Just One Kiss

Page 23

“I got over it.” Felicia shrugged. “I went to the local bar where the security guys hung out and got one to buy me a drink. He took me back to his room and...”

This time when she paused, it was to smile. “Let me say I discovered I was very fond of orgasms.”

“Virginity cured.”

“It was.”

“And the guy?”

“That was an unhappy ending. Justice and one of his friends broke down the hotel room door the next morning. Justice thought he was saving me, but he wasn’t. I never saw the man again.” She hesitated, as if she was going to say more.

When she didn’t, Patience spoke. “Justice really broke down the door?”

“Yes. He’s quite strong. All the Special Forces guys are. If we were in a pack, Justice would be the alpha male. There’s both status and safety in belonging to him, you know.”

“And here I thought all the good news was about the orgasms.”

Felicia laughed. “That, too.” Her smile faded. “I want to ask you a question and I’d appreciate you being honest with me.”


“Do you think it’s possible for me to fit in here? In Fool’s Gold? I’m going to help Justice and Ford get their business started, but after that’s done, I want to get out of the security business. I want normal.”

“Normal can be boring.”

“That’s okay. I’m so tired of not belonging.”

Patience leaned toward her. “I hope you decide to stay here, Felicia. Fool’s Gold would be lucky to have you.”

Felicia flashed her a dazzling smile. “Thank you. I was thinking I could be a teacher. Maybe kindergarten.”

“An interesting idea.” Patience had a feeling Felicia would bring her unique brand of brilliance to whatever it was she decided to do.

“You don’t think I’d frighten the children?”

“No, but you’d terrify their parents, and that’s not a bad thing.”

Felicia drew in a breath. “Thanks for talking to me today. I feel better. I know I’m a little awkward and you’ve made me think I can do all right here.”

“You’ll be fine. You’ve already started making friends.”

“I have. Justice said I’d do well here. He said everyone was very welcoming when he was here before. When he was a teenager.”

“Right. That was the strangest thing.” She still couldn’t believe she’d known someone who had been a protected witness. “One day Justice was here and the next he was gone.”

“You know his father had been sighted in the area?”

“Uh-huh. Now. But back then all I knew was that I’d lost a close friend.” And the first boy she’d ever liked. “I guess his dad was really scary.”

“Bart Hanson was a sociopath,” Felicia said flatly. “Justice worries he has too much of his father in him. I’ve told him that pathologically, they’re nothing alike, but he won’t listen. His concerns aren’t rooted in fact.”

“That doesn’t make them any less real.”

“I know. The human mind is a constant surprise. All the logic and facts available can be meaningless when put up against a visceral emotion. Like my fear of spiders. I try to stay focused on reality rather than feelings, but I’m not always successful.”

“Welcome to my world,” Patience told her. She hesitated, then asked, “Do you think Justice will stay?”

“He’s said he will.” Felicia nodded. “You’re attracted to him.”

“Very much so. But I don’t want to get my heart broken.”

Felicia tucked her long, wavy hair behind her ears. “You know the heart doesn’t really break.”

Patience laughed. “Yes, I know.”

“Although there have been studies that show the sadness of losing a loved one can physically damage...” She cleared her throat. “Never mind. No one finds that sort of thing noteworthy except me. Justice keeps a lot of his emotions to himself. He doesn’t trust easily. He would die for someone he cares about, but I’m not sure he’s ever admitted to loving anyone. He wants to settle here. He’s never wanted to put down roots before. I realize these are disjointed facts, but I believe they point to a logical conclusion.”

“That while Justice might be staying, he’s also a risky man to fall for.”

Felicia sighed. “Yes. I need to learn to be more succinct and colloquial.”

“I like you just as you are.”

“You’re very kind.”

“Not really. Ask anyone.”

Felicia laughed. Patience joined in and knew that whatever happened with Justice, she’d just made a friend. And that meant today was a very good day.

* * *

THE TOWN OF Fool’s Gold relied on tourists for a steady stream of income. There was skiing in the winter, the wineries and lakes in the summer. Hiking, biking and all the adorable shops in town. But what drew the really big crowds were the festivals. They were well-known and much loved.

The town didn’t just celebrate traditional events like the Fourth of July or Christmas. There was the Great Casserole Cook-off and the Sierra Nevada Balloon Festival.

Patience knew that being a part of the town’s festivals would mean more tourists in her store. To make sure that happened, she’d set up an appointment with Pia Moreno, who was in charge of all things festival.

She climbed the stairs to Pia’s office two minutes before the time of their appointment and knocked on the half-open door.

“Hi,” she said as she entered.

Pia, a pretty woman in her early thirties, looked up. Her curly hair was mussed and her hazel eyes seemed slightly glazed.

“Hi, Patience. Did we have a meeting today?”

“Yes. My store opens tomorrow and I wanted to talk about how I could support the festivals. You know, advertise in my windows and be a part of things. Tulip-shaped cookies for the Tulip Festival and a special Fourth of July iced coffee drink. That sort of thing.”

Pia stared at her. “That’s great. Clever. Sure. It would help us and your business. We’re very supportive of new businesses in town. I hope you know that. How much we’re going to support you.”

Without warning, tears filled her eyes. “Oh God, I just can’t do this.”

Patience froze in the center of the small room, not sure what to do. “Pia? What’s wrong? Are you not feeling well? Has there been some bad news?”

Pia shook her head and dug a tissue out of a drawer. “I’m fine. Seriously, it’s okay.” She drew in a breath and let out another little sob. “I’m sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I’m just so tired all the time.”

Patience inched closer. “Can I get you something? Water?”

“No.” Pia waved her hand toward the chair on the other side of her desk. “I’m running in circles. The twins are two and Peter is thirteen. Raoul is so great and supportive, but he’s busy with his work and I’m tired all the time. Do you know the festivals are every month? I used to love that, but lately I’m constantly scrambling. I feel like I’m failing everyone and if I could just sleep more I’d be fine.” Tears trickled down her face. “I’m so sorry. I’m frightening you.”

“No. I want to help. Just tell me what to do.”

Pia blew her nose. “I’m a disaster. Let’s reschedule this for when I’m sane, okay? I’ll make sure Brew-haha gets added to the list of stores taking posters. And I’ll add you to our business email loop. I’m in charge of that, too. I swear, I need to tell Mayor Marsha we need a new business-development person. And we’re out of milk. I knew I forgot something at the grocery store.”

She scribbled a note, then glanced up at Patience, her expression perfectly blank. As if she’d completely forgotten she was there.

“We’ll reschedule,” Patience said, coming to her feet. “When things calm down.”

“Thank you. I’m sorry for the meltdown.”

“No problem. I’m opening my business tomorrow. Come see me at three. I’m sure I’ll be hysterical.”

Pia offered a slight smile. “Right. We can bond.”

Patience let herself out, then walked down the stairs to the street. Whatever was going on with Pia, Patience hoped it got straightened out and soon. The poor woman sounded as if she couldn’t take on one more thing.

Patience walked back to her store and then paused in front of the big front window. The logo was beautiful in reds and yellows. The tables were in place, as were the hooks for the opening-day banner.

She’d done it, she thought happily. Tomorrow she would open her business. There was no going back now—just moving forward. As she unlocked the front door, she crossed the fingers of her free hand. For luck.


AT SEVEN THAT night, Patience stopped in front of her business and looked toward the dark windows. She didn’t see anything wrong. But Police Chief Barns had phoned a few minutes before to say there was a problem. Ava had said she would watch Lillie while Patience hurried over to check the business.

“Nothing bad,” she whispered, reaching for the front door. “Please, nothing bad.”

She used her key and opened the door, then flipped on the lights.


She jumped back and shrieked as over a dozen women gathered around. All her friends were there holding bottles of champagne and presents. Charlie; Heidi; Julia, Patience’s former boss; Dakota, Montana and Nevada; Annabelle; Isabel and even Felicia.

Charlie hugged her first. “Sorry to scare you, but we wanted this to be a surprise.”

Patience had trouble taking it all in. “You mean there’s no emergency?”

“Nope. I called Alice and she was happy to be part of the surprise. Your mom was in on it, too.”

Patience pressed a hand to her still-pounding heart. “She and I are going to have a talk about this when I get home.”

“Come on,” Isabel said, taking her arm and leading her forward. “We’re going to get you drunk.”

“I have to be up at three-thirty to be here at four in the morning. I don’t want a hangover.”

Isabel grinned. “Sure you do. The headache will distract you from any nerves you might have.”

Charlie and Nevada opened the bottles of champagne and poured. On the coffee bar were platters of appetizers along with a pitcher of what looked like herbal iced tea. No doubt for the recent moms and the mother-to-be. The tables had been dragged together with chairs pulled around.

When Annabelle came over to hug her, she smiled. “I can’t stay all that long because I’m between feedings, but I didn’t want to miss this.”

“I’m glad you came.”

“You’re going to do great. You’ll see. The whole town will support you.”

“I’m counting on that.”

“I swear, the second I’m done breast-feeding, I’m coming right here for coffee. I miss lattes and double shots and caffeine in general. I also miss wine. I’ll have to go somewhere else for that.”

Isabel and Charlie led Patience to one of the chairs. Glasses of champagne were handed out and the food passed around. Everyone settled in for a good gossip session.

Montana looked at Felicia. “Wow, you’re really gorgeous.”

“Thank you,” Felicia said. “I wasn’t born this way.”

Charlie chuckled. “It’s her way of saying not to hate her.”

“I’m more likely to make people uncomfortable than generate hatred,” Felicia said. “I am hoping you’ll like me, though.”

“Honesty,” Heidi said. “Impressive.”

“You’re not the only new girl in town,” Charity Golden said. “I heard a rumor that a woman was looking at retail space right next to the sporting-goods store.”

Charity would know, Patience thought. She was the city planner.

“Do you know what kind of store she’s opening?” Isabel asked.

“Afraid you’ll have gown competition?” Heidi sipped her herbal tea.

“No. Just curious.”

“I don’t think she said,” Charity admitted. “I didn’t see the paperwork for her business license.”

Charlie looked at Charity. “Tell your husband he needs to name his damn store.”

“It’s the sporting-goods store.”

“That’s what it is, not what it’s called.”

Charity laughed. “It’s what the sign says.”

“Right. Like there’s a big sign that says library in town, too, but it has a name.”

“I’ll tell him you’re concerned.”

Isabel got up and walked over to the sound-system controls tucked into the bookcase. She turned it on and quickly dialed in one of the local radio stations. An oldies song started to play.

“Tell us about the hunky bodyguards coming to Fool’s Gold,” Dakota said to Felicia. “With my brother being one of them, you’d think we’d know something, but he’s barely been in touch.”

Nevada nodded at her triplet. “I sent him an email the other day. I swear, his reply was the written equivalent of a grunt.”

“He’s okay, isn’t he?” Montana asked.

Felicia looked at the three sisters. “Last time I saw Ford, he was fine. I’m sure he’s busy wrapping up his time in the army. There’s a lot of paperwork and a process for soldiers to acclimate to civilian life.”

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