Just Desserts

Page 36

Rubbing the back of his neck, he briefly closed his eyes. He’d be lucky if she even looked his way at the wedding, much less spoke to him. Yet another relationship with no guarantees.

But if he closed the deal with Chen, then he was guaranteed to get his old position back. His old life back, his old everything back.

Where’s your sense of adventure? He heard Daisy whisper in his mind.

His phone buzzed again. Another text from Liam, confirming dates and times. Sebastian’s thumbs hovered over the keyboard for a heartbeat, and then he texted him back.

Chapter Twenty-Nine

“You’ve outdone yourself, Daisy,” her aunt Leah exclaimed, floating by her with a dreamy smile. “I swear, sugar, your momma would be so proud.”

Daisy smiled and thanked her, heading to the kitchen with an empty tray. She knew Leah wasn’t expecting a response, not really. She was too caught up in the wedding, but who could blame her? The ceremony had been something out of a fairy tale.

The reception had been a huge success. She’d given out more business cards in the past hour than she had in all the years she’d been doing business. A quick glance at her email on her phone confirmed that at least a dozen guests had already contacted her about their events.

Business-wise, she couldn’t ask for more.

Personal life-wise, she was an emotionally wreck. All she had done for the past month was cry and watch stupid movies about people who fell in love.

She’d had doctor appointments, lawyer appointments, more doctor appointments…she’d been probed, blood draw, weighed, and measured. Yesterday she’d heard the heartbeat of the baby, seen it wiggle and move on the screen. All she could think about was that Sebastian should have been there to share the moment with her, and not Haven, who’d let her cry for hours on her shoulder after the appointment.

All she could think about was she was as alone now as she ever was, but in about six months, she’d be very busy and very not alone. In another week, she’d be three months pregnant. In another three weeks, she’d be able to find out if she were having a little boy or girl.

The only thing that had gotten her through it all had been the support of Isabella and Haven, and the sudden rush of having to come up with Zoe and Christian’s menu—two months ahead of schedule.

At least Zoe and Christian had decided to hold the wedding at their house, in their beautiful backyard. A genius move if anyone asked her. They could totally control almost everything, including who was allowed inside the festivities.

“Must be nice,” Daisy muttered.

If she had had her way, there would be one guest that wouldn’t be eating her food. Oh no. And he certainly wouldn’t have been allowed to stand beside his brother, looking like a fairy tale prince come to life in his tux. Right down to the sun shining on his golden hair and the boutonniere pinned to his jacket that was the exact shade of his eyes. She’d been able to steal a few minutes to watch the ceremony, but he hadn’t even notice her. Not that she would know what to do if he had.

Most likely she would have done something dumb, like run up to him and kiss him, then punch him in the gut for being the earl of Asshatland.

“You doing okay?” Isabella asked, intercepting her at the back door to the house. “Not overdoing yourself? Are you drinking enough water?” She looked stunning, wearing a blue and orange chevron printed dress with orange heels. Vacationing in the islands had been good for her, though Daisy knew her best friend wasn’t over what her ex had done to her. Not by a long shot.

“I’m fine. Thanks for checking on me.”

Tawny eyes narrowed and she handed Daisy a glass of water, crossing her arms and tapping her foot until Daisy had no choice but to drink it.

“There. Anything else, Dr. Edwards?”

“For you to sit down for more than five minutes.”

“I’m pregnant, not dying.”

“Just wait until the morning sickness starts.”

It already had. “Because you’ve experienced it how many times?”

Isabella rolled her eyes and then smiled. “Fine. I’ll stop being so pushy, but are you sure you’re okay—emotionally, I mean?”

“Not really, but what can I do about pregnancy hormones?” Daisy asked with a little wink. She gave her friend a quick hug. “Go on and have fun. The band’s really good—some guy named Jaxon Hunter is the lead singer.”

“Mm-hmm. I will, but if you need me for back up…” Isabella words trailed away as Sebastian’s best friend walked by. Liam looked back, his dark gaze raking over Isabella before heading to the dance floor.

“Who is that?”

“Liam Stewart, best friend of my baby’s daddy.”

Disappointment shone in Isabella’s eyes before she frowned. “Oh, never mind, then.”

Daisy grinned, the first one that had felt real all day. “It wouldn’t be disloyal of you to dance with the man, if you want. I heard from Zoe that his fiancée left him for another man. So…you two have a lot in common.”

“Doubtful,” Isabella replied, but Daisy noticed her gaze didn’t stray from Liam’s retreating form.

Sebastian looked their way and caught her gaze. The air electrified. Daisy’s hand automatically went to her stomach and he frowned, then began to stride in her direction.

Oh God, not now. “I need to go inside, to take a little break, okay?” Daisy whispered and Isabella nodded.

“Make it a long break.”

Only pride and everyone watching kept Daisy’s steps measured. Once inside the house, she placed the tray on the island in the middle of the kitchen and bent over it, head falling in her hands. There were no noises beyond the sound of the band outside.

He hadn’t followed her. Disappointment rose, sharp and painful as it tried to hollow her out. “I don’t care,” she whispered.

For the rest of the afternoon, she kept her heart strong and tears at bay. She laughed, smiled, and urged the wedding guests to eat their fill. When it was over, she joined everyone else as they threw rose petals and blew bubbles at the couple.

Unable to stop herself, she searched the crowd for him. Maybe…there were no maybes, no wishful thinking that somehow they’d work it out.

Sebastian had made his choice, and it hadn’t included her. Despite wanting to check on him, on his new life, she had forbidden herself to look at Internet sites that featured stories about him. It was for the best, really, because there was no way she could handle seeing him with Kate.

“He’s not here, baby girl,” Haven said, giving her a hug. “Your earl left about forty-five minutes ago.”

Her stomach dropped. So much for wishful thinking she’d told herself not to think about. “He’s not my anything, and I’m not looking for—”

Haven’s silver eyes narrowed, effectively cutting Daisy off. “You are, and you know what—that’s okay with me.”

Daisy chewed on the inside of her cheek as they walked to the back of the house. She directed the clean-up crew while Haven shot murderous glares at Heath. He merely smiled and toasted them, then made a face at the couple—Isabella and Liam— still on the dance floor.

“Over her my tail,” Haven muttered.

“Sebastian doesn’t want me, just like Glen,” Daisy finally said.

Haven turned her attention to Daisy. “I think you’re wrong.”

A soft snort escaped her. “You got that right: I’m wrong for both of them.”

Pushing her pink bangs out of her eyes, Haven pursed her lips. “You’re exactly what you are and it’s exactly the friend I’ve always needed.”

Warmth spread through her heart and tears gathered. Though she and Haven hadn’t always been the closest of friends, like Daisy was with Isabella, she valued and loved her to pieces. “Thank you.”

“Why don’t you go home? I’ll take care of everything else for you.”

Normally, Daisy would have declined the offer. But normally, Daisy wasn’t emotionally and physically drained. “I think I will. There’s a hot bubble bath calling my name.”

“But not too hot,” Haven warned.

Daisy shot her a look. “Not you, too.” But she didn’t mean it. She was grateful for her friends. “See you later.”


It took less than twenty minutes to drive back to her apartment, another two to trudge across the parking lot and up the stairs. She unlocked her door and went inside, only to smell food.

Brow creasing, she sniffed. It smelled like roast beef and carrots and potatoes, but she hadn’t cooked roast. And she sure as heck didn’t remember leaving the lights on. Maybe she had pregnancy nose and memory.

Her stomach rumbled as she walked further inside and then froze, her jaw dropping to the floor.

The table in the corner was set for two, with her china and food she knew she hadn’t cooked. In the center of the table sat a very familiar looking pot of African Violets.

“Hullo, Daisy,” a deep, sexy voice she recognized said, and she spun around, only to find her earl standing there.

“Why are you here?”

He shrugged and rubbed the back of his neck. His shirtsleeves were rolled up and his tie was half-undone. “Thought I’d make you dinner.”

Oh my mercy. “I’m not hungry.” Her stomach rumbled again.

Sebastian gave her midsection a pointed look. “You didn’t eat at the reception.”

“How do you know?”

“Because I watched you the entire time.”

“Because you care so much, right?” She swept past him, ready to leave the apartment and go to Haven’s.

He caught her by the elbow, his grip gentle but firm. “I do care. You look exhausted.”

“All day morning sickness tends to make me less than pretty,” she snapped.

“All day.” Concern lit his blue eyes. “Have you spoken to a physician about this?”

She couldn’t decide whether to be mad at him or cave and weep in his arms. “Look, we have nothing to say to each other, and I’m taking care of myself.”

“Perhaps you need someone to take care of you,” he said, pulling her toward the table and gesturing at the food. “Weren’t you the one to say grumpy equals hungry?”

Her lips twitched despite her best effort. “Yes.” He pulled out her chair and sat down, then began to serve her. Everything looked cooked to perfection. The beef medium, the carrots just this side of squishy and the potatoes soft enough to be pierced by a fork.

Ravenous, she took a bite before he sat down across from her and almost moaned her appreciation. It tasted perfect.

“Full disclosure: I did not make this meal.”

“Hmpf,” she said, mouth full of carrots.

“I had G.R. flown in and he cooked this meal for you.”

She blinked at him. “For me?”

A faint smile lifted his sexy mouth at the corners. “I couldn’t very well subject you to my cooking.”

They ate in silence, mostly because she was hungry and didn’t actually want to talk to him, because she might say something stupid like stay with me forever. Then he would laugh at her and leave. Only why go to all the trouble?

She grimaced, glancing up at him.

His fork clattered to the table. “Is it the baby? Shall I take you to—”

It hit her, then, right in the heart. Sebastian only wanted to check on the baby, not her. “The baby’s fine. You saw the ultrasound.”

He visibly swallowed. “Thank you for sending me the picture, but it’s not enough. I want more. I want you and the baby with me every day.”

She dropped her chin, her eyes widening. “You want what?”

“I’m a miserable sod without you.” Sebastian got up from his chair, rounded the table and kneeled beside her, gently stoked the side of her face. “I miss you, Daisy.”

“No you don’t,” she whispered. “You didn’t speak to me all day.”

All through the ceremony and reception, he’d been unable to take his eyes off her. When Daisy had finally sat down to enjoy the ceremony, her face luminous and her smile wistful, he’d stared for so long and hard that he’d nearly forgotten to give Christian the ring.

“You had me all tongue-tied.” He smiled. “As a man in love would be in your presence.”

“What about Kate and Romanov Industries?” she asked, shooting to her feet and stumbling back. Her face had turned pale and her hands trembled, as she fumbled for the bar stool behind her.

Fear raced through him. All this way to see her and because he blurted out his feelings, she would fall and hurt herself. “Careful.”

“I need to sit down again,” she said, her voice reedy thin.

Standing, he crossed the small distance between them, scooped her up in his arms. He walked to the bed, then climbed on top of the mattress and settled her against him, stealing a hand up the front of her cardigan to touch her belly. “There is no me and Kate, or even Romanov Industries. I wasn’t voted in as president and there were no conditions in the first place,” he said, silently cheering as her body relaxed against him. She had to believe him, or she’d still be stiff as a board. “I made the entire thing up so you’d be forced to leave me.”

“What about the news on the website?” Her brows drew together. “It looked real when you gave me the iPad.”

“Paid a bloke a lot of money to create it,” he confessed. “I didn’t think I deserved you, and for damn sure you didn’t deserve to put up with someone like me.”

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