In Your Dreams

Page 59

“I do at home.”

Home. Now that was a nice word. There was a whole future in that word. He took her hand and looked at it for a second. “I got you this, too,” he said.

And then he dropped on one knee, and Em found that she was shaking, and this was quite a surprise. But holy bleep, Jack was proposing. Or he had just lost a contact.

Except he didn’t wear contacts.

He looked up at her with those blue, blue eyes. “You’re the best person I know, Emmaline Neal. Give me another chance. Marry me.”

He had a ring. A ring. Good God, he had a ring.

“Okay,” she whispered, and it came out in a squeak, but it didn’t matter, because he slid the ring on her finger, and then he stood up and was kissing her, his mouth warm and firm and smiling against hers.

“I love you,” he said again.

“It’s about time,” she whispered.


Well, of course we’re here at Jack and Emmaline’s wedding! Where else would we be? What a beautiful day they got, too! The barn looks beautiful, doesn’t it? It’s a Holland family tradition to get married here. Faith did, and so did Honor, just last year, remember?

Hmm. The wedding party’s a little big, but with Jack’s family, how can you blame them? Look at the program. The groomsmen are his three brothers-in-law—Levi, Tom and Carl—and his nephew, Prudence’s son. And Connor O’Rourke, they’re old friends, of course. I see Emmaline made his sisters and niece bridesmaids. Doesn’t Faith look wonderful, and with little Noah just a few months old. Good for her.

No, the maid of honor is Emmaline’s sister. Gorgeous girl! We heard she modeled in college, and we believe it! She’s practically a celebrity around here. No, no, don’t fix her up with your grandson. She likes girls. She lives in their grandmother’s house now, down on Water Street, and their parents just bought a place a little ways out of town. Well, of course Emmaline will be living at Jack’s! Have you seen that place? It’s stunning.

Oh, and look at this. She included the members of that book club that never reads anything. Grace Knapton isn’t here... No, she got married! She lives in Hawaii now! You didn’t hear? Well, she does. Dr. Whitaker’s doing a reading; that’s nice. There’s Shelayne, that nice nurse from the E.R. who just adopted Kelsey Byrd’s baby. I guess they have one of those “open arrangements” so Kelsey can come see the baby from time to time. Got to hand it to Emmaline; we never thought those kids would graduate, but they made it.

Colleen O’Rourke is about ready to pop, speaking of babies, and look at the way her husband looks at her. Isn’t that sweet? Soon we’ll have another baby in town. Practically a population boom!

Oh, I missed this. “Parents of the groom, John and Hyacinth Holland.” Well, she deserves it, Mrs. Johnson does. Jack dotes on her. He’s always been her favorite. I heard she made the wedding cake—wouldn’t let Lorelei near it. And it’s just so sweet that Jack asked his father to be the best man. John Holland’s been blessed with those four kids of his.

Shh! The music’s starting!

Well, now, look at Emmaline! She’s beautiful! That dress is amazing. Nice to see her out of a uniform! Who knew she had such a gorgeous figure? Yes, she does play hockey—look at those shoulders. That’s how she and Jack met, I heard. Turns out he always had a thing for her.

And look at Jack. Oh, what a smile! He looks so happy.

Kind of brings a tear to your eyes, doesn’t it?

That’s the kind of love you usually only see in your dreams.

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