Love Unscripted

Page 66

But he had to go. He had obligations. Reluctantly, I grabbed my car keys and we headed for the door.

Ryan managed to hop from the back door into my waiting car unnoticed. We didn’t talk very much on the way to meet his driver. I think he was too intrigued with how our secret exchange would turn out to hold any conversations. And my internal skirmish was still battling in my brain.

We met his driver in the empty rear parking lot belonging to one of the local textile manufacturers, where it would be difficult for anyone to see or hide to take photos. From there his driver would take him to the location where they would be filming today.

He turned to me to say his departing words. His fingers reached out to touch my face and he thanked me for a wonderful morning.

“I’ll call you later, okay?” he said as he pulled his hand away.

I smiled and nodded. It was the only response my confused brain was capable of.

He slipped out of my car and quickly hopped into the open door of the car that waited. All I could do was wave goodbye.

By the time I returned home, Pete was already there, busy unloading boxes from the van.

“I put all the steaks in the refrigerator and the liquor delivery is in the back,” Pete informed.

I stepped behind the bar to put the cash drawer in the register.

“Oh and Tammy’s got the rest of the catering under control. We got everything on the list, so we’re good to go for the party tomorrow.”

“Thanks Pete. You and Tammy are the best! Did I give you enough money or do I still owe you?”

“The shrimp cost more than we figured but we still came in under budget. I think there was about $40 left.”

“Just keep it. Gas costs money too. I’m just thankful I have friends like you two.” I flashed him a big smile.

“So, what’s up with you?” Pete asked.

I didn’t know what to say or how to explain my mood.

“Hey, what’s going on?” He came around to the back of the bar when I looked away. “I know you’ve been… in a different situation lately. You want to talk about it?”

When I looked him in the eye, I couldn’t lie - completely. Pete was the closest thing I had to a brother in this world, and he knew me well enough to know something was wrong.

“I’m falling for him, Pete. I can’t help it anymore. I tried to just be friends,” I said. “But I want him. I’ve never wanted a man more, and now I’m worried that I’m just setting myself up for the biggest heartbreak of my life.”

Pete wrapped me in his big bear hug. “You know, when Thomas pulled that crap on you, I wanted to kill him. You’re too good of a person to accept anything less than the best in life. You deserve to be happy, Taryn! Not every guy is like Thomas. Granted, Ryan is, well... still he seems like a hell of a nice guy.”

I knew Pete didn’t want to say the words “famous” or “celebrity.” I took a step back from him. Words like “celebrity” equaled “unobtainable” in my mind.

“You just have to give the poor guy a chance first. But sometimes you can also be your own worst enemy,” Pete scolded. “If you never take chances, then of course you won’t get hurt. But that’s what life is all about, kiddo. Living through the good and bad, and – with any luck – having battle scars that heal.”

“Pete, he’s leaving in a couple of weeks. He is not going to stick around here.” I sighed heavily from the one thought that brought me the most pain. “What am I supposed to do? Put my heart out there on the silver platter again and give it all away? How convenient that all the guys I seem to fall for own sharp knives.”

Just then my phone vibrated in my pocket, startling me.

“Speaking of sharp knives.”

‘1 new message’ flashed on the screen. I read Ryan’s text message and laughed to myself.

“I need duct tape”

“For what?” I texted back.

“Bb is throwing hissy fit again she hates her costume today”

I frowned and quickly typed: “can't u lock her in a trailer?”

“I wish”

“Is she coming tomorrow?” I asked.

“Yes sorry btw I slept great last night best night sleep in a long time”

My fingers quickly typed: “Liar”

“Truth!” popped up on my display. I smiled at his reply.

“Cu tomorrow at 5?” I replied.

“U can c me tonight if u want?”

I couldn’t text him back. I wanted to see him so bad but the self-preservation portions of my heart and brain were screaming NO at me.

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