Holding You

Page 77

Scott whispered something into Jessie’s ear and she blushed but quickly turned and headed out of the kitchen. “I’m off to go for a run. Colt, are you staying for dinner?” Jessie asked, peeking back around the corner.

“I wish I could, but I’ve promised Alex I’d go into Austin tonight to help her get some things for the wedding.”

Jessie smiled big. “I can’t believe Alex and Will are getting married in a few weeks. Unreal.”

Nodding my head, I agreed. “Yes, ma’am. My mother has been an emotional mess the last few weeks, along with Alex. It’s been hell for me and my father.”

“Amen,” Scott said as Lauren hit me, then her father.

“Stop it both of you.” Scott glanced at me and gave me a wink as he sat down at the table.

“So, tell me what you thought about Mighty Mike, Lauren?”

Swallowing hard, I sat down and let Lauren do all the talking. Even though Scott had given me full control over Mike, this was Lauren’s show.

“He’s amazing, Daddy. I could almost feel his power just as he trotted around the track.

Scott’s eyes quickly snapped over to me. “You rode him? How’d he do?” Scott looked at me as he asked Lauren the question. My heart rate began to pick up and I imagined what it would feel like to have Scott beat the shit out of me for letting his daughter get up on a horse that we still weren’t really sure about.

Wiping my sweaty hands on my pant legs, I turned to Lauren.

“He did great. It was as if he was holding back though. I could for sure tell he wanted to get something out of his system. I have a sneaky suspicion that Colt had Mr. Betrim run Mike before we got here this morning though.”

Scott nodded his head and glanced back at me. I could see it in his eyes. He was thanking me for looking out for his little girl. What he didn’t realize was that she was just as much my girl as his. The moment I found out Lauren was coming home, I made arrangements for Betrim to take Mighty Mike for a few laps around the track first thing this morning.

Scott rubbed his chin as he looked between Lauren and me. “Is that so?”

Giving him a quick wink and nod of my head, Scott smiled and turned back to Lauren. “Tell me what you’re thinking, darlin.’”

Lauren sat up straighter. I knew she wasn’t expecting that from her father. She was expecting him to ask me. “Oh, um, well . . . what I think is we should put Mike out to pasture with a broodmare.”

Scott nodded his head. “You don’t think we should try to control the breeding?”

Shaking her head, she continued. “No. I think Mike is the type of horse who is going to do things his way or no way. He needs that sense of freedom, I can see it when I look into his eyes.”

My heart was soaring as I sat next to Lauren and listened to her talk. This is what she was meant to do.

Scott nodded and motioned for Lauren to continue talking. Clearing her throat, she kept talking. “With Colt taking the reins on training Mighty Mike for racing, I’d like to handle his breeding.”

Scott pursed his lips together, attempting to hide the smile that I knew he was holding back. Glancing back at Lauren, I waited for her to continue.

“I’m thinking Lucky One Time Mia would be the perfect fit for Mighty Mike. She’s tough and can hold her own so she won’t take Mighty Mike’s shit. He hasn’t lived out with a mare before, but I think since he hasn’t been used for breeding before it shouldn’t be a problem. I think they will get along well and Mia’s just come into season. She was trying to get Jumping Jack’s attention this morning. She has an impressive lineage and I think together their foal would be something amazing. Putting them out to pasture is what I’d like to do first.”

Lauren stopped talking and I could tell she was holding her breath. Reaching over, I took her hand in mine and gave it a light squeeze. Turning to me she gave me a sweet smile.

Scott nodded his head like he was taking it all in. I found myself holding my breath as well.

“I like it,” Scott finally said.

“What?” Lauren asked with a stunned expression.

“Your plan, Lauren. I think it’s a solid plan and I like the idea of using Mia as the broodmare. If we can get them to breed on their own, without him hurting her, I’d like to see that happen. Let’s use the west front pasture. Just those two.”

Lauren sat there stunned for a few moments before she jumped up. “Okay. Great. Yeah perfect. Right.”

Turning, Lauren looked at me and smiled as she did a little jump then composed herself. Taking in a deep breath she quickly blew it out. “Then, um, Colt I’ll just meet you in the main barn.”

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