No Place to Run

Page 20

It wasn’t fancy, nor was it furnished beyond the bare necessities, but it felt safe. She had no idea if that was any real intuition or just a product of her wishful thinking. But for once it was nice to depend on someone other than herself for her well-being. She was tired—beyond tired—of running, of always fearing the current day would be her last.

Sam ran his hand up her back and over her shoulder before giving her a light squeeze.

“You okay?”

She turned and smiled at him and marveled at how nice it felt to really smile. To feel like smiling even amid such adversity.

“I’m okay. Better than okay. I was just thinking how nice it was to feel safe and to feel like I could depend on someone other than myself.”

Puzzled by the sudden discomfort that crossed Sam’s face, she cocked her head to the side.

“Did I say something wrong?”

He recovered quickly and shook his head. “No, of course not. I’m glad you feel safe. I want you to feel safe.”

She glanced around at the empty cabin and lifted her hands. “So what do we do? Play cards? Monopoly?”

Though it was a joke, a tingle of excitement jolted through her at the idea of doing something so simple as play childhood games, games that Sam had probably played a million times growing up. She’d never done such mundane things. Never had those moments of playful, mindless fun.

He chuckled. “I need to get back with Steele and make sure the perimeter is secure, see what if any concerns he has. I’m afraid I didn’t pack cards or Monopoly, but we can always play truth or dare.”

He waggled his eyebrows suggestively and grinned. It transformed his face from serious hard-ass to light and playful. Her heart fluttered. He really was extraordinarily good-looking.

“I’ve never played truth or dare, but it sounds interesting.”

His eyes widened in mock horror. “Never? Your education has been sorely neglected. What about spin the bottle?”

She solemnly shook her head.

“I can give you the abbreviated version of both games. You end up in a closet kissing me with my hand up your shirt.”

She held a hand over her mouth to stifle the giggle. “If that’s supposed to warn me off, I’m afraid it didn’t do the job.”

His blue eyes went molten, and he swaggered closer to her. He chucked her chin upward with his knuckle and then fused his lips to hers in a long, hot kiss.

She leaned in closer, her knees going weak. She loved his taste. Loved the slight bristle of beard stubble over her chin. She loved how he smelled—couldn’t put a name on it—but it was a heady mixture of blatant masculinity and comfort. If she could bottle it, she’d make a fortune.

He drew away long enough to touch her swollen lips with the tip of his finger.

“Hold that thought,” he murmured. “I’ll be back and we can take up where we left off. I’ll even trade the closet for the bedroom.”

She parted her lips and nibbled at his finger, then sucked it inward. He stiffened and his pupils dilated. Let him imagine her mouth around his cock. It would give him something to think about.

With a saucy grin, she let his finger fall away, and she started in the direction of the bedroom.

“I’ll be waiting,” she called back. “In the closet.”

His bark of laughter followed her as she stepped into the small bedroom.

She hadn’t seen anyone when they’d driven up, but there had been another vehicle parked on the side of the cabin. She knew they were here—somewhere—but she was happy to hold on to the illusion of privacy for her and Sam.

Sam could do his thing, check in with his team. She knew he’d see to their safety. She trusted him, which was an odd—and new—sensation for her. Trust wasn’t a word she’d even contemplated before. But she decided she liked it. She liked it very much.

SAM entered the bedroom to find it empty. The sound of running water reached his ears, and he followed the trail of clothing on the floor from the bed to the bathroom. He smiled when he stepped into the bathroom and saw Sophie’s silhouette behind the glass door of the shower.

He ducked back out and positioned his radio and the sat phone on the small dresser for easy access, and then he went back into the bathroom. When he heard the water turn off, he swiped a towel from the rack and waited for Sophie to open the shower door.

A fist slammed into his gut when the door swung open and he saw her standing there, her water-slicked body glowing in the light. She looked up and her wide, startled eyes met his gaze.

God but she was beautiful. Droplets slid down her neck, over the swell of her breasts and then to the swollen mound of her belly. He couldn’t get enough of simply watching her.

Mechanically he moved forward and held the towel open for her to step into. Shivering, she melted into his arms, and he wrapped the towel around her and then rubbed briskly to dry her.

The towel fell to the floor, and his hands glided over her warm, soft skin.

“I just want to touch you,” he said. “I can’t get enough of how you feel.”

She moaned and arched into his hands like a cat wanting to be rubbed. The tips of her breasts brushed over his shirt, and he suddenly wanted to be as naked as she was.

He positioned his hands underneath her breasts and then turned his palms up to cup the swells. The motion plumped them up and her nipples puckered and grew hard. He had to taste them, wanted them in his mouth. He wanted to suck them and let her sweet taste explode on his tongue.

Impatiently he hoisted her into his arms, swiveled around and started to set her down on the counter next to the sink.

“Shit,” he murmured.

He put her down, grabbed the towel and quickly spread it over the cool tile. Then he lifted her again and eased her down on the towel.


He lowered his head to one pink-tipped breast. He blew over it gently, watching it in fascination as it puckered again. She shivered in reaction and leaned back to give him better access.

He swiped his tongue over the crest. Velvety. He loved the way it felt in his mouth, loved the way she tensed and danced under his touch. She was so honest in her response and didn’t shy away. She gave everything to him.

He leaned farther in to suck the tempting little bud into his mouth and winced when his groin pressed into the edge of the counter. Jesus, but he was hard, and he was dying to get inside her.

“Spread your legs,” he whispered. “Let me see you.”

Tentatively she pulled her knees up and then parted her thighs. Blond curls guarded soft, pink flesh. He ran his thumb down the seam and then pressed inward, finding her damp center.

“I have to taste you.”

He heard her quick intake of breath even as he lowered himself to his knees in front of her.

“Put your feet on my shoulders,” he said. “And relax.”

The balls of her feet dug into his shoulders. Using two fingers, he parted the delicate folds of her pussy. His mouth hovered precariously close, and he inhaled her scent just as he kissed the opening. Keeping his mouth pressed tight to her, he pushed his tongue inward, savoring the hot, silky essence.

She moaned and shuddered, and for a moment her feet left his shoulders. Her fingers shoved forcefully over his scalp and then she guided him back when he drew away.

“Please. Oh Sam, touch me.”

He licked gently, wanting to bring her as much pleasure as he was taking. He kissed his way up to her clit and then tongued it before sucking carefully to bring it farther into his mouth.

She began to shake. Her excitement spurred his. His cock swelled and strained against his jeans, and he knew if he didn’t get inside her soon, he was going to come regardless.

He stood abruptly and fumbled with his zipper. He was as clumsy and unpolished as a teenager with his first girl, but nothing mattered except finding her sweet heat.

He moaned his relief when his cock came free and jutted forward. His hand closed around it while the other shoved his jeans down over his hips.

He fitted himself to her opening, then rubbed the tip of his cock up and down and finally inside. The opening flared around the head, and he closed his eyes, gritted his teeth and hoped to hell he could maintain a tight leash on his control.

He pumped his hips forward and thrust to the hilt in one hard push. She gasped. He gasped. He locked his jaw and stood still, absorbing the sensation of so much tight, wet flesh surrounding his dick.

Her hands curled around his shoulders and her fingers dug deep. He opened his eyes and searched her gaze for any sign that he’d hurt her, that he’d gone too fast.

He felt callous. A first-rate ass. But he was lost in the feel of her and helpless to do anything but drive. He withdrew and thrust. He strained up on the balls of his feet in an effort to get deeper.

“Tell me if I hurt you,” he gritted out.

Even as he said it, he hoped to hell he wasn’t, because he wasn’t sure he had the strength to stop.

Her fingers cut into his skin and her breaths left her lips in soft little bursts.

“No. Don’t stop.”

Her breasts shook with each thrust, and his hands left the edge of the counter to cup the supple mounds. His thumbs brushed the tips in rapid strokes to mimic the motion of his hips.

Fire centered in his groin, balled in a painful knot and then exploded outward into his gut and to his balls. His release lurked, menacing in its power, and he stopped, wanting to prolong the moment.

He rested against her, his sac pressed against her ass, his dick completely encased in her heat. She twitched and pulsed around him and she twisted restlessly, telling him without words that she needed more.

“Hold on to me, baby. I can’t wait any longer. You feel so good.”

He withdrew, and the ache intensified as she rippled across his length. He pushed forward again, taking care even as his mind screamed at him to take her as hard and as rough as he could.

He reined in that urge and sank deep, then stood motionless before repeating the act all over again. His release drew his balls up, so tight it hurt, and when he plunged deep again, it shot up his cock. He spilled hot and liquid even as his hips jerked spasmodically against her.

He dropped his hand down her body, let it slide over the tight ball of her stomach and then dipped between them through the soft curls until he found the tiny nub of flesh between her folds.

She gasped, arched up, and he pressed in, rotating in a tight circle until he felt her flutter around his cock. He thrust one last time and she cried out. Her hands fell from his shoulders and she gripped the edge of the counter, her knuckles going white.

He rolled his thumb over her clit and she went liquid around him. He continued to slide back and forth, until finally he slipped from the welcoming grasp of her body. He stood, trying to squeeze air into his tortured lungs. His knees shook and he’d never felt so limber, so completely satisfied, in his life.

He leaned forward, gathered her in his arms and rested his forehead against hers as they both struggled for breath.

Her soft blue gaze found his, and she smiled, a gesture he felt to his toes.

“Well, it was almost a closet.”

He laughed and kissed her and wondered not for the first time how he could ever stand to let her go.


“THIS blows,” Rusty complained as she stared at the television set in boredom.

Marlene Kelly gave her one of those enduring motherly looks that suggested she didn’t appreciate Rusty’s assessment.

Frank made a grunt from his seat in the recliner and rubbed a hand over his chest. “You’ll make this a lot easier if you keep a decent attitude, young lady.”

Rusty nearly groaned. She hated the young lady bit. Frank pulled it out only when he was calling her down about something, and it made her feel about two inches tall. Amazing how he could do that without ever raising his voice.

She and the “parents” had been herded into some podunk little house several miles away from Dover, all in the name of safety, and here they sat twiddling their thumbs like morons while Sam and company were off saving the world, or at least the chick Sam had been dumb enough to knock up.

Donovan was out playing superhero with Rio and company. Maybe they’d do something cool like plant explosives to keep the bad dudes away.

“If it weren’t for missing school, this would double blow,” she muttered. “At least the eye candy isn’t bad.”

Frank rolled his eyes and looked over at Marlene. “You see, this is why we didn’t have girls. They’re all hormonally deranged.”

Rusty grinned. “I just call it like I see it.”

Frank rubbed absently at his chest and grimaced. He shifted in his seat but never moved his palm.

“Frank, is something wrong?” Marlene asked in a worried tone.

“Nah, just a case of indigestion. I wonder if they have any antacids around here. Place seems stocked well enough.”

Rusty snorted, but she got up from the couch and headed toward the kitchen. Well stocked? Well stocked would be having something to do in this godforsaken place. They didn’t even have cable TV, so they were stuck watching two of the major networks, and she hated sitcoms.

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