Night Vision

Page 23

Crawl. Crawl, the Blood Oracle of the vampires. Crawl, the seer who had long ago left any humanity he had in the dust. Crawl, who had tried to rip out my throat, who had escaped from a prison he should never have left. Crawl, who had no more compunction about ripping open a baby’s throat as I did about eating a piece of chicken. And he wanted me.

“Check, I have to get out of here. That’s Crawl.”

Check murmured some curse under his breath, but it was Luna who sprang to action. Rex’s car was three spots down. She dove for Rex’s body, rifling his pockets, and came up with the keys. Grabbing Peyton by the arm, Luna dragged her toward the car. I followed, leaving the guards to deal with Crawl.

“Meet us at Altos’s mansion!” I called out, jumping into the backseat next to Peyton. We slammed the doors just as Crawl crossed the street. He was strong, too strong, and Check knew it. He and the other two guards withdrew, waving for us to get a move on.

I cannot go, Cicely. The vampires won’t let me in. The vampires hated the Elementals—they couldn’t read them, and the Elementals could sense things about the vampires that the vampires preferred to keep as secrets.

Then wait outside the gates there for us.

Luna gunned the car, and with Peyton still crying, she floored the gas and we screeched away from the curb. She took the turn at breakneck speed and pointed us in the direction of Lannan’s manor.

“Watch out!” I grimaced as we almost hit the curb.

“I’ll try,” Luna said over her shoulder. “It would help if I could drive.” And with that statement, we went weaving down the street.

Chapter 12

Lannan’s mansion was lit up like a firecracker. As we swerved into the drive, I leaped out, not waiting for the valet to open the door. The guards had arrived, Check was standing by the on-duty security chief, and they looked like they’d been having a talk. I hurried over, with Luna leading Peyton behind me. The car had managed to survive Luna’s haphazard driving and we’d arrived in one piece.

“We need to see Lannan. Now.” I stared at the security chief, whom I recognized from previous visits. “And Regina, if she’s around. And I do mean now.”

After a moment’s silence, he inclined his head and from behind those dark glasses said, “Go in, Your Highness. I’ll call ahead.”

As we hustled up to the mansion, Peyton still a wreck and moving only because she was on autopilot, it hit me that for the first time, we were entering the mansion with at least some power on our side. We—or at least I—was royalty. And that counted for something among the vampires.

Peyton was still covered with Rex’s blood, a fact that struck me as several vamps turned our way. But Regina met us at the door, and she took one look at Peyton and motioned for the maid to take her into the bathroom.

“Clean her up, put her in clean clothes, and then bring her in.”

“I’ll go with her,” Luna said. “She’s had a horrible shock tonight.”

“Very well. Bring them both when they’re ready,” Regina motioned for the maid to take them off, then turned to me. “Come. Lannan is in the study.”

I wanted to burst out with what had happened but decided it was better to wait until we were behind closed doors. As we quick-stepped along the corridor, Regina glanced at me.

“Nice crown.”

I wasn’t sure what to say, and I wasn’t up for small talk. I just nodded at her, catching her gaze. It didn’t do to look vampires eye-to-eye, but right now, I wanted her to see. I wanted her to see my anger and fear and worry. After a moment, she nodded.

“Come. We’ll do what we can,” was all she said as we reached the study and passed through the doors.

Lannan was leaning back in one of the recliners, playing with some sort of puzzle. He was wearing a pair of black leather pants, an open crimson shirt, and a thin gold chain around his neck. The black and red set off his golden hair, and when I entered, he slowly put the puzzle down on the table and crossed one leg over the other knee, lounging back.

“Cicely, how nice of you to drop by. Or rather…Your Highness, the Great and Wondrous Queen of Snow and Ice.” He hadn’t lost the patronizing tone to his voice, but he slid honey over his words, making them simultaneously a compliment and an insult.

“Gee, thanks.” Now that I was Queen, I felt a little less intimidated. It would be harder for him to hurt me and get away with it.

He patted the seat beside him. “Come. Come sit next to me.”

I stared at him for a moment, wanting nothing more than to smack him one, but there wasn’t time. Silently, I took the seat next to him. He started to reach out one hand toward my knee, but Regina cleared her throat.

In a falsetto, she said, “Royalty, dear brother. Remember.”

With a disgusted sigh, he hesitated, hovering over my leg, then withdrew his hand and instead placed it right next to his crotch.

I let out an exasperated breath and turned to Regina. “Leo and Geoffrey kidnapped my cousin. They killed Rex, Peyton’s father, and dragged off Rhiannon. And Crawl is out there, on the prowl. He came after me, but we managed to get away before he could reach us.”

“Dear Geoffrey let you escape through his fingers? Crawl, I can understand. He is old and wily, but distractions plague him and it’s not necessarily difficult to get away from him if you see him coming first. But Geoffrey…” Lannan gave a shrug. “So he finds out he’s not exactly the god he sets himself up to be.”

I ignored Lannan’s comments and once again addressed Regina. “Did you hear me? Leo kidnapped my cousin. Rex is dead. And Crawl is killing people.”

“I heard you. Yes.” Golden Boy gave me a shrouded look, and for a moment, I wondered what ran through his head after all these years straddling the world of the living and the dead.

“I want your promise. If Leo hurts her, I get to kill him. Slowly. But think for a moment. If he tries to turn her—and we know he will—who’s to say what happened with Myst won’t happen again? Rhiannon is part Cambyra.”

Regina crossed to the door. “Wait here. And Lannan—watch yourself.” She gave him a dark look as she left the room. He merely arched his eyebrows.

Great, just what I wanted. To be alone with Lannan.

“So, how does being a queen suit you? I think it doesn’t. Suit you. Not by the look in your eyes.” Lannan leaned toward me. I’d have to push him away in order to stand up, and that wasn’t my idea of the wisest move.

“I’ll grow into it.” I stared at him for a moment. Lannan had his faults, but he was blunt and direct. I’d give him that much. “There’s a lot to learn.”

“You’re smart. You’ll pick it up.” He regarded me quietly for a moment. “I suppose, if I should touch you now, you’d sic your guards on me.”

Annnnddddd…he just wouldn’t let up.

“Lannan, can’t you just give it up? Give me up? I don’t know why I interest you, anyway. I’m not a vampire, I’m not your type.” I was too tired and worried to resort to subterfuge.

“You might think that, Cicely, and you’d be right in one way. But I always get what I want. As for not being my type…there…you are mistaken.” His voice was back to being smooth, seductive, and he ran his fingers up my leg, pressing hard through the material of my jeans. “I’ll never sweet-talk you, never woo you. But give me the chance and I’ll fuck you so hard that you’ll forget Grieve, forget that crown you’re wearing, forget anything but me.”

Instead of cringing away from him, I just stared at him. “My cousin is in the hands of a psychotic, abusive vampire. You really think I’m going to focus on you at the moment? Lannan, you are smarter than that.” Apparently, the changes in my life had given me more courage.

Lannan let go of my leg, gazing into my eyes with those dark orbs of his. “Regina should be back and then we’ll tackle finding Geoffrey. But if you think I care all that much about your cousin, make no mistake: Rhiannon does not interest me. Preventing her death will prevent a host of problems, so I will do everything I can to further that end. But, Cicely, never underestimate the power of desire. What I want, I get. It may take some time, it may take some planning, but I always get what I want.”

“You no longer hold a contract over me. If you want the money back you paid me, I’ll give it to you. But Lannan, I’m no longer in your service. No matter what you think about it—or even what I think about it—I’m now the Queen of Snow and Ice. I’ve been through the rituals and coronation. I’ve changed.” I wasn’t sure whether I was trying to convince him or myself. Lannan set me whirling, whether or not I liked the fact. But right now, Rhiannon needed me, and Lannan’s pressure wasn’t helping matters.

Lannan stared at me for another moment, then seemed to relent. “You are worried about your cousin. I do understand.” He crossed the room, then turned back to me. “Geoffrey is single-focused, a trait I also understand. He is set on overthrowing the Crimson Court and in taking down you at the same time. Which means he will probably leave Leo to his own devices. And that, my sweet, places your cousin’s fate at the whim of that upstart whelp.”

Three weeks ago, I would have never believed Geoffrey capable of the betrayal that he’d shown the Crimson Court, nor the insanity that had created Myst’s people. But deception in my world seemed to be at all corners.

Except Lannan and Regina. The thought was disturbing. I stared at the vampire, realizing that—from the beginning—the two had been more open and aboveboard with me than just about anyone. Even Lainule had tried to sell me out to Geoffrey, in her fear over Myst finding her heartstone.

As Lannan and I continued our stare-down, Regina opened the door. She glanced at Lannan, then at me.

“Everything all right here?”

I nodded, slowly. “Yeah, everything’s fine. At least here. Where are Peyton and Luna?” A sudden fear swelled up that perhaps they’d been swept away, too. There were so many monsters on so many sides.

But Regina calmed my fear. “They’ve cleaned up and are in the parlor, having some tea. Do not fear, they are guests and will not be touched or bothered. I thought it best to let the girl relax for a moment, considering her loss.”

She settled herself behind her desk. “I’ve assigned extra guards to the town. They’re hunting Crawl now. As for Geoffrey and Leo, I’ve doubled our efforts to find the trail that will lead us to them. But I’m thinking we could use magic in the attempt. Cicely, do you know any seers?”

I frowned. “I’m not sure, but perhaps…the Consortium. They’ll have to help us since I’m a member. I’m supposed to meet with them tomorrow, Rhiannon and I. I’ll call Ysandra and see if we can up that meeting to tonight.” But that still meant Leo had the entire night to torment Rhiannon, because by the time we met, even if they could help me, it would be near morning.

My resolve faltering, I sank back into the chair, covering my face.

“Cicely, are you…” Regina stopped, then crossed to my side. She sat beside me, smoothing my hair back. “There’s nothing I can say to make this easier. I can’t—and won’t—make false promises that everything will be all right. But I do promise we are doing everything we can to find them. To save your cousin.”

I looked into her face and, for the first time, felt like Regina was seriously trying to extend an olive branch. True vampires usually didn’t concern themselves with breathers. They were near the top of the food chain, and they left no doubt about that fact. But tonight, Regina’s expression was almost friendly.

“Thanks.” I told myself I wouldn’t cry, but a tear slipped down my cheek. Regina reached out, gently wiped it away. I swallowed the lump in my throat and looked at her. “First Myst captures my aunt and turns her into a monster. Now Peyton’s father is dead, and Leo’s kidnapped my cousin. And we all know what he intends to do. And I’m sitting here, doing nothing. I want to be out there, finding her. I want to canvass the streets, to hunt her down, to pound on doors.”

Lannan moved over to the chair opposite us and sat down. “I’ll go out. I know several vampires who will talk to me where they won’t talk to anybody else. If anybody’s hiding Geoffrey and his protégé, I’ll find out who.” He hesitated, then reached out and placed a hand on mine. “Cicely, we’ll find her. But don’t do anything stupid. Crawl is still out there, and until he’s found, you’re in danger. Take your guards with you wherever you go. Even…take that idiot prince of yours. I’ll give him this: He’d die to protect you.”

I started to bristle, but Regina gave me a soft shake of the head. She motioned toward her desk. “Call the Petros woman. See if she can meet you tonight, and if she can, my driver will take you.”

I pulled out my cell phone and flipped it open. It still had a few bars of charge left. A quick tap to my contacts, and then another to Ysandra. One ring. Two rings. Three rings. On the fourth she picked up.

“Cicely? What can I do for you?”

I glanced at the clock. Six thirty. Two hours since Rex had died. “We need your help and we need it now, Ysandra. Geoffrey and Leo captured Rhiannon, they killed Rex, and now we have no clue where to find them. We need the Consortium’s help.”

A quiet hush followed, and then the next moment, Ysandra simply said, “Where can I pick you up?”

“I’m at the Regent’s mansion. Luna and Peyton are with me. I’m worried about Peyton; she watched her father get killed. Geoffrey did it.” I paused. “Rhiannon and I underwent our coronations last night. Leo has a Fae Queen in his possession.”

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