Immortal Hearts

Chapter 21 Vampire Kisses

I awoke with a start with bats fluttering in my stomach. It was the day of the covenant ceremony - the day I'd always dreamed of. I had barely slept the night before and I knew my eyelids must have been droopy. I splashed water on them to try to revive my face. I drank my coffee and paid pleasantries to my family. But I couldn't even call Alexander. I knew he was lying in his coffin - like I would be only a day from now. My life would finally be different.

I called Becky and she tried to calm my nerves. I paced and watched the clock. When would the sun set? Why was it taking so long? I decided to try to enjoy my last hours of sunlight and hung outside on our swing, soaking in my last few rays. But I was still preoccupied by the sun's slow descent. The minutes seemed like an eternity.

An hour later, I heard my mom call me from inside. I left the sun and came in.

My parents were leaving for a dinner with friends. They were gathering their coats from the hall closet. Before they headed out, I stopped them.

"Wait," I said. I rushed over and gave them each a hug. The next time they saw me, I'd be a vampire.

"Why are you acting so strangely?" my mom asked. "You've been preoccupied all day and hanging by yourself outside. It's not like you. Are you and Alexander okay?"

"We've never been better," I told her. "Truly."

"Then why all the affection?" my dad asked. "You must be up to something..."

"I just want to say how much I love you guys." I really looked at my parents, gazed into their eyes, and gave them a warm smile.

"Are you okay?" my dad asked. "Do you have a fever?"

"I'm perfect," I replied with a grin. "I've never felt happier in my life."

"Well, I'm glad you're so happy," my mom said, and gave me another hug. I hugged her back with all my might.

"I am, too," my dad remarked, and kissed me on the forehead.

I waved as my parents headed out the door. Once they had left for dinner, I began to get ready for my big night. I took an extra-long shower and lathered myself with the sweetest of scents. I dried my hair and did my best to rid it of any imperfections. I headed for my room and put on my dress. It would be the last time I could see my reflection, and I wanted to make the most of it. I laced up my corset bodice and fluffed up the flowing skirt. I wore dark tights and studded platform heels. I drew on my gloves and added an oversized skull ring and a silver thumb ring to my right hand. I layered my wrists with several rubber, leather, and dangling bracelets. I touched up my eyes with heavy liner and shadow. I painted my lips with black lipstick. I stared at my reflection. For the first time in my life, I really felt beautiful.

I pressed my lips to the corner of the mirror, leaving a dark kiss to remind me of who I was leaving behind and who I was going to become.

I was hurrying down the staircase when Billy came in from the family room.

"Why are you so dressed up?" he wondered.

"I thought you were going to Henry's," I said. I wasn't expecting to see my brother. I hope his questions weren't going to delay me.

"He's coming here," he said.

"I'm going out," I said.

"What are you up to? What's going on?" he asked.

"Nothing. I dress like this every day."

"Not that fancy. Where are you going dressed like that?" he asked skeptically.

"Why, the cemetery, of course."

As I reached the door, I stopped. I turned and gave my baby brother a huge squeeze.

"Get off," he said. "What's wrong with you?"

"Nothing's wrong. Everything is right. Finally," I said, "everything is right."

Alexander was going to take care of all the covenant altar amenities, and Becky and Stormy were going to meet me at the cemetery with a basket of black roses.

I was usually late to school, but for this I was early. Neither Becky's truck nor Alexander's Mercedes were parked at the cemetery yet.

I did my best to climb the fence and not snag any of the lace or seams of my dress. Once I was safely over, I breathed in the cool night air and took in my surroundings as if I were in the cemetery for the first time.

The tombstones seemed to be welcoming me, and the stars appeared to have an extra twinkle.

I felt a warmth come over me as if I was doing what I was meant to be doing my whole life. I'd waited for this moment since I was a little girl, so I took in the sights and sounds around me. It was quiet and eerie, and the crisp night air gave me an extra chill. I was loving it.

This was my night. Our night. And I felt like I couldn't get to the altar fast enough.

Glistening candles began to illuminate my way to Alexander's grandmother's modmoightnument, and my heart was beating in overdrive with excitement. Next to the statuesque monument was the enchanting covenant altar. It was spectacular. Dozens of candles lay in a circle around it. Ivy wound itself through the dark wrought-iron trestle. A black coffin lay underneath with a lit candelabra and two pewter goblets. I only needed Alexander.

And then I saw him: a dark-haired figure with his back toward me in the distance just behind one of the sides of the trestle. He must have been making the final touches for our ceremony. I raced over to him. I took a deep breath. This was the moment I'd waited for all my life.

When I reached Alexander, he turned around.

I gasped in horror. Green eyes were staring back at me. It couldn't be. Not tonight. Not this night.

Trevor Mitchell was as gothed up as I was. His normally model-blond hair was newly dyed jet black and was gelled up and spiky. Several silver-studded earrings flashed from his earlobes. His fingernails were painted black. And he wore a menacing grin.

He leaned on the trestle as if he owned the cemetery. "It's what you've always wanted, Monster Girl." I was stunned. First of all, I was expecting Alexander. And second, not in my wildest imagination was I ever expecting to see Trevor Mitchell dressed this way.

Trevor was hot and seductive. Part of the attraction I had felt for him before had been that we were opposites. However, with him staring back at me while dressed like a gorgeous goth, it was hard for me to take my eyes off him.

But as attractive as he was, he wasn't the reason I was here.

"What are you doing here?" I asked. "Where is Alexander?"

"That isn't important now."

"You need to leave. Like now," I urged.

"I'm right where I need to be," he said.

"How did you know about this?" I asked.

"I have my sources."

I paused. Who could have told him? Becky, but she wasn't even here yet. Sebastian? Did he have loose lips after all? "You don't even know what this is about," I challenged him.

"I do," he said confidently. "It's about becoming a vampire."

"What?" I was even more shocked. And slightly frightened that Trevor knew why I was here.

He grinned down at me. "It's why Jagger took you up on the altar - and Luna did with Sebastian. It's about bonding with another for eternity. On sacred ground.

And this place is sacred enough for a hundred humans to turn into vampires."

I was even more taken aback by his knowledge of the evening. "Who told you that?" I asked.

"I told you, I have my resources. Or, rather, vampires."

"Scarlet?" I wondered. She wasn't likely to tell. Or was she? "But she didn't even know about tonight."

"Look what I've done for you." He rolled up his black sleeve. It was a tattoo of a raven.

"It's permanent," he said. "And I'm hoping we'll be, too."

I stared at his tattoo. What was Trevor doing? And what was he suggesting?

"What are you doing here?" I yelled. "Trying to ruin my night?"

"No," he said. "Trying to make it last forever."

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I shouted. "You aren't even a vampire!" Then his fangs flashed in the full moonlight.

I gasped again and stepped back. "No ... this can't be! You can't be."

I was living a nightmare. Trevor Mitchell, my nemesis, a vampire? And we were standing together on sacred ground.

I picked up my dress and inched back. "Who turned you?" I asked, breathless.

"That doesn't matter now. It's time to be talking about us. You and me. And eternity."

"There is no you and me!" I stepped back again, but he drew closer.

"I think there is." He took my arm and pulled me in to him and laid a riveting kiss on me. I was shocked and, for a moment, lost in the embrace. I felt like I had more than a year ago when he kissed me on the lawn of the Mansion on Halloween and several times before. He knew how to kiss and make a girl feel happy against his lips, but it was hard to see into his soul - if he had one. Tonight I felt something even deeper. I really felt in his lips that there was something more to his feelings than trying to seduce the goth girl. I felt that he loved me.

I wanted him to leave. I had assumed the Maxwells might have disrupted our evening, but I'd forgotten about the bigger threat - Trevor Mitchell. Though he was attractive and we had a lifelonghadleave. I connection, I was angry and sad for him that he was spoiling my big night. On my end, I was kissing the Monster good-bye.

I pushed his face away from me.

It was the one night I'd thought I didn't need my garlic. I didn't have anything to defend myself but me. I had to get him off of me and escape this situation. I kicked him in the shins as hard as I could. They must have taken a beating over the years of playing soccer, because he winced in pain and drew back, though he kept a tight hold of my arm.

I bared my teeth and was ready to bite at his arm when I saw a commotion by the tomb.

"I thought you were waiting for me - " Becky said as she approached the altar with Matt at her side.

"I am! This is Trevor!" I yelled to her. "Not Alexander."

I heard her gasp. "No - it can't be!"

Stormy emerged, holding her black satin basket of flowers. "I told Alexander he couldn't trust that guy! What is he doing up there?"

"What is he doing here?" Vibrant red hair came out from the shadows by the tomb. Scarlet's angry face matched the color of her hair.

I was surprised to see Scarlet. It was one thing to see Matt, but Trevor and now Scarlet, too?

"This was supposed to be private," I mumbled. "What is going on?"

"Why is Trevor up there with you?" Scarlet asked me.

A surprised Sebastian stepped out, too, into the moonlight along with Onyx.

"He's a vampire," I said to her, "and now he plans to turn me."

"No - " she said. "It's not true! Don't listen to him!"

Trevor gripped my arm even harder.

"Then if you didn't, who did?" I asked her.

Just then a pink-haired girl stepped out of the shadows.

"Luna!" I said. "You never quit, do you!"

She seemed shocked to see Trevor up at the altar, just as I was shocked to see everyone here at the cemetery.

"But I do!" she said. "I don't know what you're talking about. Why is Trevor here?" Romeo had been holding her hand, but then he moved away. "You turned him?"

"Of course not!" She grabbed his hand and pulled him back to her. "I thought she was going to be here with Alexander." Jagger and Valentine appeared, too, seemingly shocked by Trevor and me at the covenant altar.

Trevor continued to grip my arm. I didn't feel the physical pain of his grasp as much as the emotional one of him threatening to bite me.

"Well, he's a vampire now and thinks he's going to turn me!" I shouted to them.

"No - " Becky said. "She was waiting for Alexander!"

"You can't do that!" Sebastian yelled to Trevor.

"This got out of hand!" Becky said. "I'm sorry, Raven, I only told Matt about tonight."

"Well, word travels fast in a small town, Monster Girl," Trevor said, drawing me close to his side.

"Let go," I said to him, "or I'll be going for your jugular!"

Trevor looked at his new audience - who were only a few yards away. It was hard to make them out from the flickering lights surrounding us. But when our eyes adjusted, it was clear. Everyone was stunned and didn't know what to do. My nemesis was brimming with confidence and pride. Then he looked at me. "I'm going to prove to you and everyone else that it's me you really want."

Trevor grinned madly and showed his fangs. He leaned back, ready to bite my neck. I was ready to kick, punch, and scratch my way out when I saw, out of the corner of my eye, Jagger and Sebastian rushing toward us.

All of a sudden a force from behind me pushed through us, and Trevor was thrown a few yards away from me and was lying by a tombstone as I fell back on the ground.

I looked up when a strong hand reached out to me. On it was a familiar spider ring.

I was overcome with emotion. "Alexander!" I exclaimed.

He appeared out of the night, shined a brilliant smile, and took my hand. Alexander was as gorgeous as I'd ever seen him. His black hair flopped over his chocolate-colored eyes and hung down seductively. He was a magnetic presence in a dark silk suit, blood-red tie, and matching pocket handkerchief. He helped me to my feet and gazed at me in my dress.

He really examined me and lit up with delight. "You are breathtaking," he said. "I couldn't hI cned madlave imagined you any more beautiful than you are now."

I was so pleased with his reaction and stared up at the handsome vampire before me.

"Are you okay?" Alexander asked.

"I am now," I said, squeezing his hand.

"It was supposed to be just us," he said with a sweet smile as Jagger and Sebastian returned to the watching crowd.

"I know. I guess everyone found out. But there was one person who I didn't ever think would be here." We both looked to Trevor, who had just gotten back on his feet.

"Don't even think about it - " Alexander said to him angrily. Then he looked at me with soft and engaging eyes. "I have had just about enough of other guys trying to turn you, Raven. There is only one vampire who will," he said confidently. "The one who you were always meant for - me." I melted inside. Alexander was as dreamy as ever.

"I want to ask you one more time," he said, pulling me close. "Is this what you truly want?"

"Yes!" I assured him.

"It's not too late to turn back," he said.

"Don't even think about it."

He smiled an alluring smile. I could think of nothing else but being with him forever.

My hands began to shake, but Alexander took them in his and drew me closer still.

"No!" Trevor cried. "Don't!" He fell to his knees, his right hand opening, revealing two fake fangs.

Trevor hadn't been turned. I should have known. He was just trying to stop me from being with Alexander.

For a moment, I felt for my nemesis, who had tried to declare his love for me and prove to everyone that it was he whom I belonged with. But I didn't belong with him. And that kiss that we had just shared was, for me, a kiss good-bye.

I glanced at the crowd of friends all warmly watching me. Becky, with joyful tears in her eyes, leaning against a handsome Matt; Sebastian, with his arm around Onyx; Luna, holding hands with Romeo. Scarlet looked as happy for us as she was angry at Trevor. Jagger, whose elbow rested on Valentine's shoulder, gave us a friendly nod. Then I saw a familiar threesome: my brother, Billy, with his best friend, Henry, and a grinning, adorable Stormy.

Alexander nodded to his sister, and she and Becky came toward us. Stormy sprinkled the flowers around us and the coffin, and Becky fanned out my dress.

Then they both stepped back.

Alexander said a few beautiful words in Romanian, and we both sipped from the goblet.

Then I gazed up at Alexander - my gothic prince, my knight of the night. My true love.

He looked into my eyes and I knew the time was right. This moment we both were ready. And we both beamed happily.

"I will love you for all of eternity," he said.

He gently brushed a few strands of hair away from my shoulder. Chills danced along my flesh from his touch. He smiled and drew me close, then leaned in to me. He slid his fangs against my neck ever so slowly, causing my heart to race in anticipation. Then, as if they were always meant to be there, his fangs gently pierced my neck. They slid into my flesh like a thousand kisses on wanton lips. It was as if he was breathing new life into my veins. I felt euphoria soar through my whole being. My skin tingled, my senses were heightened, my heart flooded with love. Then, when he drew my blood as his own, I could feel him breathe me into him. It was truly magical, like he was drinking in my soul. I couldn't have imagined such an amazing feeling and here it was, coursing through my every cell. We were finally one. I wasn't undead. In fact, I felt more alive than I ever had before.

I was electrified. I was filled with true love.

He smiled a brilliant smile and licked the remaining blood from his lips. I could smell it. It was sweet, like honey. And suddenly I craved his blood, as if in his veins flowed the most delicious nourishment.

He squeezed my hands affectionately, and he then leaned in to me again and we kissed for an eternity. We both were consumed with bliss.

As we drew apart, I realized I could hear noises that I hadn't detected before, the sounds of birds and bats far away. The moonlight was brighter than I remembered, and I could feel it dancing on my skin. And I could see through the night - dusk instead of complete darkness - trees and tombstones once out of view after sunset were now visible.

I slid my tongue gently along my teeth and I felt something I'd never felt before - two pointy fangs. I was overcome with joy.

Alexander and I were connected in a much deeper way than we ever had been. I was truly bonded to him, as if our two hearts beat in rhythm and our blood circulated in harmony. It was like being one. We embraced, and then he held me in his arms. I melted against him and gazed into his dreamy eyes as he joyously gazed back into mine, cherishing what he did for me - what he did for us.

We turned back to our friends and family, who appeared as haapp't ppy for me as I was. I knew I was the same person - but I was transformed. I was now a vampire.

Once again I remembered the time my kindergarten teacher had asked me what I wanted to be when I grew up and I had told her emphatically, "A vampire." If only she could see me now.

This was the life I'd always wanted and the life I was thirsting to live. And I couldn't wait to begin it as a vampire in the Mansion on top of Benson Hill with my true love, my handsome and mysterious vampire, Alexander Sterling, for all of eternity.

The End
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