Holding You

Page 92

TINGLES. MY HAND was tingling. Colt. I could feel his warm breath on the back of my hand.

My sweet Lauren, open your eyes. Open your eyes and go back to him.

Slowly opening my eyes, I saw him. Leaning his head down, Colt had his lips to the back of my hand as he whispered against my skin.

“Baby, please. I want to hear your voice. I love you, Lauren. I love you so much and I’m not leaving until you wake up.”

Tears stung my eyes as I watched the man I love pouring his heart out to me.

Opening my mouth, I tried to speak but nothing would come out. Colt continued to speak against my skin that was now on fire from his touch.

“I’m so scared, sweetheart. Please, I beg you to wake up.”

My body felt so weak, but I needed to let him know I was here and I was never going to leave him. Lifting my hand, Colt jumped back as he stared down at my hand.

“I’m up,” I whispered as Colt snapped his head to look at me. Jumping up, Colt wiped his tears away. He stared at me for a few moments before he leaned over and pressed his lips to mine.

“I love you. Oh God, Lauren. I love you so much.”

Smiling against his warm soft lips, I whispered, “I love you more.”

Shaking his head he chuckled. “Never. Not possible, sweetheart.”

Colt’s blue eyes were red and the puffy dark circles told me he hadn’t been getting much sleep. How long had I been in the hospital?

Licking my lips, I tried to talk.

“Are you thirsty?” Colt asked.

Nodding my head, I looked around the room. No one else was in here but Colt. Holding up a glass and a straw, Colt spoke. “Just a small drink, baby. I’m not sure you can have anything yet. I need to get the nurse.”

Taking a small sip I let out a sigh. The cold water felt amazing as it slid down my throat to my stomach.

Speaking in a raspy voice, I asked, “How long have you been here, Colt?”

Smiling, he placed his hand on the side of my face and rubbed his thumb gently across my skin.

“You’ve been here at Brackenridge for four days.” Glancing up at the clock he looked back at me. “Five days actually.”

Swallowing, I closed my eyes, then opened them again. “You look so tired, Colt. Have you slept?”

Leaning over, he brushed his lips against mine. “I’m fine, sweetheart. Everything is fine now that you’ve come back to me.”

Smiling at him, it felt as if my heart was going to burst in my chest. This man, who I loved so very much, had stayed by my side the entire time. He was indeed the tick to my clock. My everything. “I’ll never leave you, Colt. Never.”

Colt started to walk away when I called out. “Wait. Don’t call anyone yet. I just want you to hold me. There was a moment when I felt like I was slipping away from you, but I closed my eyes and pictured you holding me. I could feel your warmth spreading through my body, pulling me to you.”

Colt quickly walked over as I attempted to move myself over some. Crawling into the bed with me, Colt moved tubes out of the way as he pulled me closer to him.

Gently kissing me on the forehead, Colt began to talk. “For a few minutes there I thought I was going to lose you, Lauren. I’d never felt so empty in my entire life.”

“I’m so sorry I scared you, Colt.”

Pressing his lips to my head, he said, “Sweetheart, I love you. Marry me, Lauren.”

Wait. What did he just say? Oh. My. Glitter. Pressing my lips together to contain my excitement, I slowly smiled. “What?” I asked in a whispered voice.

“Marry me. As soon as you get better and get out of here, let’s go off somewhere and get married. Let me make you mine. I don’t want to waste another minute, another second, in this life without you.”

I tried to absorb what Colt was saying. “You want to get married? What about school?” Then it hit me. Colt had been by my side this last week; that meant he must have missed a football game and practices. “The game?”

Colt’s head flinched back slightly. “The game? Lauren, this isn’t a game. I’m serious, I want to get married the moment you get out of this hospital and get your strength back.”

I began to blink rapidly in an attempt to hold back my tears.

Colt wants to marry me. Oh my. Mrs. Colt Mathews. Mrs. Lauren Mathews. That sounds so good. I feel like I should start practicing writing it down or something. I need paper right away.

“Lauren? Um, your silence is kind of scaring me.”

My body felt on fire as my stomach dipped and my heartbeat increased. Colt wants to marry me. Grinning, I looked into his eyes. God those blue eyes were able to drown out everything else in the world when I looked into them. “I know it’s not a game, I meant your football game, you missed it.”

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