Kiss Me

Page 75

There was a second of silence, followed by a low chuckle. “You’re never predictable, Phoebe. I’ll give you that. Cross your fingers.”


“Cross your fingers. I might have a condom in my shaving kit.”

There was movement and rustling, then the sound of a zipper being opened.

“I’m going to have to put on the light.”

She briefly debated being polite and closing her eyes, but who was she kidding? She wanted to see Zane naked. In preparation, she raised up on one elbow and stared in his general direction. When the light came on, she saw all she wanted and more.

He was kneeling at the end of the sleeping bag. Naked, aroused and more physically perfect than any man had a right to be. She saw the definition in his arms, the broad strength of his chest and his flat stomach before lowering her attention to his large, hard penis.

The physical proof of his desire for her made her so happy, she nearly cried. Her other instinct was to part her legs, tell him never mind with birth control and protection and demand he take her right there.

As that last bit was only ever going to happen in her fantasies, she contented herself with stretching out her arm and lightly grazing the tip of him with her fingers.

He stiffened instantly, then turned to look at her.

If she’d had any doubts about his willingness to participate, they were put to rest by the fire in his eyes and the tightness of his expression. He was a man on the sexual edge, and she couldn’t wait to push him over.

He shook his head and forced his attention back to the shaving kit. At first he set the various items on the foot of the sleeping bag, but after a couple of seconds, he simply turned the container over and dumped out the contents.

“Be here, be here, be here,” he muttered as he pawed through everything. Then he grabbed a square packet in triumph. “Got one.”

She couldn’t help smiling. “Only one?”

He grinned. “We’ll have to be creative after that.”

He handed her the condom, then clicked off the light. “Where was I?” he asked.

“You can pretty much be anywhere you want to be,” she told him.

“Good. Then I want to be here.”

He pulled off her panties in one smooth move. Then there was nothing. She tensed in anticipation. A whisper of breath was her only warning. One second he was beside her, the next, he kissed the inside of her ankle. She jumped in surprise.

“What are you doing?” she asked, even as she parted her thighs.

“You’re a smart woman. You figure it out.”

He kissed his way up to her knee, then moved between her legs and nibbled higher. Up and up and up until he pressed an openmouthed kiss just at that hollow by her hip.

“That’s not right,” he teased, even as he licked her tummy. “I was looking for something else.”

Anticipation had reached such a fevered pitch that Phoebe wasn’t sure she could talk—even to give directions. She could only send loud telepathic messages instructing Zane on the right place to press that tongue of his. Fortunately, the man was pretty darned good at mind reading.

He slipped from her tummy to the promised land in three seconds flat. This time, she didn’t have warning, but that was okay. She didn’t mind the surprise of his gentle caress pleasuring the most intimate parts of her.

She parted her legs even more and raised her hips in a silent invitation. He moved slowly, discovering, tasting, whispering how good this all was for him.

She wanted to tell him he should try it from her perspective, but she couldn’t form words. She couldn’t even think. All she could do was feel the liquid heat spiraling through her. Feel the tensing of her muscles as he explored all of her before settling on that one spot designed to send her into paradise. Feel the heavenly pressure of the finger he slipped inside her.

He moved in tandem, slow, then a little faster. She rocked her head back and forth, her breathing increasing. Her eyes opened, but in the darkness there was nothing to see.

Her climax approached with a speed that left her breathless. She couldn’t be ready so soon, but she couldn’t—didn’t want—to make him stop.

“Zane,” she whispered. “I can’t—”

He didn’t respond. Probably a good thing, she thought with her last bit of consciousness, right before she lost control and gave herself over to her release.

Every cell in her body became caught up in the abandon that was her orgasm. Pleasure encompassed her. There was so much inside her, it went on and on, Zane drawing it out, moving slower, more gently, silently urging her to surrender all she had to him.

At last, when she could breathe and think and move, she sighed.

“That was amazing,” she told him.

He kissed the top of her thigh. “For me, too.”

She heard him sit up and prepared to pass over the condom. But before she could, she felt his finger enter her again. Just the finger.

It shouldn’t have been that exciting, but there was something about the way he touched her. She’d just had more than her fill of orgasms, but she couldn’t help clamping around him, drawing him in deeper.

“Good?” he asked.

“Oh, yeah. Don’t stop.”

Without thinking, she reached down and grabbed his wrist. Holding his hand still, she thrust her hips forward and back, finding the right pace until the heavy tension returned, and she felt the telltale contractions begin again.

He swore softly. “Can you do that while I’m inside of you?”

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