Hot Ticket

Page 26

He nodded vigorously. She knelt over him and slid the crotch of her panties to one side. Before he could even comprehend what she was about to do, her hot pu**y sank down and his throbbing c**k was buried inside her. “Why do I want you so much? Tell me why. I don’t get it. I just don’t get it.”

Aggie rode him until she came, her body going rigid as she let go. She kissed his eyelids and pulled the cloth over his face again. She regained her footing and left him there, unfulfilled, bound, gagged, and flustered, with his c**k hard and his balls full and heavy. She showed Loser to the door, accepting his tribute, and showed another man into the sanctum. If she thought Jace was just going to lie there on the floor all night and watch her beat other men until they begged for her mercy, she had another thing coming. At least that’s what he was thinking before he watched the second guy beg for mercy after two lashes of Aggie’s bullwhip to the back. God, the look on her face when they submitted to her was the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen. She was all powerful—in total control.

A goddess. A demon. An angel.

Her submissives never saw that look. They were too busy staring at the floor or had their eyes squeezed shut tightly, but Jace saw it. When the second guy left, Aggie straddled Jace’s hips again and f**ked him until her next client arrived.

“As punishment for making me crazy, I’m going to keep you around to entertain me between sessions for the rest of the night,” she said.

Was this another lesson? Fuckin’ A—she was the best teacher he’d ever had.

Aggie leaned over him and whispered into his ear. “I usually have to get myself off in the back room if I get too worked up, but this is a lot more fun.”

For her, maybe. His c**k protested as she moved away again. Okay, he had to admit it. He was thoroughly enjoying this for some twisted reason. Not watching the guys being submissive to his sweet demon in leather, but watching her get off on it.

Too bad he’d never be able to give her the pleasure of his submission.

Chapter 11

Aggie almost fell off the stage when she recognized Jace sitting at a nearby table in a baseball cap and sunglasses. He should have known better than to come here. The club’s bouncers had long memories and short tempers.

She hopped off the stage and slid onto his lap. “What are you doing here?” she asked, doing her typical lap dance routine to keep the bouncers from getting suspicious.

“We’re leaving early in the morning,” Jace said. “Going back to LA. I wanted to say good-bye.”

She turned around, rubbing her ass against his crotch. “Will I get to see you again?”

“I’m sure I’ll turn up every now and then. Do you do this kind of thing a lot?”

“What kind of thing?”

“This lap dance stuff.”

“It’s part of my job, sugar.”

“Yeah, well…”

“You jealous?” she teased, turning to face him again. She didn’t know how he could possibly be jealous of anything she did after he’d survived watching her punish clients for over two hours and then still managed to f**k her properly after they’d all gone home. She’d never seen a man come so hard as he’d come last night.

He ducked his head. “Nah.”

“I’ll be finished in a few minutes. Meet me in the alley, and I’ll give you a proper good-bye.”

“This isn’t so bad as far as good-byes go.” He chanced a glance at her, grinning crookedly.

She leaned forward to give him a good view of her br**sts and traced the edge of his ear with her fingertips. “If this is enough of a good-bye for you, then—”

“I’ll meet you in the alley.”

She grinned at him and returned to the stage, cracking her whip at some pasty-faced businessman who was drooling all over himself and fluttering a twenty-dollar bill in her direction. The guy shuddered with a mixture of fear and excitement as the whip stirred his hair, but didn’t touch his skin. She should give him her card. Invite him to her sanctum of pain. Talk him into thinking he could take thirty minutes and break him in two. Easy money. She didn’t offer her services to him though. She wasn’t sure why she hesitated.

She glanced at Jace as she accepted the businessman’s cash between her br**sts, but Jace had already left. When her set ended, she hurried to the dressing room and slid a skirt on over her costume. It didn’t tone down her leather bustier and thigh-high boots much, but at least her ass was covered.

“Mel, I’m going on a break for about twenty minutes,” she called to one of the blonde twins who’d just come off stage. “Cover for me, ’kay?”

“No problem, Aggie.”

Aggie hurried out the back door to find Jace leaning against his motorcycle with his arms crossed over his chest. She lifted his visor when she stopped before him.

“I’m glad you came to say good-bye,” she whispered.

“Do you want to go for a ride?”

She glanced back at the building, fidgeting. She shouldn’t take more than a twenty-minute break this time of night, but she didn’t want to miss her chance to be with Jace. What if she never saw him again? “I don’t think I can be gone for long.”

“We can just ride around for a while.”

“I’d rather kiss you for a while,” she said, tilting her head to the side so she could kiss him inside his helmet.

“Kissing will be involved.”


“Among other things.”

She liked the sound of that. She kissed him again and stepped away so he could mount the bike. The Harley roared to life, and he extended a hand to help her climb on behind him. She molded herself to his back, loving the scent of his body mixed with the smell of leather. He drove to a secluded area far outside of town, turned off the bike, and shifted it back onto its kickstand. Roy was going to skin her alive for taking off like this. She should already be back at work by now.

She’d give herself the pleasure of Jace’s company for a minute more. Just a minute. She unzipped his jacket, her hands sliding over the T-shirt beneath the worn leather. She couldn’t get enough of his hard little body. She was so stupid about this guy. Dammit. Why did he make her feel so out of control? And why did she like it? Control had always been her forte.

He removed his helmet and stuck it on the end of his handlebars.

Looking up at the sky, he said, “You can see the stars out here away from the city lights.”

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