Jacob's Faith

Page 23

“Finish the coffee, Faith,” he growled again. “I believe it’s time to show you who can keep up and who can’t.”

He watched the pulse accelerate in her neck, the way her breasts quickened with her sharp breaths. She was intrigued, and just a little bit frightened. She was reconsidering her challenge, he guessed. He hid a short smile of triumph. It was too late for her to reconsider anything.

She sipped at her coffee again, and he could practically feel her searching desperately for control of the situation. She had much to learn about male breeds, and her own mate in particular. He would allow her very little control now.

“I have work to do. Sex is a nighttime sport, I believe.” She finally recovered, shrugging elegantly, a smooth lift of her shoulders, an expression of unconcern. It was spoiled by the flush on her cheeks, the glitter of arousal in her black eyes.

“Sex has just become your vocation, mate,” he promised as he stalked to her, lifting the coffee easily from her hand and smacking the cup to the counter.

She was opening her mouth to insult him again. He knew she was, and he had no desire to hear more of her opinions on male stamina. He covered her lips with his, his tongue spearing into her mouth as she gasped in surprise. He gave her no time to protest. He was learning that in giving her so much as a second to speak was his downfall every time. He would do best to keep her mouth filled, if not with his tongue, then his cock.

He was rewarded for his initiative when her lips closed on his tongue, drawing at the sensitive flesh, easing the ache of the swollen glands and filling both their mouths with the heady taste of spice and a rainstorm as they released their potent hormone.

His hand moved to her waist, then to the taut curves of her backside as he pulled her closer, lifting her hips until he could grind the heat of her mound against his erection. She was like fire in his arms now, her breathy moans caressing his lips as her tongue tangled with his, then followed it back to his mouth. It flickered over his lips, his teeth, tangled with his until he put a stop to her antics by allowing his lips to clamp onto it, drawing on it as she had done his.

Her body tightened, arching closer to him as she whimpered into the caress. Her hands weren’t still either. They caressed his shoulders, tangled in his hair, her nails biting into his scalp as she fought to get closer. Jacob’s hands tightened on her ass, lifting her closer.

He groaned in surprise as her legs lifted, her smooth thighs clamping at his hips as she moved against him, notching him higher, tighter against her hot pussy. And it was hot. It seared him through his jeans, the moist fire so tempting he had to grit his teeth to keep from releasing his cock and pounding it into her furiously.

The little minx. She had to know what she had done to him. She had to know how he craved her taste, her touch, like a man possessed.

“Oh yeah,” he whispered against her lips, nipping at them as she began to ride the ridge of his erection.

His hands held her steady, holding her tighter, closer as she ground herself on him.

“That’s good, Faith. So damned good,” he groaned, unable to hold back his own sounds of pleasure as he felt the dampness of her panties through the material of his jeans.

“I can get better.” Her lips went to his neck, caressed their way to his shoulder, then her canines raked the mark she left on him, making him jerk with the pleasure of it.

“Save me some sanity,” he groaned, his lips returning the favor as he sipped at the fragrant skin of her neck.

Jacob could feel the need spearing through his body like tiny pinpoints of lightning. His muscles tightened with it, making control a tenuous concept as she moved against him, moaning out her pleasure, her moisture dampening the jeans over his erection. One hand moved from the curves of her butt, smoothing down her thigh.

Faith stilled, her breathing harsh, heavy in the steamy atmosphere of lust that rose between them. Jacob allowed his hand to caress her outer thigh, then around to the satin softness of her bare buttock, and down, down to where soft liquid silk awaited the touch of his fingers.

She cried out as his fingers pushed under the material of her thong, inserting itself at the humid entrance of her vagina. She bore down against it, trembling, heated cries breaking from her throat as he teased her with the possibility of his finger thrusting inside her.

“Jacob,” she cried out his name beseechingly.

“Not yet, baby,” he growled, his finger circling the tender entrance.

“Jacob,” she whimpered tremulously. “Please, Jacob. It hurts. It hurts so bad.”

He could feel the pulse of her inner muscles, the soft slide of moisture as it raced over his fingertips. She was so hot she seared him. And in pain. He clenched his teeth, fighting for control. He was so close to ravaging her, to taking when he should be easing. He knew she was in pain, literally. Her needs would rise so high, when unfulfilled, that the pain could be agonizing. The report Wolfe had sent had been very in-depth in that area.

And Jacob admitted that it wasn’t much better for him. He could feel every muscle in his body tightening, nearly cramping with the demand for release.

He held her close to him as he turned her, stepping over to the table and easing her onto it. She gasped as the cool wood met her hot skin. Jacob’s fingers went to the buttons of her dress and he swallowed a moan as hers went to the buttons of his jeans.

He tore the material in his haste to get her out of it, but finally he was tossing it to the floor, his mouth watering at the sight of her firm, up-thrust breasts and their dark pink nipples.

Faith’s hands were pushing his jeans over his hips, releasing the swollen length of his cock as Jacob tore her panties from her. He wanted the foreplay. He wanted to taste her, to lick every drop of cream from between her thighs. He wanted to suckle at her breasts, nibble at her nipples.

“Easy, baby,” he groaned as her fingers tried to encircle the width of his cock. “Slow down, Faith. Let me make it good for you, baby.”

He wanted her to know how he cherished her body, her desire for him. He wanted to stroke her skin, just because it was so warm and so damned soft it made him think of fairy tales. He wanted to kiss her, stroke her. He wanted her pussy so damned wet he could drown in it.

“Hmm, maybe I’m the one who needs to make it good for you,” she panted, her hand stroking his torturously hard shaft. “I’m not the one having problems in this relationship.”

His hands were at her breasts. He could barely make sense of her words, he was so greedy to touch the full, swollen curves that beckoned him. He felt her gasp of pleasure as his hands filled with the warm flesh. He had to still the trembling of his body and his eagerness for her. He felt starved, deprived, at the edge of a banquet, terrified it would be snatched from him before he could sate his hunger.

“No fears,” he growled, his head lowering to the tempting peaks of her darkened nipples. “Your pleasure is all I need, Faith…” He groaned, his hands tightening on her breasts as he licked at the hard pebble of her nipple.

He heard her whimper of need, felt her body heating and couldn’t control the flex of his hips that drove his cock against her fingers. Her back arched, pushing the hard tips of her breasts to his lips and Jacob was in no frame of mind to deny her. He covered one hard tip with a hungry sigh of pleasure and proceeded to take his fill of her.

Chapter Eighteen

Faith fought to hold onto her control long enough to tempt Jacob, to tease him with her passion and his own needs. Holding onto any control with his lips at her breasts, his teeth nibbling at her nipples, was next to impossible though. She arched against him, his erection a heavy weight in her hand as she stroked him, drawing him closer to the slick portal of her pussy. She needed him there now. Not later. She didn’t want the foreplay, not now, not yet. Maybe later when the sharp bursts of painful need weren’t ripping her womb apart.

Right now, looking down at Jacob, watching his face slacken in lines of sensual pleasure, his mouth suckling at her breast as his teeth and tongue rasped it, she felt as though an inferno were building in her.

Lightning flared in her breast, traveled through her stomach and struck her vagina like a pending explosion. The muscles there spasmed, clenching in heated need. One hand speared into his hair to hold him to her as she arched closer, her thighs gripping his hips as the plum shaped head of his cock nudged at her slick entrance. She was so wet, so hot for him, she was desperate. She couldn’t contain her cries, her need for the hard, stretching thrusts that would burn her, stroke her into a fiery orgasm.

“Jacob, please,” she groaned as he nudged the entrance, then retreated.

He was so hot. So thick. Her thighs tightened on him as she pressed closer, desperate for his possession.

“Not yet,” he growled against her breast, his lips stroking over her sensitive nipple as his hands caressed the swollen globes. “Not yet, Faith, I need to taste you, touch you.”

His hands stroked to her hips, gripping them, holding them still as he moved back from her.

He would destroy her. Faith whimpered as he began to lower his body, his lips stroking over the flesh of her abdomen in a moist trail of lava hot sensation.

“You taste like fire and silk,” he whispered as he pressed against her, indicating that she should lay back.

“Jacob, on the table?” she gasped, shocked. But the warm pulse of liquid from her vagina assured her that her body was more than willing.

“What better to place to make a meal of you,” he muttered, his lips moving closer to the bare, slick petals of her sex. “Damn, Faith, I’m starved for you.”

She felt his hands spreading her thighs further, his body lowering, his fingers smoothing down the plump lips of her pussy. Her hips jerked, arching closer to the warm puffs of breath that caressed the sensitive flesh.

“So sweet.” His tongue stroked across her straining clit.

“Oh God!” she cried out, jerking against him, driving her hips closer to his torturously slow caresses.

“You taste exquisite. Like nectar and dreams, Faith,” he groaned low, his tongue stroking along the sides of the swollen lips. “So hot and wet, and mine. Just mine, Faith. Every sweet, delicious inch is mine.”

She would have protested. She really meant to. She would have if his tongue hadn’t swiped slowly through her aching slit, circling the entrance to her vagina then moving back so his lips covered and suckled at her swollen clit.

Faith could barely breathe. It was all she could do to release the breathy, agonized whimpers of nearing orgasm as she strained closer to his touch. His tongue was a stroke of feathery lust, sensual, heated, licking at the thick cream of her passion, murmuring his appreciation as he ate her like a delicate treat.

She twisted in his grip, straining closer to him. She wanted his tongue deep inside her. Wanted to feel it plunging into her vagina, easing the aching emptiness there. She needed to be filled, fucked, held, driven into the insanity of release.

“Easy, baby.” He lapped at her. Licked her. Sipped at the moisture that pooled along her cunt.

Like a greedy man. A man starving for her. A man desperate for her taste and her passion, he never let up. He placed her legs over his broad shoulders, her thighs parted now by his head as he lapped and sucked at her soaked flesh.

His hands weren’t idle though. They cupped the cheeks of her rear, bringing her closer to his mouth, holding her still as she twisted against him, screaming out in need as he sucked delicately at her straining clit.

She could feel her body tightening to a bone breaking level. Her head tossed, her body thrashed and she could hear herself pleading. Broken, whimpering cries as he moaned into her pussy a second before he drove his tongue deep inside her flooding vagina.

Faith shuddered convulsively, her hips straining closer, her cunt erupting in fire as he fucked her hard and fast with his agile tongue. She heard herself screaming, begging. Oh God, it was too good. Too hot. She was dying. And when his thumb stroked over her clit, she exploded. Rapture rained over her body, sizzled in her blood until she couldn’t breathe, couldn’t fight, could only dissolve into liquid fragments of ecstasy as he tongued every flooding drop of her release into his mouth.

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