Neanderthal Marries Human

Page 61

Elizabeth smirked. “He’s too clever.”

Sandra also smirked. “And he probably has plans to use those blindfolds later….”

Ashley hit her shoulder and rolled her eyes.

“What?” Sandra glanced around the room. “You know I’m right.”

I chucked, but my stomach was full of butterflies as I accepted the blindfold. Elizabeth tied it over my eyes, careful to avoid messing me up.

Then someone took me by the shoulders and positioned me as they liked.

“Wait here.” Marie said.

I heard them filing out, I heard them teasing Quinn, thought I discerned Elizabeth say something like, “Okay, McHotpants, you get two minutes, and no peeking.”

Then the air in the room shifted, and I knew he was there.

“Hi,” he said.

“Hi,” I said and I smiled. I wanted to see him, to touch him, but the suspense was surprisingly fun.

Someone shouted from the other room. “No touching either! We’re watching you….”

I knew Quinn was probably rolling his eyes, so I laughed.

He waited until I stopped, then he said, “You sound happy.”

I nodded. “I am. I really, really am.”

“So this was a good idea? The big wedding?” He was closer, his voice softer, and my skin broke out into goosebumps.

“Yes.” I breathed. “I think so.”

“Good. I take full credit.”

I laughed again and I heard him sigh.

“I wish I could see you.” He was even closer and sounded a little frustrated. “The next time I see you we’ll be in front of a hundred people.”

I swallowed at the thought. Then, abruptly, everything felt very real. I stopped floating and my feet hit the ground.

I was getting married. To Quinn. In less than an hour. I had so much to tell him.

“Quinn, I have something to tell you.”

“What? Are you okay?”

“Yes, sorry. I’m fine. But I wanted to let you know, I looked over the private client files last week, listened to the recordings, read the logs.”

“Oh.” I heard a difference in his voice, like he was bracing himself. It was amazing to me how tuned in I was to the sound of his voice now that we were blindfolded.

“No—listen, I think you have it all wrong. You are not a bad guy, Quinn; these people trust you. Yes, you use them, but you use them for good. Like…like an excellent manager, or a kind-hearted vigilante.”

He didn’t respond right away, but when he did, his voice was devoid of inflection. “A kind-hearted vigilante…?”

“Yes. If you think about it, all superheroes are vigilantes: Superman, Batman, Wonder Woman. They’re not paid for the work they do, fighting crime. If you don’t count Captain America, none of them follow a chain of command. They’re out there in the world doing good work for the betterment of society.”

I allowed a dramatic pause before adding, “You really are Batman!”

I heard him exhale a laugh, imagined that he shook his head. “Janie….”

“Just tell me you know you’re a good person. You’re not a bad guy, Quinn. You’re the good guy who uses questionable methods to achieve the most desirable outcome for everyone. It’s ok to be gifted at using people if you’re using them for good. Wait…that sounded bad.”

“You drive me crazy—in the best possible way.”

“Good, because we’re getting married.” I whispered the words like they were a secret, so that only Quinn could hear. “And this means you’re stuck with me in some capacity for the rest of your life until you die, or I die, or you have me murdered.”

I could hear in his voice that he was obviously fighting a smile, because he paused before responding. “Stuck is one word for it, yes….”

“This is your last chance to back out,” I offered as I gained a half step closer, my hands reaching out blindly for the front of his suit. I found him, tried not to grip the material too hard.

“Janie….” His hand fumbled for my waist, squeezed me through the layers of fabric. “My last chance to back out was eight months ago when I saw you at Club Outrageous in those shoes and that black dress, when you told me about creating your own collective nouns. I didn’t know it until later, but I’ve been yours and you’ve been mine since that moment. Today….” I felt his shoulders lift on a shrug before he continued. “Today we’re just making it official.”

My heart and bones melted into nothing. I wanted to fling myself into his arms and cover his face with kisses. However, before I could respond, I heard the ladies assemble.

Fiona said, “Okay, your two minutes are up.”

Quinn and I were given approximately three more seconds before they all returned and he was pulled away. I could tell by the glee in their voices that they were enjoying themselves an inordinate amount.

Then I heard the door to the suite shut and knew he was gone. Hands were at the back of my head removing the blindfold.

“I said no touching.” Ashley was standing in front of me. She winked then added, “I love that you guys didn’t listen.”

I returned her smile, though I was still thinking about covering Quinn’s face in kisses, and allowed myself to truly adjust to the feeling of my feet being on the ground again. I’d allowed myself to be steered for the last twenty-four hours. It had been a very nice twenty-four hours, but now I was ready to chart my own path.

“Here, let me get my shoes.” I pointed toward the closet and took a few steps in that direction, but Elizabeth blocked my path.

“About that….” She gave me a big grin. “We wanted to give you something, but we couldn’t decide what. So, we got you two somethings.”

Kat revealed a shoebox from behind her back and handed it to me. I lifted an eyebrow at their expectant faces and opened the box.

Inside were a pair of blue suede stilettos. My mouth fell open and I looked around the room.

“Do you like them? We figured you needed something blue. And they reminded us of Vegas, especially since Elizabeth got hitched by Elvis, even if we don’t remember it.”

“I love them.” And I did. I moved to put them on.

Before I could, Fiona stepped forward with another gift. “This is something we worked on together.” She was bouncing on her feet as she relinquished it to my hands and added unnecessarily, “Open it!”

I laughed, took the box from her, and carefully peeled back the wrapping paper.

“Just rip into it already!’ Sandra said. “The suspense is killing me!” She was biting her nails.

“Don’t you know what it is?” I asked.

“Yes. But I can’t wait for you to see it!”

I gave in and ripped the paper, opened the box, and gasped.

In it was the most exquisite, delicate, and all around unbelievably beautiful object I’d ever seen.

“It’s a Haapsalu shawl—an Estonian wedding shawl. We each knit a section,” Fiona explained.

I lifted it up by one edge and studied the fine, intricate lacework. My throat wouldn’t work. I tried to speak but I was completely overwhelmed.

“Let me help you put it on. You don’t have to wear it if you don’t want to, but we wanted to make something for you, and Kat found this pattern, so we all watched YouTube videos and learned how to do Estonian lace knitting.” Marie said all this as she lifted it from the box and put it around my bare shoulders.

“I love it.” I choked, meeting their eyes one at a time. I knew mine were shining. “I want to wear it. It’s…it’s perfect.”

Ashley came forward and pulled me into a hug; she held me briefly and whispered, “You are a stunning goddess. I am so happy for you. Also, my section of the shawl is the nicest.”

“I heard that!” Sandra poked Ashley as she pulled back, then Sandra stepped forward to take her place.

Each of my friends took their turn giving me hugs and whispering well wishes in my ear.

Sandra said, “Go get ’em, Sexy-Brains.”

Kat said, “I am so glad you got laid off!” This made us both laugh, then she added, “I prefer seeing you once a week sublimely happy than seeing you every day merely content.”

Fiona said, “You are a treasure. May your marriage be poor in misfortunes, rich in blessings, and constant in love.”

Marie said, “Thank you for letting me plan your wedding! I know it’s all fluff and nonsense, but I hope you know that every flower, every bow, every candle, and every note of music is my ode to you.”

Elizabeth then stepped forward and wrapped me in her arms. She leaned away saying, “You are my best friend.” She paused and my chin wobbled. “So I’m not going to say anything that will make you cry and wreck your makeup.” Everyone laughed, but it was a little too late. All the ladies were sniffling, daintily dabbing at the corners of their eyes. Sandra passed me a tissue.

Elizabeth smiled, squeezed my hands. “I’ll save the mushy stuff for my toast, but I will tell you this. You have your own room in my heart. It’s yours. Stay as long as you want; it will always be there for you.”

“Damn it, Elizabeth!” Sandra huffed. “If that’s saving the mushy stuff, then I guess we should all bring a box of Kleenex to the reception.”

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