Holding You

Page 66

“I love you more, sweetheart.”

“So, tell me about this stallion.”

Grinning like a fool, I started to tell Lauren all about what had happened. My adrenaline began pumping again as I talked about it.

“Wow. That’s awesome, Colt.”

Something was off in Lauren’s voice. I could hear it. “I can’t wait for you to take a look at him, Lauren. He’s amazing.”

“Yeah, I’m excited to see him. Listen, I better get to bed. We’re going on a train ride tomorrow, early.”

Yep. I could hear the disappointment in Lauren’s voice. I made a mental note to talk to Scott tomorrow about Lauren.

“All right, baby. I love you and I miss you. I hope y’all have fun tomorrow. No more taking your shirt off, okay?”

Laughing, she said, “Deal! Don’t get too crazy with that stallion either, Colt. Be careful, okay?”

“Always. Night, Lauren. Sweet dreams, baby, and I love you.”

“Sweet dreams, Colt. Love you.”

Closing my eyes, I could almost smell her perfume. Pulling the phone away from my ear, I set it on my side table. Dropping my head back, I let out a frustrated breath.

“Lauren,” I whispered as I formulated a plan to have her help me with the stallion. We were going to do this together and she was going to prove to her dad that she was more than ready to take over more control of her families breeding business.

Falling back, it didn’t take long for sleep to win me over.

WALKING INTO THE barn, I saw Scott leaning against one of the stalls looking over a piece of paper. “Hey, Scott what’s going on?”

Glancing over to me, Scott smiled. “Colt. Thanks for meeting me down here.” He handed me the piece of paper and I began to look over it.

Shaking my head, I looked at him. “What is this?”

“This is your schedule for this summer. You are officially part of Reynolds Breeding, Colt. Welcome aboard son.” He held out his hand for me to shake it. I wasn’t sure how I should be feeling. I was happy but at the same time, I wasn’t sure how Lauren would react to this new development. “Jessie is booking your tickets this afternoon for the trips to Kentucky and New York. Those two are strictly for the racehorses Jeff and I are interested in.”

My mouth went dry. Scott wanted me to travel with him to look at potential racehorses. Holy shit.

“Um . . . I’m not sure what to say, sir. It is an honor that you would take me under your wing like this.”

Scott winked and motioned for me to follow him as he walked out of the barn. “Colt, I see great potential in you. The way you nailed it on the head with that stallion really proved to me that you know your shit. You were meant for this and I don’t want to waste a second with your training.”

Nodding my head, I swallowed. “What about Lauren, sir?”

Scott snapped his head over and looked at me. “Lauren? What about her?”

“Will she be joining us on these trips?” Glancing down I saw there were three trips planned. Two trips to Kentucky and one to New York.

Shrugging his shoulders, Scott let out a chuckle. “I guess if she wants to join us she can. I figured she’d spend some time with her mother learning the books and—”

Stopping, I closed my eyes. This could go two ways. Scott would listen and agree with me, or he would tell me to mind my own business about his family and his business.

“You have something to say, Colt?”

Opening my eyes, I nodded my head. I loved Lauren more than anything and if it meant walking away from the one thing I dreamed of doing for her love, I would do it.

“Yes, sir. I do have something I’d like to talk to you about. May we go to your office?”

Scott raised his eyebrow and nodded his head. “Sure. Let’s go.”

My heart was beating like crazy in my chest as I followed Scott to his office. Opening the door, we stepped in and I looked around. Pictures covered the walls. They were a mixture of Scott’s prized horses, pictures of Jessie and Lauren and pictures of all of us on trips we had taken together. Walking up to one picture, I smiled. The moment I saw her smile a warmth rushed through my body.

“You really love her don’t you, Colt?”

Smiling, I nodded my head. “Yes, sir, I love her very much.”

Turning, I looked at Scott. He had always been like a second father to me. Really, all of my father’s friends were like second fathers. Each of them had taught us boys lessons that I would cherish forever. Letting out a quick breath, I got ready to talk. My hands began to sweat so I rubbed them against my pants. “Take a seat, Colt and tell me what’s on your mind.”

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