Holding You

Page 82

Colt pulled his lips back and whispered, “I love you so much.”

Looking into his eyes I was lost within the moment we shared. Lost in his beautiful blue eyes that seemed to sparkle when he smiled. Lost in his blissful love.

“Take me to our spot, Colt,” I said, barely above a whisper. Before I knew it, Colt was carrying me to his truck and we were on our way to our secret spot where we spent the rest of the night wrapped up in each other’s arms.

“OKAY, IT LOOKS like I’m gonna have to be the one to say this. Alex is bridezilla. There. I said it.”

Everyone turned and looked at Taylor. Raising her eyebrows and dropping her mouth open she asked, “Am I wrong?”

Maegan started laughing. “Hell no you’re not wrong, baby sister. You’re just the only one brave enough to say it out loud.”

Shaking my head, I turned back around and finished putting the flowers in Grace’s hair. “Cut her some slack, y’all. She’s been really stressed. Weren’t you stressed with your wedding, Libby?”

Libby chuckled. “It all happened too fast for me to get stressed.” Libby twisted Maegan’s hair up and began putting bobby pins in. “God, Meg, I’d kill to have your hair.”

Maegan rolled her eyes. “I hate my hair. I wish Tay had gotten the auburn hair and I got the brown.”

“Dye it,” I said as I placed the last flower in Grace’s hair.

Turning, I looked at Maegan. “Seriously, why don’t you just change the color then?”

Maegan started chewing on her lower lip. “You think?”

Grace leaned forward and put more lipstick on. “Hell yeah, you should! Shake things up a little. Maybe it will throw the little bitches off at your school, too.”

We all started laughing. Then someone knocked on the door and we fell silent. “It’s her!” Taylor whispered as she moved away from the door with a look of fear on her face.

Brushing Taylor off with my hand, I moved to the door. Opening the door, my mouth fell open. Alex stood in the hallway. “Alex? Honey, are you okay?” She was just standing there, looking lost. Very lost. Reaching for her hand I looked up and down the hallway before I pulled her into the guestroom. We were in Gunner and Ellie’s house since the wedding was right outside in their backyard practically.

“Alex, sweetie, what’s wrong?” Libby asked as she walked up to Alex and led her over to the desk chair. We all gathered around Alex.

“She doesn’t look like she’s been crying,” Taylor said in a whisper.

Maegan leaned down and waved her hand in front of Alex then snapped her around to look at us. “She’s in shock.”

Grace dropped down to the floor. “Alex. Did something happen?”

Oh no. What if Will changed his mind? I’m going to kick his ass if he changed his mind. Why would he change his mind though? No, he didn’t change his mind. Oh my glitter! He cheated! No. No. He didn’t cheat.

Kneeling down next to Alex, I noticed she was clutching something in her hand. Her hair was fixed, her makeup was done and all she had to do was get dressed. We all had the same matching robes on and had been in the guest room getting the finishing touches done to our hair when Alex quickly jumped up and raced out of the bedroom screaming she needed air.

Placing my hand on her clenched fist, Alex jumped and looked at me. “Alex, you’re scaring us sweetie, please tell us what’s wrong,” I said as I moved my hand up to the side of her face. A single tear fell and rolled down her cheek as Alex held up what was in her hand. I heard Grace and Libby gasp as Taylor and Maegan both said, “Oh shit.”

Glancing down, I saw what Alex was holding. Placing my hand over my mouth, I whispered, “Oh. My. Glitter.”

KNOCKING ON THE door, I opened it slightly. Will was standing at the window looking out. “Will? It’s time.”

Turning, he gave me a smile and walked toward me stopping halfway across the room. “Colt. I’m marrying your sister.”

Giving him a smile, I nodded my head. “I know. I’ve gotta say I’m impressed my father hasn’t come up and threatened you in some form.”

Will’s smile faded. “Oh, he has. Twice.”

Letting out a chuckle, I shook my head. “Do you love her, Will?”

Closing his eyes he sighed. “More than anything, Colt. More than anything.”

“Then you’ve got nothing to be worried about.” Walking into the room, I headed over to Will. “She loves you, Will. Y’all were meant to be together. Just always take care of her and please don’t ever hurt her.” Looking down I let out a deep breath before looking back into Will’s eyes. “Cause if you do, I’ll tie you up by your balls and hang you from a rafter in the barn. Then I’ll take a baseball bat to you and hit you like a piñata filled with Reese’s peanut butter cups. You know how I like my Reese’s.”

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