s friends. He paid me handsomely, even though I busted my ass working for him for four days. The money I made hauling and loading the hay I used to pay for this evening’s meal.

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