Hot Ticket

Page 58

Two of the girls Jon had brought on the bus had fled. The other two were bent over Jon, trying to revive him.

“How old are you two?” Aggie asked.

“Eighteen,” they gushed in unison.

“Yeah, and I’m a black man with giant, hairy balls.” Their eyes drifted down her naked body. To check for giant, hairy balls, she supposed. “I think you two should go. I’ll take care of him.” Aggie took each girl by the arm and led them to the exit.

“Don’t make us go. We want to meet Trey.”

“Trey? Then why are you here with Jon?”

“He was the only one interested.”

Aggie grinned. “I see. That makes more sense. Maybe if you wait outside the bus for a while, Trey will show up and give you an autograph or something.” She hated to put Trey on the spot, but she didn’t want the guys to get in trouble for having underage girls on the bus, even if the pervert who’d planned to abuse them was out cold on the floor.

“That’s probably for the best.” The girl glanced down the aisle at Jon, who was still lying unmoving on the floor. She giggled. “Jace really knocked him out.”

“You know who Jace is?”

“Of course I know who Jace is. He’s the best bassist on the planet. I’m so sorry I didn’t get to see him onstage. He’s such a doll. So shy and cute. And cuuuute. And oh m’ God cute, eh.” She grinned and hugged herself. “Sed said he was sick, so Jon was filling in.”

Aggie averted her gaze. “Something like that.”

“Tell Jace I hope he gets over his explosive diarrhea quickly.”

Aggie’s eyes widened, and then she burst out laughing. “Is that what Sed told everyone?”

“Was he teasing us?”

Aggie wiped her eyes with the back of her hand. “Yeah, Sed was teasing you. Jace’s right arm is injured, but I’m sure he will be back onstage in no time.”

The girl gave Jon one last disappointed look and then hopped down the bus steps.

Eric paused outside the door, looking the young girl over with confusion. “I thought you were with Jon tonight.”

“Jon isn’t with anyone tonight,” Aggie said. “Except the floor.”

“Jace knocked him out cold,” the girl added and then giggled.

“No shit?” Eric climbed the steps and stood at the end of the aisle. “Is he still breathing?” He wrapped an arm around Aggie, his hand skimming over the bare skin of her hip. Aggie shrugged out of his grasp.

“I didn’t check,” Aggie admitted. She honestly didn’t much care.

“And where’s Jace?”

“He’s resting in his bunk. I wouldn’t bother him. He’s a teensy bit cranky.”

Eric moved down the corridor and worked at reviving Jon. Aggie slipped past them to find some clothes. When she returned, she paused to watch Eric slap Jon’s cheeks.

“Fuck!” Jon complained as he concentrated on opening his eyes.

“I told you not to mess with Jace,” Eric said.

“You mess with Jace.”

“That’s different. He likes me. He hates your f**king guts.”

Jon rubbed his bruised jaw. “That’s obvious. Geez, I can’t even joke around with him.”

“You weren’t joking around with him.” Aggie crossed her arms over her chest. “You were being an ass**le, and he called you on it.”

“Whatever.” Jon took Eric’s offered hand and pulled himself to his feet. He glanced around the bus. “Where’d my girls go?”

“Hopefully back to their parents. I think it’s past their bedtime,” Aggie said.

Jon’s eyes narrowed. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

“They couldn’t have been much over sixteen.”


Aggie wrinkled her nose in disgust. “Pig.”


“Will you all shut the f**k up?” Jace bellowed. “I’m trying to sleep.”

“You might as well take the bedroom,” Jon grumbled. “You completely messed up my plans for the evening.”

Jace hopped out of his bunk and headed to the back bedroom.

“You messed up my plans for the evening as well, little man,” Eric said.

Jace glanced over his shoulder at Eric. “You didn’t really want to watch him violate four young girls.”

Eric grinned. “Let me watch you do Aggie next time, and I’ll forgive you.”

“I don’t think you’ll be able to handle it.”

Aggie scratched her head. What were these guys talking about?

“Try me,” Eric challenged.

“That’s up to Aggie,” Jace said and entered the bedroom. He removed his clothes and climbed into bed.

Eric clasped his hands together in front of his chest. “Please let me watch, Aggie. I’ll stay out of the way.”

“Watch? Watch what?”

He wrapped an arm around her shoulders. “Watch you and Jace have sex, what else?”

“He’s in no condition for sex tonight,” she said.

Eric’s breath caught. “You didn’t say no.”

“I didn’t say yes either.” Something about the hungry look in Eric’s bright blue eyes had Aggie’s juices flowing again.

Chapter 33

Aggie opened her eyes to Eric’s inquisitive gaze. “Are you awake?”

She started and covered her eyes with a pillow. “Jeez, how can I sleep with you staring at me like that?”

“You didn’t have a problem for the past hour.”

“You’ve been watching me sleep for an hour?”

“Uh huh.”

“Eric, you have a problem.”

“I am well aware of that. I’m ready.”

“For what?”

“To watch.”

“This kind of takes the spontaneity and romance out of the act, you know?”

Eric leaned back and sat on the floor with his back against the wall. “Just pretend I’m not here.”

“Yeah, like that’s possible.”

Jace spooned up against her back. “It’s early,” he murmured.

She turned her head to look at him. His lips curled into a gentle smile, but he kept his eyes closed.

“Sorry. Did I wake you?” she asked.

“Yes. You know I’m not a morning person.”

His hands moved to cup her br**sts. Apparently, he wasn’t aware of Eric’s presence. She wasn’t sure why the thought of Eric watching had her hot and bothered. She’d had some wild times in sex parlors in her youth, but she hadn’t done it in front of an audience for years. She’d gotten a certain level of excitement back in the day, knowing other people could see her performing sexual acts and having acts performed on her. Those had been strangers though. This was different. She’d have to look Eric in the eye after this was over.

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