In Deep Kimchi

Chapter Fifteen

"How was the concert?" Shaundra asked Ichiro as she rode in a car next to him unaccompanied by guards. Ichiro was looking kawaii in a dark brown suit, creme-colored dress shirt and dark brown tie.

"A huge success," he replied as he maneuvered his way through traffic. He was a really good driver and the little black sports car had a lot of horsepower. She smiled. Ichiro was a man of many surprises. "Another sold out concert. Mr. Niigata should be proud."

She rode in silence for a moment, but curiosity got the best of her.

"Are you supposed to be out here driving unchaperoned?"

"No," he answered. "Mr. Niigata would have a fit if he knew."

"But you're out here anyway and rented a sensational sports car, as well. I don't know why I thought you guys couldn't drive. Must be the fact that Kenshin is always chauffeuring you around."

"Yes, we all know how to drive. As for the other answer, I was in the mood to take a chance. Sometimes it's good to do things out of the norm.

Besides, I am a grown man. Having a contract does not make a person a slave."

How well she knew that. "I'm not complaining. I think it's nice." She settled back against the soft leather seat while he put a CD into the player.

His music choice surprised her. It was Lionel Ritchie. "Ooh, I like Lionel Ritchie."

"I know," Ichiro replied as he left the bridge they were crossing and drove onto an open highway. "I've read your biography on Facebook and MySpace. You also like Barry White, Elton John and the Beatles."

"You pronounce their names so precise. How long have you been studying English?"

"Fifteen years. Satoshi began teaching us when the group formed and then we had formal lessons. Mr. Niigata has been preparing us for years for our United States debut."

"How many other languages can you speak?"

"Too many," he replied with a smile. "Sometimes I get mixed up.

We've traveled so many places. But I like English and I can't wait to visit the United States. We'll be there for several months and then we'll return back to Osaka."

"I wished I had time to see Osaka. I've heard some really nice things about it."

"We can sneak back there before the tour or you can extend your stay and travel back with us when we return."

"Tempting, but I need to check on my home and family."

"Maybe on your next visit then."

Shaundra laughed. "I had to be drugged and put on a plane to come here. I don't really know if I want to go through that again."

Ichiro chuckled as he drove. "I heard the story from Masaaki. I got a big laugh out of it."

"Yes, it did make an amusing tale."

"Why are you afraid to fly?"

"I don't think I have a fear of flying. I think it is more like a fear of dying."

"Everyone has to die."

"I know but I plan to go in my sleep. Falling thirty thousand feet is not an appealing way to meet my maker."

He turned the car into a parking lot of a restaurant. The building was large and had a black, sloping, slate Japanese-styled roof, common to most buildings she'd seen. There were several cars, but not overly crowded.

Ichiro turned off the engine, got out, walked around to her side of the car and helped her out.

"What is this place?"

"It's called Daisuke's. It belongs to a friend of mine."

They walked up the stairs and Ichiro held the door open for her to enter. It was like stepping back into history. The restaurant resembled an ancient Japanese eatery with rustic posts and windows. The dark walls had weapons and armor and old war costumes. Japanese lanterns hung from the ceiling that gave it a warm and semi-dark atmosphere. The waiters and waitresses wore kimonos. The men's were black and the women wore bright red. The diners sat on the floor on pillows with short little tables before them. A waitress appeared and joked with Ichiro in Japanese as she led them through the restaurant. Women gasped as they recognized him.

They bowed respectfully and one or two of them smiled brazenly even though Shaundra accompanied him. She was hit by a tinge of jealousy she didn't expect, but quickly dispelled it. Other women ogling him was something she had to get used to if she planned to be in his company.

A man dressed in a white chef's outfit appeared out of the kitchen door. He grabbed Ichiro and hugged him, which looked a bit odd because the man was shorter than Ichiro. They spoke to each other in Japanese.

More and more, she regretted barely picking up the book Harper had given her to study.

Ichiro pulled her forward. "Sensei, this is my friend, Shaundra Morrison. She is a writer from America who has come to Tokyo to help Mr. Niigata open his new publishing company." The man bowed before her. "Always nice to meet a friend of Ichiro,"

the man said in English.

Sensei, that means teacher. Shaundra bowed back.

"This is Mr. Daisuke, my cooking mentor."

Shaundra bowed again. "Pleased to meet you. I don't speak Japanese."

Mr. Daisuke laughed. "Leave it to Ichiro to fall in love with the only woman in Tokyo who does not speak Japanese."

"Ichiro's not in love with me," Shaundra replied.

"Oh, no. You're the first woman he's ever brought to my restaurant."

"That doesn't mean..."

Ichiro stopped her. "Ms. Morrison and I are friends."

Mr. Daisuke laughed again. "Yes, if you say so." Behind him, the kitchen cooks were busy preparing meals in huge woks and roasting meat on large spits.

"Something smells delicious," Shaundra said, trying to change the subject.

"The cooks have been working hard all day since they found out that Ichiro was coming. I always tell them that he was my finest student before he got into singing. They prepare good meals to impress him." The master chef turned to the waitress that had returned. "Put Mr. Yoshida in a private dining room. He is on a date and he needs privacy."

Shaundra smiled.

The waitress smiled back and nodded excitedly. "This way, please."

Shaundra followed the young woman down the hall to another room.

This one was smaller and out of the way of any disturbance. There were pillows on the floor that caused her some concern. Tan Japanese lanterns hung from the ceiling to give it a romantic atmosphere. Ichiro said something to her and the young woman bowed and left.

"This is nice," Shaundra said. Ichiro helped her down onto the pillows.

The skirt she wore rose up on her hips and she had to shift her weight to pull the hem down her thighs. The act did not go unnoticed by Ichiro.

"You have very beautiful legs."

"Thanks." It would have been easier to put them under the table if it had legs, which it didn't, so she had the choice of either kneeling or sitting sideways to keep from flashing Ichiro. She opted for the side sitting.

Ichiro sat cross-legged on the other side of the table.

The waitress returned carrying a tray with a decanter and two small cups. She poured some of the liquid into the cups, and then placed the decanter in front of Ichiro. She left the room again.

"What is this?"

"Sake," Ichiro answered, picking up the tiny cup and sipping. "It is a very smooth drink."

Shaundra picked up the cup and sampled. It was warm and possibly the worst thing she'd ever tasted.

Ichiro laughed. "It is an acquired taste." He polished off his drink and then reclined on the pillows to watch her.

God, he truly looked scrumptious, she thought. She unloosened his hair with her mind, imagining it sprawled out on her pillow. She sipped the sake again and made a face.

Ichiro chuckled. "It's not supposed to be served when you're having rice, but Mr. Daisuke knows that I like it."

"Why not?"

"Because it is considered equal to a rice dish, so usually, you don't have the two at the same time."

"I will remember that."

He continued to watch her. "What are you thinking?"

"About how your hair would look spread out on my pillow."

Ichiro raised an eyebrow. "I did not expect you to say that."

"Did I surprise you?"

"Very much so. " Her entire body sizzled as she peered down into his fathomless blue peepers. "You have exquisite eyes."

The waitress returned before he could reply, but he could not hide the smile. He sat up. The waitress placed a bowl of rice to her and Ichiro's left and a bowl of Miso soup at their right. Behind the rice and soup, she placed three flat plates of meat, and then a bowl each of pickled vegetables to the side.

The chopsticks were placed at the very front of her tray with the pointed ends facing left on the chopstick rest. The waitress left for a moment and then returned with hot towels for them to cleanse their hands.

She left again, this time for good.

"Itadakimasu," Ichiro said. "I humbly receive."

"Itadakimasu," Shaundra repeated.

Ichiro smiled at her again, making her feel the flush all the way down to her toes.

"You learn fast."

"That's because you said it so gracefully that I was able to understand."

He picked up his bowl of rice with his left hand and the chopsticks with his right. Ichiro lifted the bowl to his perfect mouth but he did not touch the bowl with it. He began eating the rice.

Shaundra's stomach clenched as eating took on a different meaning to her brain. She picked up the bowl and began to eat her rice.

Ichiro put down the bowl and picked up his soup, wrapping his lips around the rim.

Shaundra watched with interest as he swallowed. His Adam's apple bobbled. Hmm, definitely a man. If there was any doubt, this was a dead giveaway. She lowered her empty rice bowl and stared down at the Miso soup. It contained tofu, wakame and scallions. She drank the soup, but didn't remember what it tasted like because she was so distracted by Ichiro's presence.

Ichiro reached over, grabbed the chopsticks, picked up a piece of meat and fed it to her before eating a piece himself.

She'd been in Tokyo long enough to know that sharing food this way was a type of intimacy. "Thank you."

"You are welcome, Shaundra."

Ooh, she liked the way her name sounded coming out of his mouth.

"That was so delicious."

He smirked. "You are easily pleased." Before the meal was over, he had fed her Yakimon, Namasu, and Aemon, describing them as grilled fish, raw fish in vinegar sauce and vegetables. She had to take his word for it because she didn't remember tasting any of it. He polished off the sake and Shaundra made a face.

"You're not much of a drinker, are you?"

"Not really. I've tried Shochu once."

He stopped drinking and curiously eyed her. "You've tasted Shochu?"

Shaundra nodded. "Only once. It made me do bad things."

He raised that eyebrow again. "I won't ask you to elaborate."

And she didn't want to. Yori, that bastard, had intentionally ordered it to see what it would do to her. "Thank you." Fortunately, he did not try to get her to drink any more sake. She was tipsy enough as it was. It tasted awful and it had a powerful kickback.

Ichiro reclined back on his elbow. "Tell me something about your family."

Shaundra relaxed. "What do you want to know?"

"Tell me about your kids."

"They're fairly good children, not too much trouble, but they do have their share of issues. My eldest daughter, Juanda, has a set of twin boys."

Ichiro's eyes widened. "You're a grandmother?"

"Yes, is there a problem with that?"

"No, I love kids."

Shaundra sighed. She'd figured he might. "Anyway, she thinks it's my job to take care of them on the weekends or any time she feels like dropping them off. I love my grandkids, but I need my free time to write."

"And your youngest daughter?"

"My baby is similar to me. She worries about me and she wants me to have a life."

"I think I like her already."

"The boys are very protective. They have they own lives, but call every day to make sure I'm alive."

"So what did they think when you told them you were coming to Tokyo?"

Shaundra frowned. "No one complained except Juanda and Donald."

"Is Donald one of your sons?"

She shook her head. "No, my ex-boyfriend."

Ichiro perked up. "Ex? You man the one we discussed the other day?"

Shaundra pouted. "Yes, he broke up with me this morning after he saw the picture of Yori and me in the newspaper. He accused me of having an affair with him."

"Are you?"

Shaundra shook her head. "No."

Ichiro's smiled broadened at her admission. "You wanted to end it with him anyway, so why care how it happened? Just be thankful that it happened and you didn't have to hurt his feelings."

"I guess you're right. He found someone else."

"He's a fast mover."

"Not really. He's probably had his eye on her for a while. She's probably a younger, more attractive woman." She didn't feel like talking about Donald anymore. Not with Ichiro staring at her.

"Younger like me?"

Her panties dampened again. Shaundra blushed. "Hell yeah."

Ichiro rose. "Let's get out of here. I have other places to show you."

He helped her up to her feet and he got an eyeful of thigh again. He took out his wallet, extracted some money and put it into a leather billfold, then left it on the table for the waitress.

Shaundra swayed a little.

"No more sake for you," he teased.

"I'm not drunk." She followed him back past the kitchen where he said good-bye to Mr. Daisuke and thanked the other chefs for an excellent meal.

"You bring her around here again," Mr. Daisuke replied. "I like her and she brings out the best in you."

"Will do," Ichiro answered.

"How is your place coming?"

"I was just about to take Shaundra to see it."

"Did I spoil the surprise?"

"No," Ichiro replied as he waved good-bye and led her through the restaurant and out the door. He helped her into the car.

The night air kept her awake after the food and the sake. "What is this place the two of you were discussing?"

"My dream," Ichiro answered. He closed her door, then walked around, got into the car and started it. "I've always dreamed of owning my own restaurant. Mr. Daisuke helped me find the perfect commercial location and it's just about finished." He drove for about a half hour telling her about his plans for the future. She could listen to his sweet voice forever, wondering why he chose only to use it for her and Mr. Daisuke.

Ichiro parked the car again. This time, they were in a bigger lot in a commercial part of town. This was perfect for this type of business. He helped her out once more and she took in the view of the new building designed with black, sloping Japanese roofs, and red brick outer walls.

Construction vehicles and machinery rested in the parking lot, but all the workers had gone home for the day. He escorted her up the stairs and then opened the door.

"Wow," Shaundra exclaimed as they stepped inside. It didn't have any furniture yet, but the walls were painted, the baseboards and crown molding was in place, and it felt homey.

"I really would like you to see it when it's finished." He described everything in detail as he took her around the place. There were even a couple of private rooms in back like at Mr. Daisuke's restaurant.

"Do you plan to be the chef?"

"Not in the beginning," he said with a sigh. "I will be busy with Aomori for a while. But I do intend to use my family's recipes and some that I have created. I have hired a manager to look after the place until I return from military duty and retire from the band. After that, I plan to devote myself to this business full time."

Military service. She had forgotten about that. He had to serve two years before he was thirty, which would probably extend his contract with Mr. Niigata for two extra years.

"When is it expected to be completed?"

"In December. Hopefully it will open by Christmas."

"But you won't be back off tour by then."

He sighed again. "Yes, I know." He escorted her back through the restaurant and out the door. "I'll get to enjoy it one day." He helped her back into the car. "I have one more event planned for this evening," he announced as they headed back toward the freeway. "Dancing."

Shaundra blushed, remembering Ichiro's erotic movements on stage last night. "Are we going back to the club in Shibuya?"

"No, the lounge at the hotel. I don't want to give Mr. Niigata a heart attack once he discovers that I don't have the guards. There is a live band performing tonight and I'm in the mood to party."

So much for his freedom, she thought as they entered the city limits once again.

Ichiro parked the rental car a safe distance away from the other cars and they got out and went back inside the hotel to the lounge. A waitress escorted them to a booth. The place was crowded and the band played a mixture of songs. Ichiro turned to the waitress. "I want to dance with the lovely lady first and then we will order drinks." Shaundra sat down, but Ichiro remained standing. He left her at the table for a moment, walked over to the band and spoke to the lead singer before returning to her.

"A man's request," the lead singer announced to the audience.

The next thing she knew, Ichiro was leading her on the floor to the opening chords of Love Serenade by Barry White.

Shaundra gulped. This is serious love enhancement music. Before she could react, she was in Ichiro's arms, pressed against his chest and swaying slowly to the music.

Satoshi and Takumijo slid into a booth in the hotel lounge wearing dark clothes and dark shades to disguise themselves. Satoshi nudged Takumijo and pointed toward the dance floor at Ichiro and Shaundra Morrison.

Takumijo stared. "Is that Ichiro dancing slowly with a Shaundra Morrison?"

Satoshi nodded. "I'm shocked too. Ichiro never dances at any other time except for practice and on the stage." The waitress arrived at their table again. "Two beers." She left again. The music changed several times during the next couple of minutes, but Ichiro and Shaundra did not stop dancing.

"This is serious," Takumijo stated. "It's like the two of them are in a world all their own."

"Maybe they are," Satoshi replied, a little upset inside to think straight.

Why hadn't he made a move when he had the chance to? "I don't care what Yori says. I think the two of them have slept together already."

Satoshi watched the dancers' movements below the waist. Their pelvic areas touched. "If they haven't made love yet, I suspect that it will happen before the night ends. There is just so much a man can take."

"There's something I haven't figured out yet," Takumijo replied.

"Why is she with Ichiro now when in the beginning she seemed to like Yori?"

"Yori is engaged to Amaya," Satoshi explained.


"So, you know Yori. He wants to do the honorable thing, so he's told Shaundra about his engagement, which is like giving Shaundra his permission to forget about him and to date Ichiro. I think Shaundra cares for both Ichiro and Yori, but in different ways."

"Still confused." The waitress returned with their beers and left.

"Yori is in love with Shaundra Morrison, but he can't have a relationship with her because he is engaged to Amaya. He has a decision to make, but he doesn't know what to do. So, while he's confused and terrified, Ichiro has fallen for her too. Since Ichiro doesn't think Yori will break up with Amaya, he's not wasting time moving in."

The beat of the music changed.

"Shit, look at that," Satoshi said, pointing to the dance floor.

Takumijo put down his beer and put his eyes back on the dancers.

Shaundra's butt was bobbing up and down to the music and Ichiro was behind her rocking to the beat. "I saw them do that on American television. It's a very popular dance in the United States." He laughed.

"Where did Ichiro learn that dance? Masaaki would die if he walked in and saw him."

Takumijo turned toward the door. "Oh, oh."

Satoshi turned toward the door. Yori and Amaya had just entered and Yori looked fit to be tied. He stalked toward the dance floor. "Stop him,"

Satoshi ordered.

Takumijo jumped from the booth, knocking aside dancers to get to Yori. Satoshi was close on his heels, drawing a lot of attention. Takumijo reached Yori just as the song ended and pulled him away from Shaundra and Ichiro. "What do you think you're doing?"

Yori tried to get away from Takumijo, but couldn't. "I'm going to kick Ichiro's ass. He's nearly humping her on the dance floor."

"It's a dance, you idiot," Takumijo told him. "You're going to embarrass both of them and yourself."

The look on Yori's face said it all, Satoshi noted. He was in love with Shaundra and he didn't care if he punched the hell out of Ichiro or embarrassed himself in front of his future bride.

"What is the matter with you?" Amaya asked as she walked over to them. "Why are you picking a fight with Ichiro?"

Ichiro glared at Yori as he walked Shaundra past them.

"We'll settle this later," Yori told him.

"Nothing to settle," Ichiro replied. "You've lost."

Amaya grabbed Yori's arm. "What's the matter with the two of you?"

Yori shook her off. "Nothing. I am the leader and Ichiro is out and out disobeying an order. Come on, let's find a table."

Satoshi and Takumijo went back to their table, which was situated in an area where they could watch both couples.

"This is going to turn out so bad," Satoshi replied.

Takumijo ordered them another round of drinks, which the waitress brought quickly.

"Yori is an idiot," Satoshi replied. "And Amaya is an ever bigger idiot if she does not see what is happening before her eyes."

"Are you going to tell me what happened or do I have to go over and ask Ichiro?" Amaya asked. She attempted to rise, but Yori caught her hand and pulled her back down in the seat.

"Don't. It's really doesn't concern you."

"Like hell it doesn't. You and your best friend were about to fight on the dance floor. Why?"

"Because he was being disrespectful."

"I don't understand. All I saw was Ichiro having a good time with his girlfriend."

"It was the type of dancing that they were doing. It wasn't appropriate."

Amaya laughed. "You mean popping? It's the most popular dance in America."

Yori frowned. "We are not in America."

"We also don't have big butts. Ichiro's woman does and Ichiro was enjoying it."

"Well, he shouldn't be."

Amaya sighed. "Tell me the truth. Are you upset that Ichiro is having a good time with his girlfriend, or are you upset that Ichiro is having fun with Shaundra Morrison?"

"What's the difference?"

"The difference is, either you're jealous of Ichiro, or you're in love with Shaundra Morrison."


"I've known you for a long time, Yori, and I can usually tell when you're lying to me. I'm not blind. I see the way you look at her."

"I don't look at her in any particular way," Yori replied.

Amaya sighed. This is not going well. "My folks enjoyed your concert.

They said you have a very nice voice."

"Thanks. I'm glad they had a good time."

Changing the subject didn't make his mood any better, she noted.

"Would you care to dance?"

He seemed to think about it for a moment. "Yes, I think I still have a little energy left."

They rose and walked over to the dance floor. She wrapped her arms around his waist and he put his arms around her neck and they began to sway to the music. It had been a long time since they'd danced together this way, partially because of their conflicting careers.

His took him away from Osaka for months at a time while she had her college classes and part-time job with her parents. She kept thinking things between them would return to how it used to be once she graduated, but now she had her doubts. Yori had changed considerably since joining Aomori and, at first, his overly protective attitude toward his band members had been cute. Everything he did was for them and it made them a strong unit and the best band in Asia, but it also put a rift in their relationship. His phone calls were now few and far apart, and her best friend, Kikio, didn't make matters any better by constantly telling her that Yori was cheating on her. Up until now, she'd never thought he could. But she wasn't a fool or naive. There was something going on between him and Shaundra Morrison even if he didn't want to admit it. And poor Ichiro was stuck in the middle.

The song ended, but it was quickly followed by another so they continued to dance. Amaya could tell that his heart wasn't in it. Should she be the bigger person and just end it and put him out of his misery? Or hang on with the hopes that this little fascination would blow over? They returned to the table this time when the music ended.

Amaya looked over at the other two tables. Satoshi and Takumijo were still nursing drinks, but Ichiro and Shaundra were no longer in the lounge.

"Yori's little stupid act of jealousy put a crimp in my plans," Ichiro told Shaundra as they stood outside her hotel room door.

"Oh, what plans did he spoil?"

Ichiro smiled wickedly. His blue eyes flashed lustfully as he looked down on her. "You know, the hair and pillow thing."

Shaundra smirked. "Maybe some other time." Damn, so close.

"Yes, I hate to admit it, but I'm pretty tired and may not give a stellar performance."

"Perfectly understandable. Because if and when we do the hair and pillow thing, I want you at your full potential." She grabbed his tie and pulled him toward her. Ichiro stood over her as she raised her face for a kiss. He lowered his head, capturing her lips possessively. The scent of his cologne and the heat from his body rendered her silly. She removed her hand from his tie and encircled his waist with her arms. The sound of approaching footsteps did not force them to break the embrace. If she could not have his body, she would not be denied his heart.

Ichiro broke the kiss that left her breathless. "I'm going to sleep like a baby after that." He pulled away from her, waved good-bye and left her standing flustered in the hall.

Shaundra used her keycard and entered her room, happy about the end of the evening, yet very pissed off at Yori and Donald for messing with her karma.

A fist to the face was the last thing Ichiro expected when he stepped into his room. He should have expected it since he and Yori did have adjoining rooms. Ichiro retaliated by punching Yori in the gut - his weak spot - and sending him to his knees.

Satoshi and Takumijo appeared from out of nowhere after the two of them continued to fight.

"What is the matter with the two of you?" Takumijo asked as he grabbed Yori.

Satoshi, in turn, grabbed Ichiro.

Yori clutched his aching stomach. "Did you guys know that Ichiro left here unchaperoned this evening?"

"So what?' Takumijo said, releasing him. "We sneak away too when we get the chance." He flopped down in a chair.

"This is different. We just performed a concert and this town is swarming with fans. He could have gotten seriously hurt."

"I can take care of myself," Ichiro replied. "I am no longer a child."

Yori continued to rub his stomach. "I know you're not, but we're not only talking about your safety. You took Shaundra with you. Do you have any idea how many fans want to do her harm since that magazine cover appeared?"

"Yes, I am well aware of it. That is why I only took her to private places. I can protect her."

"You shouldn't have to. That is why we have bodyguards. You may be a big boy now, but you still need to follow the rules."

"And you need to stay out of my business," Ichiro replied. "You chose Amaya. What I want to do or where I take my date is my business."

"Like dry humping her on the dance floor tonight?" Yori asked.

"It was a dance, and thanks to your foolishness, I will be sleeping alone tonight."

Yori lunged at him again, but Takumijo sprang back to his feet and grabbed him. "Your better stay away from her, you little fairy."

Ichiro punched him in the gut again. "You look more like a girl than I do. And for future reference, I am not gay."

Yori broke away from Takumijo and swung his fist at Ichiro again, but missed. Ichiro slapped him across the face.

Yori stood there looking speechless.

"Now get the hell out of my room so I can change and go to sleep. It's been a long day."

"Ooh, he's so hot," Satoshi teased. "Maybe we underestimated his silence."

Ichiro rolled his eyes at Satoshi. "I don't have time for your jokes or sarcasm either, Satoshi. You guys do not understand how you make me feel when you treat me like a kid, or a girl, or anything else other than a man. Shaundra is the first person who has come into my life who treats me as an equal and with respect. I would never do anything to harm her or treat her like a whore. She is a very beautiful person both inside and out, and I am honored that she finds me attractive and wants to spend time with me."

Yori walked away, nursing his chin. "Kissing her in the hallway in full view of everyone is not showing respect."

"She kissed me. What was I supposed to do?"

The reaction on Yori's face was enough to make up for the attack on his person. Ichiro walked over to the dresser and checked his face for bruising. That bastard had smacked him good.

"You're jealous," Satoshi told Yori. "At least he stayed outside her room like a gentleman."

Ichiro moved away from the mirror and walked over to Yori. "You've been inside her room?"

"That is none of your business."

"It is my business. I won't take sloppy seconds to you."

Satoshi laughed and Yori glared at him. "Stop teaching him those disgusting terms." He turned back to Ichiro. "If I would have gotten that far, there'd be no way you'd have a chance with her."

Someone cleared their throat behind them. He turned toward the door.

It was Masaaki. "I can hear you idiots all the way down the hall." He closed the door and entered the room "What are you fighting for this time?"

"Ichiro won't follow the rules," Yori replied. "He snuck off tonight on a date with Ms. Morrison and he did not take security with him."

Masaaki glared at Ichiro, who didn't back down or apologize. "Why did you do something so foolish?"

"Because I was on a date. Do you take security with you on a date?"

"I am not a member of Aomori. I don't need protection," Masaaki replied. "Do not ever do something like that again."

Yori chuckled triumphantly.

Masaaki turned on him. "I don't know why you're laughing. Don't think I don't know about your little antics either. Your reputation with your fans is at an all time low. True, it wasn't your fault that that magazine book cover depicted the two of you as lovers, but instead of staying away from Shaundra Morrison until this blows over, you have insisted on making a spectacle of yourself whenever you are around her. Even in front of your future bride and your in-laws."

Yori lowered his head in shame. "That's not entirely true."

Masaaki walked over to Ichiro and examined him. "What happened to your face?"

"Yori took his frustrations out on me."

Yori did not raise his head, embarrassed for the way Masaaki now saw him.

"This is unacceptable. You are the leader. You should know better.

What is this all about?"

"Ms. Morrison," Ichiro replied. "He can't stand the fact that she prefers my company to his."

"She does not," Yori mumbled. "It's just that..."

"Yes, we all know. You're engaged to Amaya Saitama. That is no excuse for hitting Ichiro. You need to get your relationships under control.

Now, I want you to apologize to Ichiro and both of you better find a way to get along before I ban you to your rooms for the remainder of our stay in Tokyo." With that, he stalked out of the room, leaving the four to them to just stare at the door.

"Please leave my room," Ichiro asked his friends again.

Yori rose first and the other two followed. He securely locked the door separating the two adjoining rooms and began stripping out of his suit and tie. Both Takumijo and Masaaki were right. Something had to be done to fix this rift and it was up to him to do it. Shaundra would be in town for just two more weeks and then she'd been gone. If he wanted her, he had to do something and do it quick.

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