Hot Ticket

Page 88

Brian laughed and tugged her toward the bus steps. “Now we wouldn’t want that, sweetheart. Eric, would you mind paying the driver and getting Myrna’s luggage from the trunk?” He said this without taking his eyes off his wife.

“I suppose,” Eric said with a knowing grin.

The couple disappeared into the bus.

“Hi, Myrna!” Jessica said inside the bus. “How have you been?”

“We’ll catch up later, Jess.”

A moment later Jessica stumbled down the stairs, a blush staining her cheeks. “They made it as far as the sofa,” she murmured.

“Oh hell yes,” Eric said and entered the bus with Myrna’s suitcase in hand. He didn’t return. No doubt, he found a new couple to watch.

“So what do we do now?” Aggie asked.

“Looks like we’ve been banished to the pigsty bus.” Jessica shuddered and rubbed her hands over her bare arms. Southern California girls did not have wardrobes suitable for Canadian autumns.

Sed and Jace came around the equipment truck, their bodies slick with sweat. Both looked entirely f**kable. Aggie wasn’t the only one to notice. Jessica produced a sound somewhere between a growl and a purr.

“Why are you two standing out here by yourselves?” Sed asked, drawing Jessica against his body and doing something to her ear that made her shiver with something other than cold.

Aggie glanced around. They were by themselves. Jon had apparently slinked off somewhere again. Someone slammed the back door of the equipment truck. “We’ll see you in Montreal,” the roadie, Travis, called before climbing in the cab and pulling out of the roadside stop. A moment later, the pigsty bus followed, leaving them to stand there in the chill.

“Brian and Myrna have commandeered the living area of the bus,” Jessica said. She traced a bead of sweat down the side of Sed’s neck with one finger until it disappeared into the low neckline of his white tank top.

“Does that mean the bedroom is available?” Sed said in a low growl.

Eric poked his head out of the open bus door. “Aggie, Brian wants to see you.”

Aggie’s brow knitted with confusion. She touched a hand to the center of her chest. “Me?”

“I think you’ve been volunteered for one of Myrna’s sexual exploration experiments.”

Chapter 37

Aggie climbed the bus steps and found Brian and Myrna breathless on the sofa, still fully clothed, looking simultaneously hungry and satisfied. Myrna was straddling Brian’s lap, her skirt hiked up around her waist, his c**k buried inside her. He was whispering, “I love you,” into her ear repeatedly.

“Eric said you wanted to see me,” Aggie said.

“Do you do couples?” Myrna asked.

Aggie’s hackles rose. “Do I do couples?”

“She doesn’t mean it like that,” Brian said, dropping a tender kiss on his wife’s temple. “She means do you instruct couples on the proper way to, you know… do what you do?”


Oh, yeah…

Every nerve in Aggie’s body shifted into high alert as Mistress V clamored to be set free. She loved working with couples. Teaching them. Helping them explore their dark sensuality together. It was her favorite thing to do in the dungeon. Unfortunately, it wasn’t possible here. “There really isn’t the space to do this properly, especially when the bus is in motion,” she said. “When we get back home, I’ll invite you over for some couple’s therapy.”

“And us too?” Sed asked from the front of the bus. Jessica’s head snapped up to stare at him in surprise. He wrapped an arm around her as the bus started forward and eased onto the highway.

“Sure,” Aggie said. “I love to see big, tough guys beg for mercy.”

“And I get to watch, right?” Eric said.

“And they’ll all practice their techniques on me, right?” Jace murmured.

Aggie chuckled. “You’d like that, wouldn’t you?”

Jace nodded eagerly.

“We should go into business together, sweetheart. We’d have quite the partnership. I’d get to boss a bunch of dommes around, which is so much more fun than watching men crawl around at my boots. You’d get all the pain you could ever want. We’d be in seventh heaven.”

He stroked her hair from her cheek tenderly. “I’m already there.”

“Hey guys!” Dave shouted from the driver’s seat. “It’s snowing.”

Aggie had never seen snow fall.

She rushed to the front of the bus to stare at the gray sky. Large, fluffy snowflakes flew toward the wide windshield, accumulating on the wipers and slowly painting the desolate landscape white.

“It’s beautiful!” she said, watching the flakes zoom toward them. “It looks like we’re traveling in space at warp speed.”

“Are we going to make it to Montreal on time, Dave?” Sed asked as his brow furrowed with concern.

Coming to stand behind her, Jace wrapped both arms around Aggie’s waist and rested his chin on her shoulder to watch the snow through the windshield. She covered his hands with hers and relaxed against him. A few weeks ago, he never would have embraced her in front of the guys. He’d grown so much since she’d forced her way into his life, but not half as much as she had.

Dave’s attention drifted to his speedometer. “We should. Do you want me to push the pedal to the metal?”

“Are the roads slick?”

“Not yet,” Dave said.

“Better safe than sorry,” Eric called from the dining area. He leaned against the counter and pulled his lucky rabbit’s foot out of his pocket to rub it with his thumbs. He kissed it seven times for good measure.

“What the f**k is that?” Myrna yelled.

Aggie could hear her even through the closed bedroom door, where she and her husband had disappeared to continue catching up. Brian said something in response to his wife that Aggie couldn’t make out, but he sounded apologetic.

The bedroom door burst open. “Eric Sticks, I’m going to f**king kick your ass,” Myrna bellowed. She had lost her jacket and blouse but didn’t seem to care that everyone on the bus could see her bra.

Eric grabbed Jessica, who had been kneeling in a captain’s chair snow-gazing along the side of the bus. Eric used her as his human shield. “What did I do, Myrna?”

“How could you? On his ass, Eric. Brian has a f**king kitten riding on a unicorn permanently etched on his ass!”

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