Neanderthal Seeks Human

Page 56

One of his big palms caressed my check; his fingers pulled through my hair and forced my head back.

“Look at me.”

I took a deep breath then opened my eyes.

Most of his earlier frustration was absent and the way he looked at me made me feel uncomfortably, but deliciously, aware that we were pressed together from the waist down.

“We’ll go out tomorrow night?” He kept his thumb on my face, rubbing it slowly over my cheekbone in trance-inducing circles.

I nodded.

“And you’ll spend the entire evening with me?” Quinn’s chin dipped to his chest so that he was peering at me through his eyebrows, “No feminist comic book organizing? No wine club knitting?”

“It’s knitting group wine drinking, but- yes. I will spend the entire evening with you.” My chin wobbled just a little, making my voice shaky and raw.

He may have detected the flimsiness of my emotional limbo because he smiled at me in a way that relieved the pressure of his earlier frustration and began calming the muddled upheaval.

“Ok.” His fingers dropped from my hair and he leisurely gained a step backward, his hands stuffing into his pants pockets like they needed to be restrained. The smile grew somewhat wistful as his eyes moved over my face. “I can wait.”


It was Marie’s turn to host knit night; Quinn asserted that he would drive me to my knitting group leaving no room for discussion. He walked me to the door of Marie’s apartment building, and kissed me goodbye. It was a devastating kiss and, when he left, I felt part of me leave with him.

Needless to say it was a disconcerting sensation.

He also insisted, before he left, that I promise to call him while I sorted through my comic books later that night; he claimed to be interested in learning all about how second wave feminism influenced comic books of the late twentieth century.

Somehow I found the assertion dubious.

Elizabeth met me at the door and I floated through Marie’s well decorated apartment without really seeing anything or noticing anyone. Had I been more self-aware I might have detected the stares following my entrance and the quizzical glances exchanged.

My mind was engaged in wanderlust, and not the German predilection for wandering; rather, my mind was lustfully wandering. I pressed my fingers to my lips and recalled how Quinn had lifted me, like I weighed nothing, to the desk; his hot fingers under my skirt, above the lace of my stockings, and-


I blinked several times in machine gun rapidity, pulled out of my trance, and focused on the person standing directly in front of me, staring at me with what appeared to be mild concern.

It was Ashley.

“I- yes?”

“Honestly, girl- where did your mind just go and do you need a traveling companion?” Ashley’s Tennessee twang was hushed, “Are you ok?”

“I-” I continued to blink at her, seeing the room and its inhabitants for the first time. They were all watching me with open concern and curiosity; the only sound breaking the silence was Sandra munching on potato chips.

“I’m sorry,” I finally managed, “were you talking to me?”

Elizabeth was sitting on the couch, her eyes wide and watchful, as she patted the seat next to her, “I asked if you wanted to sit down but you just- you just stood there…”

“Oh! Yes. Yes, sure.” I ducked my head and moved to claim the seat beside her, letting my purse drop from my shoulder to my feet.

“Where is your travel bag? Did you drop it off at the apartment already?” Elizabeth eyed me suspiciously but her tone was light, conversational.

“Oh- no. Not yet. I went to the office after I landed.”

Marie handed me a plate with potato chips and onion dip and shared a look with Fiona over my head, “How was your trip?”

“It was…” I blushed uncontrollably; a giant grin mounted a hostile takeover of my face; I tucked my chin to my chest. I allowed my hair to fall forward and shield my expression.

There was a sharp intake of breath then, “You didn’t! Oh my God!” Elizabeth’s voice sounded to my right.

“Wait- what? What happened?” Ashley’s voice sounded from my left.

I squeezed my eyes shut as the room erupted in voices, I felt Elizabeth bouncing up and down on the couch next to me, my potato chips spilled all over the place; she was chanting:

“You did it! You did it!”

“What? What did she do?” Kat’s quiet but curious words cut through the noise.

“She had hot monkey sex with McHotpants!” Reverberations from Elizabeth’s bouncing almost made me topple off the sofa on to the floor, I abandoned the paper plate to my lap and gripped the cushion on either side of me, which proved to be a very good thing when I was, a moment later, tackled by a bear hug.

“Praise the Lord!” Sandra had me in a death squeeze, one of her legs was over my lap; a split second later greasy potato chip fingers were on my cheeks and she lifted my face to hers; her Texas drawl even more pronounced than usual, “When Elizabeth told us you were giving him the cold shoulder I was terribly afraid I’d never be able to live vicariously through your sexcapades.” She gave me a sudden, fast, closed mouth kiss then held my head to her breast as one would do with a child, “If you didn’t climb that man like a tree I was going to have to get all lumberjack on his ass.”

At this point I was laughing and, admittedly, snorted.

“What does that even mean?” Marie, also laughing, was trying to detangle Sandra from my limbs, “And give the poor girl some space so she can tell us everything, and I do mean everything.” Marie succeeded in pulling Sandra off me and began gathering the littered chips. I tried to help.

Elizabeth squeeeeeed again and shifted on the couch so that she was facing me; she hugged a pillow to her chest, her eyes lit with excited merriment, “Start from the beginning, leave nothing out, tell us exactly what happened.”

“And make sure to describe the size of everything in inches, I can’t do the metric conversion in my head.” Ashley added, leaning back and sipping her red wine.

I covered my face with my hands and shook my head, “Gah! I don’t even know where to start!”

“Start with the taking off of the clothes!” Kat’s suggestion made me burn a brighter shade of red.

“You don’t understand, a lot has happened.” I sighed, my hands dropped to my skirt and I picked at the hem, “I found out that Quinn is not- well he is my- and then there is Jon and my sister and then Kat- and the reason I was laid off-”

“Give her a minute!” Fiona scolded the group, then added, “Let her gather her thoughts otherwise she might leave out the best parts.”

I tried to tell them what happened but I was a woefully inadequate story teller.

I managed to relay the facts: the real reason I was laid off from my last job; the confrontation with Jon regarding his involvement in the aforementioned job loss; Jon sleeping with Jem; Quinn knowing about why I was fired; Quinn turning out to be my boss’ boss, this drew a lot of shocked and bewildered expressions; the meeting in Vegas; Quinn’s explanation about his disappearance and sudden trip to Boston; Quinn’s previous acquaintance with Jem, although I may have glossed over his criminal past; and, finally, Quinn’s assertion that he wanted to date me along with the proceeding game of strip poker.

At one point Ashley said, “Oh my God, Janie. How can you make everything sound like a police report?”

“Oh geeze…” Maria bit her lip, her blue eyes pinning me with concern, “Are you ok, hon? I can’t believe that all happened this last week.”

“Obviously she’s ok.” Sandra interrupted, setting her knitting on the table and taking a gulp of her beer, “What I want to know is: who won the game of strip poker?”

Elizabeth grabbed my hand, “I can’t believe he owns the company. I did not see that coming.”

“I can’t believe Jon slept with your psycho sister.” Ashley chimed in, “That bitch is cr-aaaaa-zy.”

“Who won the poker game, Janie?” Fiona’s soft voice drew my attention to her; her perceptive eyes were narrowed in a way that made me nervous.

I swallowed, “It was a tie.”

“Hmm…” Fiona pressed her lips together in a contemplative line, “So… then the two of you are dating?”

“I-” I shook my head as though to clear it, “I guess so.”

“And is that what you want?” Fiona pressed.

I nodded before I realized my head was moving, “Yes.” My chin trembled a little, “Yes but, it’s scary, you know?”

“Oh, Janie.” Fiona smiled at me, her elfish eyes twinkling, “That’s how you know it’s real.”

I texted- yes, texted- Quinn that night when I left knitting:

Won’t be organizing my comic books, instead am planning to pass out from exhaustion as soon as I make it home.

He responded:

Ok. I’ll take a rain check on the call. See you tomorrow after work. FYI guards will make sure you get home ok.

Then, a minute later:

I miss you. You should spend the night here tomorrow.

Then, thirty seconds later:

Or you could come over now. I promise I’ll let you sleep.

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