Hot Ticket

Page 37

“I did bring Jace’s favorite flail,” Aggie said. “It’s in my luggage. I’m sure you could use a good, hard beating.”

Eric’s eyes widened. “You’re joking.”

Aggie lifted her eyebrows. “Do I look like I’m joking?”

“Don’t worry. She won’t break the skin,” Jace mumbled.

“I think I’ll pass.” Eric scooted over a few inches and flopped onto his back to stare up at the ceiling. “I’m bored.”

Aggie snuggled closer to Jace. She was starting to think he could sleep through an earthquake.

“So Aggie, what do you like to do for fun?” Eric asked.

“Besides make men cry?”

He laughed uncomfortably. “Yeah, besides that.”

“She sews,” Jace murmured.


“Yeah, sews.”

“What? Like pot holders?”

“No, like leather corsets,” Aggie said.

“She makes them by hand and sews designs on them,” Jace said, starting to sound more alert now.

“Embroidery,” Aggie clarified.

“They’re works of art.” Jace’s hand stroked her hair lethargically. “And sexy.”

“Oh,” Eric said flatly. “Well, that gives me a boner. Now I’m bored and horny.”

“And I’m wide awake,” Jace said. “Time for you to leave.” He reached over Aggie and shoved Eric onto the floor.

Eric climbed to his feet and stood at the side of the bed with both hands resting on his narrow hips. “Why do I have to leave?”

“Because those plans I had with Aggie last night…”

“Destroy the hotel room in a lust-fueled frenzy of sex?”

“Yeah, those plans. I’m ready to get started now. We have a lot of making up to do before the concert tonight.”

Jace rose up on one elbow to stare down at Aggie with his most smoldering look. She smiled, knowing she was about to have a wonderful day. Rock on!

“So I’ll help you,” Eric offered. “I owe her too.”

“Get lost, Eric,” Aggie said, her body already thrumming with anticipation.

Jace lifted his gaze to Eric. “You heard the lady.”

“Aw, come on, little man. I’m dying here. Just let me watch a little.”

Jace shook his head. “Not this time. Now go away before I kick your ass.”

“Yeah, right.” But even as he said it, Eric reached for his shirt and tugged it on over his head. “I’m starving anyway. Who needs sex when you can have scrambled eggs?”

“I’ll see you at the arena,” Jace said.

Eric launched three pillows at them before showing himself to the door. “Don’t forget we have that thing to rehearse for Jessica.”

“I’ll be there.”

The door closed, and Jace turned his attention back to Aggie.

“What thing for Jessica?” she asked.

He smiled. “You’ll see. It’s a surprise. For everyone.”

“Eric’s a bit…” She scrunched her forehead, trying to think of the proper adjective.


“Yeah, I guess that’s the word.”

“Most geniuses are.”

“You think he’s a genius?” Aggie stuck a thumb in the direction of the door Eric had just exited.

“I know he’s a genius. I’ve seen him compose.”

“You’re the genius,” she whispered and tugged his lips to hers for a kiss.

“I really am sorry you had to bail me out of jail last night.” He trailed suckling kisses along her jaw.

“I’m glad you realize you can depend on me.”

He froze. There she went scaring him off again.

“But I do think you need to be punished for ruining my evening,” she added.

He relaxed again, took her hands in his, and drew her arms up over her head. “Later,” he said. “First, I need to offer my apologies. Consider every kiss an ‘I’m sorry.’”

It didn’t take her long to realize how very sorry he was.

Chapter 16

Aggie stood beside the stage on the stadium floor. Roadies and all five band members milled about in the darkness. It was almost time for Sinners to take the stage. She longed to grab Jace and plant a big wet kiss on his lips. He’d more than made up for that bail-me-out-of-jail incident, and she was primed to show her appreciation. After hours of apologies, she figured he’d be relaxed in her company. Just the opposite. As soon as she’d arrived at the arena, he had become withdrawn and skittered away if she even touched him. She blamed it on nerves. He didn’t seem to enjoy performing live.

“Are you sure you can sing, Sed?” some dark-haired roadie, adorned with more tattoos than all five band members combined, asked. Everyone was treating the vocalist like fragile glass. Apparently, no one trusted his throat was well enough for a show.

“Yeah, my doctor said singing was not a problem. I’m supposed to limit my screaming though, hence the violin.” He lifted a black, electric violin and drew a bow across the strings. It screeched in protest. “I’m still not sure how I’m supposed to hold a microphone and a violin at the same time.”

Someone squeezed Aggie’s shoulder. She turned to find Jessica beaming like a lighthouse beacon. “Aggie! It’s been ages. How are things?”

“Great. Anything new with you?”

She thrust her left hand in Aggie’s face and did an excited little dance while Aggie examined the small diamond engagement ring on her finger. “Sed and I got engaged last night.”

Aggie hugged her and didn’t mention bailing Jace and Eric out of jail because they’d helped make her over-the-top proposal happen. “I’m happy for you, sugar. I knew you and Sed still had a thing for each other.”

Jessica released Aggie and snagged her fiancé around the waist. She kissed Sed passionately before chastising him about taking it easy while singing and screaming onstage. Sed assured her that he was fine—his doctor had cleared him to do this concert—though no one looked convinced, least of all Jessica.

Someone cued the band. Jace pecked Aggie on the cheek as he passed her. She decided that was the most affection she’d get from him until they were alone.

A bass drum thudded repeatedly. The low, rhythmic sounds of a bass guitar filled the undertones of the song. Aggie held her breath in anticipation of the stage lights coming on so she could see Jace. Now all she could see were four sets of feet in a blue light that shone across the stage floor. A guitar wailed. The crowd cheered. The carried note of an electric violin screeched through the speakers. An astonished hush fell over the crowd. Bright lights bathed the stage. When the note came to an end, Sed held the violin and bow in one hand and plucked the microphone off its stand with his other to sing. The crowd’s enthusiasm increased throughout the song until Sed took to his violin again, grinding one long note against the strings, and the audience fell silent in shock. Aggie wasn’t sure what was going on.

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