
Page 28

“Well, of course you did,” I said sarcastically. “Did you pick me up a car while you were out?”

“You don’t have a car?”

“Uh, no. My parents thought if I had a car, there would be a better chance of me sneaking out at night or running away,” I admitted.

“Wow, that’s so… so weird. You’re lucky you turned out so normal,” he said with a confused face. I loved Mason’s honesty and unapologetic comments. Much like a child, the filter from his brain to his mouth left quite a bit to be desired for many, but I appreciated his candidness.

“Don’t be so sure that I am all that normal.”

He kissed me quickly one more time before throwing his right leg over the bike and starting it. I inhaled sharply at the sight of him perched on the rumbling Harley. I had been right-it did complete the package. The vision of Mason sitting on that motorcycle oozed sex straight from his dark buzzed hair down to the chrome spokes on the wheels. I unconsciously squeezed my upper thighs together, trying to ease the ache that emerged.

“Get on, let’s give you your first motorcycle ride and get some dinner.” He flashed me that panty-dropping smile and his eyes locked on mine. I happily obliged.

Dinner went much like our breakfast together had. He took me to his favorite burger place, so it was nice and casual. We joked around about funny things we lost ourselves in on the internet. I admitted my strange obsession with the websites that showed auto-corrected text conversations. I could spend hours upon hours reading those and laugh until I was crying. He confessed to spending endless hours surfing Youtube watching anything and everything. We ranked childhood cartoons and best infomercials. My vote was still for either the Shamwow or the Ginsu knives, but Mason was a strong supporter of the Slap Chop.

Our conversation rarely led us to discuss our pasts or any serious topics. We openly flirted and without blatantly engaging in PDA, we would each find an excuse to touch or brush up against the other. That in itself became a game to see who was willing to go the furthest without the other acknowledging what was happening. It began innocent enough with his hand brushing against mine on the table. In response I crossed my legs so that my foot rested against his calf. We continued the back and forth and then the next thing I knew, his hand had traveled up my thigh, under my dress, and was lightly tracing circles on my inner thigh, just inches from my blue lace panties. I could feel myself getting wet just at the thought of his fingers touching me, and the fact that we were in public and holding a normal conversation about which cereal was better, made it even more hot.

I knew my face was flushed, I could feel the heat as it consumed my body. Mason seemed to like the effect he was having on me, and when I placed my hand to a similar place on his leg, I felt that he was experiencing similar effects. He leaned in towards me and said lowly, “If we don’t get out of here soon, I’m not going to be able to walk out properly.”

I smiled, I liked knowing that I drove him crazy with want. I moved my lips about a half an inch from his and whispered, “What are we waiting for?” He stood up instantly, grabbed several twenties out of his wallet, and threw them on the table. I knew that was way too much money for what we had eaten, but Mason obviously didn’t feel like waiting for the bill. He grabbed my hand and led me out of the restaurant and to the Harley. I wasn’t sure what it was about him, but being around him made me lose most of my sexual inhibitions and want to try all kinds of nasty things I had only read and fantasized about.

Mason’s apartment was less than ten minutes away, and when we arrived I was pleasantly surprised. The brick complex appeared to have been newer construction and was very well kept. He lived on the top floor of a three story building. The interior was decorated in a simple, contemporary style and was exceptionally clean. Again he knew exactly what I was thinking while I looked around, and said, “I have a weekly housekeeper and she was just here today.”

I laughed, “Well that explains it. I was wondering if you were an OCD clean freak or something.”

“Nah, I’m not a slob or anything, but I’m not into mopping floors or scrubbing toilets.” He grabbed my hand in his and said, “We can do the grand tour later, first you need to see my bedroom.” I allowed him to pull me down the short hallway and into his room, which was amazing. He had a huge California king bed with all white bedding that stood out against the deep cherry wood of the furniture. It sat high off the floor and I thought I may actually have to crawl up into it. There was a collage of black and white photographs of different guitars on the wall opposite the bed. Gauzy white curtains framed the large window and a large white rug spread across most of the hardwood floor.

“It’s beautiful,” I breathed.

“I’m glad you like it,” he murmured in my ear, as he positioned himself behind me. He began to dust feathery light kisses all over my neck and shoulders and I couldn’t help but moan in pleasure.

“Mason, we need to talk about something first,” I barely managed to get the words out. He stopped and turned me around by the shoulders. He looked deep into my eyes with his.

“What is it, angel? Is everything okay?” He seemed to be truly concerned.

“Everything is fine, I just need to be upfront with you about…” My voice trailed off, I wasn’t sure exactly how to say it.

“About what, angel? Did I make you feel uncomfortable?”

I shook my head no and looked up at him. “Look, Mason, I really like you and I love the way you make me feel when you touch me and kiss me. It’s like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. But I’m not going to have sex with you, not now and not in the foreseeable future, either. I’ve waited this long so when I finally do decide to, I want to at least be in a somewhat serious, monogamous relationship where I at least think I’m in love.” I paused for a breath and continued, “I know that’s not what you are looking for and I’m not suggesting that between us… And it’s not that I don’t want to do… other things, because I do. I just didn’t want you to think that I was ready for that.” When I finished talking, I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth, nervous at what he was going to say in response.

Mason cupped my face in his large hands and brought my face close to his. “Scarlett, I’m not going to lie to you. I want you so bad, so fucking bad. I really don’t think you have any idea the effect you have on the male population. But we will never, and I mean never, do anything you aren’t comfortable with. You’re in complete control of how far this goes between us. Okay angel?” I nodded, never breaking eye contact.

“Will you teach me how to do things? I really feel so awkward, like I don’t really know what to do… I know that sounds silly, but I’m just so inexperienced.”

I could tell he was trying hard not to smile, but the corners of his mouth turned up ever so slightly and his eyes danced with amusement. “So you want me to be your sex coach, but without the sex?”

I slapped his chest while shaking my head and looked down at the ground, humiliated at how it sounded when he phrased it like that. “That’s not what I meant. I want to hang out and do other stuff, too…” He grabbed my chin and forced me to look back at his face.

“Don’t be embarrassed.” He leaned down and kissed me gently on the lips. “I’d love to show you anything and everything you want to know.” He kissed me again. “And I want to hang out and do the other stuff, too.” With the third kiss, he used his tongue to part my lips and I melted against him.

Mason picked me up and carried me over to his bed. He sat me down on the edge so that my legs were hanging off the side. He knelt in front of me and began removing my boots, keeping his eyes locked on mine the entire time. After he had discarded of both of my shoes and socks, he began to kiss my left calf and continued moving north until he reached the hem of my dress which lay mid-thigh. He then shifted over several inches and did the same to my right leg; however, when he reached the hem on that leg, he didn’t stop. He used a combination of his lips and tongue to caress the inside of my thigh until it reached the lace barrier of my panties. Feeling the cool metal of his piercing drag across my skin was exhilarating. We groaned simultaneously when he pulled away. He stood up and claimed my mouth with his. He alternated between soft and sweet pecks and hard and deep thrusts of his tongue. My head swirled with lustful thoughts and my body clenched and moistened under his assault. I sucked his bottom lip into my mouth and tugged on the ring lightly with my teeth. A guttural sound escaped from him and he separated our bodies.

“Scarlett, can I take your dress off?” I nodded quickly and seconds later it was over my head and on the floor. I returned the favor by removing his shirt and was quickly reminded of how incredibly sexy his body was. My hands wasted no time in roaming over his chest and arms. Other than playing with his nipple rings, I still had not taken the time to really look at all of the art that covered his skin, and I was way too gone under his sensual spell at that moment to pay attention to anything but the way my body was responding to his gaze and touch. He kicked his shoes off, unfastened his jeans, and left both on the floor as he climbed into the bed with me, leaving him only in his boxers and socks. He moved me until I was situated in the middle of the colossal bed, propped up against the pillows. I still had on my matching blue lace bra and panties, but I knew that they would soon be gone too.

Mason straddled my legs and nuzzled his face into my neck. He alternated kissing and nibbling at my sensitive skin and all I could think about was how unbelievably good he made me feel. The physical effect he had on my body was far more intense than I had ever imagined possible. He continued his ministrations down my chest and growled when he reached the cup of my bra. “This needs to go too,” he mumbled. Happy to oblige, I arched my back off the pillows so that he could reach around to unhook the clasp. The moment the fabric left my breasts, they were recovered, one in his mouth and the other in his hand. I arched even further and grabbed the back of his head, keeping his mouth on my nipple.

After several minutes of appreciating each nipple equally, he continued to lower himself down my body, stopping at my belly button to dip his tongue into it. It made me laugh and relax a bit as he got dangerously close to the edge of my panties. He looked up at me through his thick lashes, his eyes were full of lust and desire, almost as if he could devour me, but he waited to go any further until I gave him permission. I drew my lip in between my teeth and nodded.

“Scarlett, has anyone ever touched you here before?” Mason brushed his thumb against my wet folds with a feather-light touch. I gasped and instinctively clenched my opened knees against him. He was still staring directly into my eyes.

“Just me and BOB,” I answered quietly. I didn’t want to talk; I wanted him to touch me again.

“Bob?” He cocked his head, confused.

“Yeah, you know, my battery operated boyfriend,” I answered quickly. I wondered why I had even said anything. I really wanted to get back to more of the doing and less of the talking.

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