Holding You

Page 88

Flipping me over, Colt hovered over my body as he teased my entrance. When I felt his dick becoming hard, I wiggled my eyebrows. “Miss Reynolds, I’m going to make love to you while my parents are downstairs. Can you keep quiet?”

Pressing my lips together, I smiled as I nodded. “I think so, Mr. Mathews.”

Colt slowly pushed into me and I was in heaven again.

PULLING THE SWEATSHIRT over my head, I tried to stop my body from shivering. The whistle blew and I looked down on the football field. It had only been two weeks since the fall semester had started back up, but Colt and I had been in College Station for about a month or so.

“Lauren? Honey are you okay?”

Glancing up, I saw Coach Johnston’s wife who happened to be a nurse at Scott and White Hospital. “Um, I think I’m getting the flu or a cold or something.”

Reaching out, she placed her hand on my forehead. “Lauren, how long have you had this fever? You’re burning up.”

Taking in a shallow breath, I blew it back out. “A few hours, but I didn’t want to worry Colt. With practice and all. I’ve never had the flu hit me so hard . . . or so fast.”

“You think it’s the flu?” she asked as she looked at me closer.

Shrugging my shoulders, I closed my eyes. “I think. I’m so achy. My head hurts so bad and my neck . . . my neck hurts so bad.”

“Lauren, is the light bothering you? Are your eyes sensitive to it?”

Nodding my head, I barely said, “Yes. I’m just tired. I need to lie down.”

“Chuck! Chuck I need you to come here right away!” I heard Mrs. Johnston yelling.

A few second later I heard Colt’s coach. Opening my eyes, I saw him standing there. “What’s wrong?”

“Chuck, she needs to get to a hospital right away. She thinks she has the flu, but she has all the symptoms of meningitis.”

Hospital? No. No. I’m okay . . . the flu . . . I just have the flu.

I attempted to talk, but I suddenly felt so weak. “Colt,” I whispered.

Touching my forehead I heard the coach talking to his wife. “Get her to the car and get her over to Scott and White Hospital right away. I’ll get Colt and meet you there.”

Feeling myself being moved, I opened my eyes. “Lauren, sweetheart, you’re really sick. I’m going to take you to the hospital, okay?”

Licking my lips, I tried to talk but my mouth was so dry. “I think it’s just . . . the flu.”

My body was shaking and I had no way of controlling it. The more it shook the harder my head pounded and my neck hurt. Mrs. Johnston walked me up to her car and held the door open. I sat down and leaned my head back. Finally, I could rest my eyes.

“TWENTY-YEAR OLD FEMALE transferring to Brackenridge Hospital in Austin. Spinal tap shows bacterial meningitis, fever is one hundred and three, due to arrive in less than three minutes.”

Opening my eyes I tried to look around. “Where?”

A girl with bright green eyes smiled at me. “It’s okay, Lauren. You’re in an ambulance being taken to a hospital in Austin. You’re doing great sweetie. Just relax.”

Voices. All I heard were strangers’ voices. Opening my mouth I tried to speak but nothing would come out. I felt strange. Hot, but cold. Sore all over. What’s happening to me?


My hand tingled and a warm sensation moved through my hand up my arm. Colt’s voice swept through my body. “Sweetheart, I’m here. Lauren, I’m right here. Please, baby. Please open your eyes and look at me, Lauren.”

I tried so hard to open my eyes but I couldn’t. Why can’t I open my eyes?

Then I heard my mother’s voice. “Colt? We need to talk to you.”

Momma? Oh thank goodness. The sounds of my mother’s voice calmed me. She’ll put the wet cold washcloth on my forehead and I’ll feel better.

“Jessie, she said my name. She said my name.”

My heart felt like it was physically hurting. Colt’s voice was laced with fear.

“Colt, the doctors made us sign something.”

Was my mother crying? Why is she crying? It’s just the flu! Mom, I just have the flu!

“What . . . what did you sign?”

Sniffling, my mother started talking after the longest pause. “Her fever is now a hundred and five. They said her body could go into a coma and . . .”

Coma? My body was feeling funny as the voice of my mother slowly faded off into the distance.

Colt. I just needed Colt.

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