In Flight

Page 11

I felt a relief so huge it almost shamed me. Seeing that, although he’d really wanted to pound someone, he had restrained himself, was something I’d almost needed to see. Whatever else I didn’t know about him, at least I knew he could practice self-control.

Uncontrolled violence and aggression were the monsters of my childhood, and I felt almost limp with relief to see that I wouldn’t find them in James. Not in the way I had feared. The way I always feared, despite a decent amount of time and therapy.

“What happened? What were they saying that would involve law enforcement?” I asked Stephan finally.

He just shook his head. “I’ll tell you later. Please, just give me a minute to compose myself.” His voice was pleading, so I dropped the issue. If he said he’d tell me later, I knew he would.

I was up the second I heard the double ding that indicated we were at ten thousand feet. I started my usual routine, preparing my galley for our breakfast service. I liked the routine, liked routines in general. I found them soothing, in a way.

The chaos of my adolescence made me crave stability in my adult life. So my life, even with all of the traveling, followed a schedule and routine that I enjoyed. Saturday morning breakfast service out of New York was a part of that.

Our airline prided itself on it’s first class service, so our breakfast service was extensive. We would be busy until we landed. With first class full, Stephan stayed up front to help me.

I worked the galley, and he served. That suited me, especially today, with a volatile James, and some apparently degenerate men in the cabin.

Stephan and I didn’t even speak for the first hour as we worked. He was brooding, and we didn’t really need to talk to communicate.

We worked together effortlessly, after all these years. He took the passengers’ orders and I read them and made them. As he served, I worked on the next step. We were fast and effective even without speaking.

I loved this part of the job. I wasn’t even sure why. Just the busy feel in the air, the familiar galley routine, making sure everyone felt like they had received exceptional service, and like we had done a good job. I supposed I had just spent a large part of my life feeling worthless and lost, and this job, on a good day, made me feel like I had some worth. When I thought of it that way, it sounded pathetic, but that didn’t make it any less true.

I noticed everything we served to James, of course. He drank water exclusively, that I had seen. No ice, just the bottle and a glass. I started putting a slice of lemon in his glass, and he didn’t complain, so I continued to do so.

For breakfast, he ordered the only healthy thing we served on the first flight of the day. It was greek yogurt with fresh blueberries and raw pecans. I wasn’t surprised that he was the only one to order it. We usually didn’t have any takers, so Stephan and I often had it for breakfast ourselves. I could’ve guessed from what I had seen of his body that he ate healthy, but that confirmed it.

Could I ever be comfortable getting naked with someone that good looking, who had a flawless body, so far as I could tell? I didn’t know how. I tried to stay in shape but I had junk food sometimes, and I probably didn’t work out as often as I could.

I thought my thighs were too big, and my ankles were too small, like toothpicks. And my arms were thin, but my hips were a little wide and my shoulders were too broad, to my critical eye. Like every woman, I had body issues. Would James notice them when I was naked? I tried not to dwell on it, but I did anyways. I was relieved when we got too busy for me to think about it anymore.

It was a solid two and a half hours into the flight before Stephan could make his way back to check on the main cabin.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes. Brenda is baking the cookies back there right now. I’ll bring some back to add to the cheese service,” Stephan told me as he hung up the inflight phone.

I nodded absently. I was prepping our three-tiered cart for the cheese service. There was nothing he could help me with in first class for at least ten minutes, so it was good timing.

I heard the bathroom door opening on the other side of the curtain, and shifted the cart to make sure the passenger could get back to their seat before I moved it into position.

I was startled when James entered the enclosed galley. He looked much calmer than he had before.

I offered him a small smile. “Hey,” I said, studying him carefully, trying to read his mood.

He gave me a small smile back. He moved my cart for me, seeing that I was bearing it’s weight. He used it to block the aisle completely, just outside of the curtained area, managing to stay behind the curtain completely as he did so.

“Oh,” I said softly as I watched him rearrange the galley, getting an inkling of what he intended. He was arranging a moment of privacy for…something.

I just watched him, mesmerized.

He set the brake on the cart with the toe of his shoe easily, as though he did it every day. He took a deep breath, his back to me for one long moment.

Abruptly, he turned, pacing to me. He grabbed my braid, pulling my head back. He kissed me, and it was hot and angry and hungry.

In spite of myself, I melted in an instant, melding my body as close to his as I could get it.

He backed me up against the counter, lifting me onto the only small bit of empty counter space available. I barely fit. He didn’t stop kissing me.

I murmured a protest as I felt his fingers inching my fitted skirt up my legs. He had my thighs bared in a flash, and I pulled back, panting.

“What are you doing?” I asked, a little panicked at his intent.

“Shh,” he told me, and started kissing me again, his hands still pushing my skirt up impatiently. “I need to do this.”

That didn’t make me feel reassured, but he stopped abruptly when his hands had shoved my skirt up far enough to bare my garters and the tops of my stockings. He shoved the skirt higher roughly.

He cursed when he saw my lacy lime green thong. “This is the type of panty you were wearing last night, too, wasn’t it? But that one was blue.”

I just nodded, feeling a little disoriented. “They’re the most comfortable underwear I’ve ever worn. I can’t wear anything else, since I discovered them.”

“I fucking love them,” he told me, and it made me smile at him.

Then he surprised me again by kneeling in front of me in one fluid movement. He handed me a cloth. An old fashioned handkerchief, I observed “Put that in your mouth and bite down. Try not to make too much noise.” I obeyed him without hesitating, my whole body vibrating in anticipation at what he was going to do.

“Grip my hair,” he told me. My hands stroked through it hungrily. It was perfect, of course, soft as silk, and so smooth and thick. I saw all of the different shades of light brown and dark blond, highlighted by the sun shinning through the small window in the door of the plane just to our left. People payed a fortune for highlights not half as beautiful as that shifting, golden color.

My mind went blank, my head suddenly falling back. He had shoved my thong to the side and buried his face against me.

I was lost instantly in the shocking wash of sensation from his accomplished tongue lapping at the core of me with singleminded purpose.

His masterful fingers thrust into me, a finger stroking along just the perfect spot. I whimpered into the cloth I was biting, not quite muffling the high-pitched noise.

Almost hurriedly, his tongue moved up to my clit. He sucked at it, hard, and I came without warning. I’d had no idea it could happen so fast, even with our earlier episode in the hotel bathroom.

He continued to nuzzle me, even when I went still after the powerful aftershocks subsided. I felt his head pulling back, and looked down at him. He propped his chin on the material of my skirt, just above my pelvis.

“One more,” he ordered, and went back to his exquisite ministrations.

I screamed into the cloth when I came that time, just as surprised by this orgasm as I was by the last one. He’d brought it on even faster, as though his tongue had just found and pushed my orgasm button. Or perhaps the last one had had me primed and ready. I wasn’t experienced enough to know for sure. I hadn’t known my body could be played like an instrument, until James had gotten his hands on me.

He lapped at me a few more times after my tremors had subsided.

“I could eat you all day,” he told me as he stood. He pulled the handkerchief from my mouth, shoving it between my thighs to sop up the excess moisture.

“I love how wet you are,” he murmured, delving down to kiss me. His tongue swept into my mouth, licking, and I was a little scandalized to realize that I was tasting myself in a way I’d never imagined.

I sucked on his tongue, and he groaned. I knew he definitely liked that, and I sucked harder.

He didn’t kiss me long, pulling back to lift me down from the counter. It didn’t seem to strain him at all to lift me. I loved that, loved feeling small and feminine compared to his strength.

He shoved the dirty handkerchief into his pocket and started to straighten my clothes with an almost impersonal efficiency.

He was still pulling my skirt back down to my knees when Stephan burst through the curtain, looking baffled, and then shocked at what he saw.

It must have been obvious from James lowering my skirt that we had obviously been doing something much too intimate for the galley of an aircraft.

Stephan’s shocked eyes flew to my face. Then he blushed like I’d never seen him blush before.

“Was that noise you? That muffled scream?” he asked slowly.

I knew I turned just as pink as him, but I nodded. No point in denying it.

Stephan was still bright pink as he gave James a censuring look. “Really, James? On a morning flight? With a group of perverts just a few feet away?”

Apparently, Stephan was heaping the responsibility of this embarrassing episode squarely on Mr. Beautiful’s shoulders.

James looked a little shame-faced at the assessment. It made him look almost boyish. It was hard to reconcile that look with the James I knew.

I just blinked at them both, at a loss. I had never been in anything even approaching a situation like this.

Stephan pointed in the general direction of James’s seat. “I think you should go sit down now.”

James did so without so much as a word or a look.


Mr. Kinky

The rest of the flight went by in a kind of a blur for me. We did the wine and cheese service, and I deliberately refrained from making any eye contact, knowing I would be mortified if they gave me strange looks.

I wanted to just pretend that no one had heard us in the galley, and that they certainly hadn’t taken the noises for what they actually were. As long as I didn’t look at anyone directly, I could just keep trying to convince myself that that was the case.

I especially avoided looking at James as we served him. I had pulled my cool composure around me like armor after our sordid scene, but I knew one look at him could undo all of that.

My side of the cart was lined up to serve him by a stroke of bad luck, so I quietly asked him what he’d like without ever looking directly at him.

He said he would take one slice of the brie and some grapes. I set the small plate on his tray table, the sight that met me there stilling me for a long moment.

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