Jacob's Faith

Page 31

He leaned over her, his lips moving aside the collar of her shirt as his teeth scraped over the mark he had made on her. He nudged the rounded head more firmly against her entrance, hearing her whimpering cry, her husky plea for more.

“Scream now, Faith.” He buried his shaft deep and hard in one long thrust that had her straightening against him, a wail of erotic pleasure/pain echoing around them.

She was shaking, trembling in his hold, her head thrown back against his chest as the muscles of her vagina quaked around him, spilling their juice along the thick stalk of his cock and dripping down along his scrotum as the small release he had triggered washed over her.

The muscles of her cunt quivered. He gritted his teeth, fighting his need to begin a hard, rapid thrusting motion inside her. He wanted to savor her now. Wanted to savor the sleek wet feel of her, the heat that damned near blistered his cock and made it harden further.

He could feel perspiration dampening his skin as he fought the need to take her hard and deep. He wanted to feel the rapid swelling, the agonizing pleasure of the knot that would lock him deep into her spasming flesh.

“Jacob,” she panted as he throbbed inside her, feeling her tighten on him, milking his flesh with a fist-tight grip that made him nearly insane.

“So hot and tight,” he groaned as his tongue stroked over the mark at the bottom of her neck. “So sweet and addictive. I could stay inside you forever, Faith.”

“If you don’t fuck me, I’m going to kick your ass,” she moaned heatedly, her arm reaching back, her hand locking in his hair as she fought for release.

Her hips rotated slowly as several deep, pleasured growls came through her throat. The motion nearly sent him over the edge into oblivion. Her vagina tightened, her juices easing between his flesh and hers as she worked her inner muscles around the thick shaft.

Jacob allowed his hands to slide to her breasts as he moved tentatively inside her. Small, measured thrusts that nearly broke his control. He needed her. Needed her too badly to continue such a slow progression to orgasm.

His fingers played with her nipples as he held her close, gripping the tight little peaks, feeling her cunt spasm each time he pinched them erotically. She was damp with sweat, shaking, her hips moving against his, her body arching into him.

“Bend over.” His hands moved from her breasts as he pushed her over once again, her hands bracing on the cushion of the chair as his knees bent and he drove his cock harder inside her.

“Yes,” she cried out in response. “Again. Oh God, Jacob. Do it again.”

Again and it might be over, he knew. But he couldn’t resist. His hands clasped her hips again as he dragged the heavy length of his erection from the heated channel until only the head was still lodged inside her. He felt like screaming at the indescribable pleasure that ripped through his body as he thrust hard and deep again.

He had no control left. He couldn’t stop the need, the fire that flashed up his spine, tightened his scrotum, and left him so desperate for release that he was nearly sobbing for it. Faith was already crying out in desperation. Each forceful thrust wrung a sob from her, a plea for more. Harder. Deeper. He gave her all she begged for and more until finally he felt her vagina ripple, squeeze him tightly as her orgasm began to tear through her.

She chanted his name as he thrust one last time, hard and deep before his flesh began to swell, locking him inside her. Jacob fought for breath, his body shaking in reaction as he felt the swelling, the binding that would refuse to allow even a drop of his seed to spill from her body for long, desperate minutes. It locked his cock hard inside her as his semen blasted from the tip, filling her, drowning him in pleasure.

Their gasping cries were the only sounds in the room. Sweat soaked bodies trembled, gasping whispers escaping their lips as every cell rippled with the shockwaves of pleasure.

The intensity of feeling lasted forever. Jacob’s legs trembled as his hips jerked against her again, extending the pleasure, as yet another spasm caressed his distended cock. Finally, the hard tremors eased, and his cock slowly softened inside her. He pulled free of her tight grip, steadying her as he moved backward.

“What a wondrous show.” The sharp voice had Jacob moving for his weapon until he saw those trained on his mate.

He jerked Faith behind him as she struggled weakly to straighten her clothes and faced a monster from the past.

Chapter Twenty-Five

He had been their training master. Lieutenant Dale Marshal. Ex-Special Forces, ex-SEAL. He had been released from the military under a suspicion of cruelty to prisoners and extreme depravities. Jacob knew well that the rumors were most likely true.

Marshal had been a nightmare at the Labs. His extreme training methods and cruelties had often resulted in painful punishments. Complete obedience, no emotion, no weakness was his motto. From a young age Jacob had learned how easily an emotional attachment could be used against him by the enemy. Namely, Marshal.

As Jacob straightened his pants, zipping them casually, he noticed that the other man hadn’t changed much in six years. He still stood tall, imposing. His blue eyes were cold, his blonde hair receding. He appeared as cruel as he ever had. At the moment, his gaze, as well as the two men with him, were trained on Faith as she struggled behind him to fix her clothing.

“You got past my alarms.” Jacob pulled their attention back to him. “That must have taken some work.”

He had known Marshal would come. As Jacob’s trainer, only he had the knowledge to track him. But Jacob hadn’t expected him this soon. And he had never imagined he could pass all the alarms so effectively.

Marshal sneered in response. “A few perimeter alarms? Really, Jacob. I had heard your security measures were much better than I found. I had come myself after you took out the force I sent last night. I didn’t expect so few men, or alarms.”

Which hopefully meant that Stygian was aware they were within the house. Jacob hadn’t expected another force to move in quite so soon, but the information they needed had dictated the lack in security, which would allow them to breach the house. Always be prepared for the unexpected, he thought with a sigh. His lust had endangered Faith, his need for her had put her in the line of fire.

“My men are there.” Jacob shrugged, containing his own smile of amusement.

Confidence in the face of the enemy. Never let them see you sweat. The old rules were the hardest to forget, and now he used them to his advantage. Never show weakness.

A flash of worry crossed Marshal’s expression.

“Check again,” he spoke into his own comm. link.

How many men were with him? Had Marshal taken any of the Enforcers out, he would be gloating over it by now. He was filled with his own self-importance, his utter confidence in his own abilities. It had been his downfall more than once.

Jacob stood firmly in front of Faith as she moved closer to his back, allowing him to shelter her for now. It would be best if the men who watched her were unaware that she was more than capable of protecting herself. Her delicate build, her air of frailty would only work in her favor. And in Jacob’s.

“What are you doing here, Marshal?” Jacob asked him curiously, keeping his anger, his hatred of the man carefully controlled. “I thought the Council had given up on recapturing us. You should be more than aware of the trouble this will cause for your superiors.”

Marshal frowned. “This has nothing to do with the Council,” he grunted.

His gaze went to what little of Faith he could see, sheltered as she was behind Jacob’s body.

“We just need your woman for a while.” He smiled in lustful anticipation. The look had Jacob tensing with rage. “We promise to return her, perhaps the worse for wear, but alive, in a few days.”

Jacob crossed his arms over his chest, wondering where the hell Stygian and his men were. Now would be a good time to drop in.

“You must take me for a fool, Marshal.” Jacob fought to keep his voice mild, to keep his rage under control. “This is my mate you’re speaking of. I think you know well I won’t let her go.”

A brief frown crossed Marshal’s face. Jacob had been the Breed least likely to buck his orders at the Lab. Jacob had played the game well, biding his time until they could escape, careful to keep all hints of aggression contained. The perfect lapdog, Marshal had once called him. Jacob swore he would rip the man’s throat out first chance he got.

“I can kill you, then take her.” Marshal shrugged. “What good will you be to her dead?”

Jacob felt Faith tense behind him. He also felt her arm moving, sliding around her side. Damn, he bet that gun was still tucked into her back pocket. Keeping his actions protective, he reached back with one arm to secure her to his back. At the same time, she slid the Colt revolver into his hand. It was little enough, but it might be all that would protect them until help arrived.

“What good will she be to me if you take her?” he countered softly, his tone deadly. It was time the master learned that the pupil no longer followed his lead. “You know I won’t release my mate, Marshal. So evidently you came to kill me anyway.”

Marshal smiled. A baring of teeth, a cold display of cruelty.

“Emotional attachment, Jacob? Didn’t we teach you better than that during training?”

And they had. Years of punishments or brutality he still remembered only in his dreams, they had taught him to never care, to never let another become important to him.

“It has little to do with emotion.” Jacob shrugged, though in that moment, in that single instant, he knew better. He knew it had everything to do with a heart he thought was missing, and was only now realizing had survived, scarred, but intact. A heart that belonged only to Faith.

“No emotion?” Marshal asked him, his expression condescending. “Then you have no problem releasing her.”

“She belongs to me.” Jacob gripped the gun, his stomach tightening in warning as he watched the three men who faced him. “I marked her, I mated her. She’s mine.”

“She will never conceive.” Cold calculation lit the other man’s eyes. “Give her to us, Jacob. We will return her, I promise this, capable of conceiving.”

What had they done to the two women they had attacked? Terror struck Jacob’s heart. Had they somehow forced unmated Breed women to conceive? With what? The question sent ice spreading through his body.

“Conception isn’t my concern, Marshal. Unlike the Council, I leave such things up to a higher power. I will not release my mate to you.”

“You make it sound as though you have a choice, my friend,” Marshal laughed in quiet amusement. A cold, hard sound that underscored the evil in his heart. “I didn’t ask you to release her. I ordered you to, Jacob.”

Jacob slid his finger over the trigger of the gun as he noticed the slight shadow that edged by a window behind him. He watched the wavering image from the corner of his eye in the mirrored shelves beside Marshal. So far, the soldiers with him were more concerned with Faith than any of the Enforcers that may have defeated their men outside. Help was here. The only problem left was to figure out exactly what was going on.

“I no longer follow your orders, Marshal,” Jacob reminded him, now watching the men more closely for any signs of aggression. “And neither does my mate. You will not take her.”

Marshal sighed heavily. “We will return her,” he argued as though it would make a difference.

“After how many of your men have raped her?” Jacob asked tightly, remembering the reports of the two Breed women who had been attacked. “This woman carries my mark, my scent. She belongs to me. I will allow no other man to touch her, you know this.”

“Those women were unmated.” Evidently Marshal had no concept of the horrors he had brought on those women. “We merely played for a while with them. We will guard your woman with more care.”

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