Hopeless Magic

Page 11

"Ok, fine. I give up. Thanksgiving is a pointless human holiday. Blah, blah, blah. But I still plan on celebrating my pilgrim predecessors. Besides I think we all have plenty to be thankful for," I folded my arms stubbornly and looked towards a window opposite the approaching Kiran.

"By all means, I would never expect to deprive you of any of your desires, or wishes, Love," he stopped in front of me grinning, both hands on the counter, surrounding me by his overwhelming magical aura. The strength of his magic swirled and floated around me, tempting me to release mine; his soul called to mine in a love song of longing.

"Is that true?" I asked, a blush rising to my cheeks.

"Mmmm.... hmmm...." he pulled me into his arms and whatever irritation I felt before completely vanished inside the palpable energy field our mingled magics created. I felt him nuzzle his face into my hair and I found the courage to ask him the question I set out to in the first place.

"So, if you're obviously not doing anything for Thanksgiving, then will you come to my house? I'm making this huge dinner, with pie and turkey and everything," My voice was muffled because I had buried my face deep into the crook of his neck, but I had no doubt Kiran heard me. I stiffened in nervous anticipation, feeling as if I were requesting the world from him.

"Of course I'll come, I wouldn't miss it for anything," he assured me. I raised my head to confirm his authenticity. Once satisfied, I pulled his neck down so that my lips could meet his.

Once again tonight, I was lost in the wild passion of an intimate kiss with Kiran. Our mouths pressed fervently against one another, with our bodies impossibly melted together. A frenzied cloud of magic spun freely in a tornado-like fashion and I was convinced I would be swept away completely until....

"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Sebastian's satisfied voice echoed Kiran's English accent from the doorway and I cursed myself for getting so wrapped up inside Kiran's world. Sebastian had us exactly in the worst possible spot, but I was somehow sure this was exactly what he was hoping for.

Chapter Nine

Kiran's arms were wrapped tightly around me, his face a picture of confusion as he stared at the door, open mouthed. My back was to Sebastian who had just exposed our secret affair by rudely walking in on us. My fingers were tangled deeply inside Kiran's wavy locks and I did my best to think fast. I refused to lose Kiran to some creepy little spy, who didn't know how to knock.

I stamped my foot out of frustration and then it came to me. I clenched down on Kiran's ample head of hair and forcefully pulled back. After producing the expected "ow" I knew I could count on Kiran to deliver, I released my hold on his hair and smartly smacked him across the face. He was so stunned and bewildered all he could do was stare at me. I had to let out a small scream of frustration to hold back my laughter.

"How dare you Kiran Kendrick," I blurted out with the best impression of a damsel in distress I could muster. "You may be royalty but you are also engaged. There is no way in hell you can use me as some sort of entitled concubine to fulfill your sick fetishes. Get a life," I spat the words out with such venom, I actually felt guilty, but for the sake of our uninvited audience I pushed Kiran back with a little too much force and fled to Sebastian's side. "If you ever touch me again I will go straight to Seraphina and expose what kind of cheater you really are."

Once next to Sebastian, I intertwined my arm with his and laid my head sweetly on his shoulder. I swallowed the rising vomit and forced myself to forget what kind of person I was touching. Kiran still stood open-mouthed in the kitchen, trying to process my outburst, and rubbing his red cheek with his hand.

"Oh thank goodness you walked in when you did," I turned to give Sebastian a fearful look; remembering my frustrations from earlier to conjure the tears I had fought so hard to banish and forced myself to look into his shallow eyes.

"Thank goodness," he echoed, sounding half confused, half suspicious. "You'll have to forgive my cousin, he's used to getting exactly what he wants," Sebastian's suspicious stare turned from me to Kiran. Kiran looked at the ground, ashamed, or at least a very good impression of ashamed and played idly with the granite counter top. "Whatever you are thinking now Cousin, my intention wasn't to barge so impolitely into you little um, gathering, but to remind you of your commitment to the Club this evening. I'm afraid they have been waiting for half an hour already."

I watched Kiran out of the corner of my eye, realizing I didn't need to pretend to look confused. I decided the best course of action was for me to flee the scene immediately and so I enthusiastically unlinked my arm from Sebastian's and turned towards the door.

"Obviously, you have business. Thank you again Sebastian. I will see you tomorrow," I cleared my throat, hoping to escape without any more suspicion being raised.

"Eden, dear, why don't you accompany us?" Sebastian crushed all hope with one little politely-asked question and I swallowed my paranoia. I wondered what he was up to.

"Thank you, but I'd rather not," I shot Kiran a look of pure hatred; one that I was surprised came so easily. I told myself the hate was aimed at Sebastian, and promised I would make it up later.

"Really, I insist," Sebastian smiled, sending a shiver down my spine. "Kiran will leave you alone, now that he knows how you really feel. Besides, he'll have court all night anyway. I could use the company."

"Well, that sounds exciting; but I think I've actually been banned from Club Kiran," The irritation behind my voice was real after I remembered the embarrassing incident two months ago when my own grandfather had me exiled from the posh Immortal club, Kiran referred to as his American office.

"That's true, Sebastian. Eden was denied access after she broke in, in early September," Kiran joined the conversation, rubbing his head as if he was overly exhausted. He yawned widely and then stretched his arms high overhead, revealing a small amount of abdomen that I would have found completely sexy if it weren't for the third wheel in the room.

"Denied access? That doesn't sound like anything you can't clear up straight away. Unless, of course, you're too tired to go at all? You seem exhausted, Cousin; I could go in your place, if you need me to. If there was anything out of my jurisdiction I'm sure it can wait until you are feeling more up to the task," although Sebastian's words seemed self-serving and greedy, the compassion and concern in his tone was unmistakable. It would seem he actually did care about Kiran's well-being; I was sure however, his inflection was all part of a brilliant plan to manipulate and deceive.

"Thank you, Bastian, but the only thing that truly exhausts me is a prude, self-righteous woman," he grunted pointedly and although I knew it was all part of his act, I couldn't help but feel offended. I wasn't prude. I mean, there was nothing wrong with being prude. "I just need to change. If you'll excuse me."

Kiran left the room quickly, and I noticed him give me a sly sideways glance before disappearing into his room. I stood fidgeting, wishing I was stronger-willed and brave enough to just leave Sebastian staring after a dramatic exit. Sebastian turned to face me, and I realized with dismay that I had already lost this debate.

"Eden, I could really use the company," Sebastian smiled sweetly at me as if he was almost embarrassed to ask me to go with him. "You would be my personal guest," he placed his hand gently on my arm and I shivered from an unexplainable chill.

"Ok, Sebastian, if you insist," I masked my terror with a charming smile and swallowed. I expected an interesting night at least.

"All right, let's go then," Kiran walked out of his bedroom looking incredible. His hair, moments ago, loose and wild, was now slicked back revealing his perfectly formed face. He wore a navy blue sweater with a white dress shirt underneath and a pair of designer, loose fitting jeans. The clean cut preppy look suited him and although I had every detail of his face already memorized, I found myself staring.

I allowed the boys to lead the way and fell in step behind them. I was starting to realize that although at first the whole “star-crossed lovers” thing seemed forbidden and romantic, like an exotic love story or classic tale right out of a page of history, it was a lot more complicated and messy than I had ever wished for.

Talbott was waiting in the Rolls Royce downstairs. I protested riding in it, insisting that I take my own truck, but all three boys demanded that I ride with them, which turned out to be a waste of time anyway, since the club was located only three blocks away.

Once the car was parked, I followed them once again, but this time to the door of the secret Immortal club, located just south of the main downtown area. Kiran stood back and let Talbott open the main entrance door by firmly gripping the unique door knocker. The knocker was in the image of a golden snake wrapped around an apple. When Talbott placed his hand around the knocker, the snake and apple lit up into a strong golden glow, unlocking the door and allowing us passage.

Once behind the door, we walked down a long narrow hallway, surprisingly well-lit, with mahogany tables and black candelabras evenly spaced down the entire length. The carpet was a crimson red and soon my cheeks matched the color as I walked past the place on the wall where Kiran and I had shared our first kiss. After being forcefully asked to leave Kiran's private club, he had walked me to the door and without warning pushed me against the wall. He basically had his way with me, right in front of Amory, my grandfather. And, by have his way, in the total innocent, make out version.

At the second door, Talbott once again placed his hand firmly around another golden snake, this one much skinnier than the first and wrapped around a scroll. The knocker lit and glowed in the same fashion as the first one and we were once again allowed passage through the door. This door opened to a stone staircase, leading deep into the bowels of underground Omaha.

The club, as all of the Immortals referred to it, must have taken up the entire city block. Large, black chandeliers hung from the ceiling with dozens of long, cream candles lit on top of them. A long mahogany bar stood tall and took up the far corner of the large room. Immortals milled about the huge space everywhere, in groups of conversation and drinking all kinds of who-knew-what, in glasses of every shape and size.

As we descended the stairs, Sebastian linked arms with me and slowed our pace a little. I allowed the gesture, for appearances only, although I resented it. Last time I was here, I made a scene with Kiran. As of right now it was more important for me to put distance between us than show my malice towards Sebastian.

The room fell silent when Kiran's presence became known and I watched slightly horrified, but was mainly awed as the entire room bowed in unison when he reached the bottom stair. Kiran paused and allowed the gesture benevolently. He smiled generously and appeared almost humbled by the graciousness of his subjects. Eventually, he raised his hand and the room regained their upright posture.

A path was formed and Kiran was allowed entry without any physical contact from anyone. He made his way to a sidewall that I had yet to see, due to the masses of people standing in the way. Sebastian and I followed him and once we were through the people I realized there was an immaculate golden throne, sitting on top of a wide crimson riser.

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