Orchard Valley Grooms

Page 13

Suddenly none of this seemed quite as amusing. “Dad insists I’ll be married before the end of the summer.”

“He told me the same thing,” Colby said. “About you, I mean.” He paused. “Is it likely? I mean, is there someone back in Texas you’ve been seeing on a regular basis?” He clasped his hands behind his back and strolled slowly down the corridor. “Someone other than this person you were hoping to start dating soon?”

She puffed out her cheeks, debating how much to tell him about Rowdy Cassidy. “Not really, but…”

“Go on,” he urged.

“My boss, Rowdy Cassidy.” She shifted the spray of apple blossoms, conscious of their heady aroma in the antiseptic-smelling hospital corridor.

“The owner of CHIPS?”

Valerie nodded. “I’ve never gone out on a formal date with him, although until recently we saw each other nearly every day. We’ve often traveled together, and attend business dinners together. It wasn’t until I got here and Dad started talking about you and me marrying that—well, Rowdy seems the natural choice for me. He’s as dedicated to his career as I am and…we get along well.”

“He’s a wealthy man. Prominent in his field.”


Colby clenched his jaw as though he disapproved.

“Do you know something about Rowdy that I don’t?”

“I’ve never met the man. Everything I know about him I’ve read online or in the papers. But from all outward appearances, the two of you should be an ideal couple.” His words were indifferent. Then without saying anything else, he turned and walked away from her.

“Colby,” Valerie called, once she’d recovered from her initial surprise. She hurried after him. “What’s wrong? You’re acting like I’ve done something to offend you.”

“I’m not angry,” he said, his voice low. His gaze held hers with a disturbing intensity. “I remember what you said yesterday about wondering how we were going to say goodbye. I was just thinking the same thing. I don’t know how I’m going to be able to stand by and watch you marry another man.”

To her the solution was simple. He could marry her himself. But…they’d both already decided that wouldn’t work.

“What about you?” she asked, needing to know. “Is there someone special you’ve been seeing?”


Her heart felt as if it had done a nosedive, colliding with her stomach. Her face must have revealed her shock because he elaborated.

“Sherry Waterman. I thought Norah might have mentioned her.”

“A nurse?” she guessed.

Colby nodded. “Sherry has her nursing degree and she’s also trained as a midwife. That’s what she’s been doing for the past five years. She’s good with children and she enjoys weaving and gardening.” His voice was brisk and matter-of-fact as he listed Sherry’s qualifications.

“She…sounds exactly right for you.” The aching admission was torn from her throat. Although it was painful to think of Colby with another woman, Valerie knew he’d chosen well in Sherry Waterman. Domestic, talented, perfect in all the ways Valerie wasn’t.

“We’ve been dating for the last year.”

“A year,” Valerie repeated slowly, surprised he hadn’t proposed to Sherry long before now. “You shouldn’t keep her waiting then.”

“I keep telling myself the same thing.”

His words hurt, although Valerie pretended otherwise. “I’m delighted for you, Colby.”

“Rowdy Cassidy will make you a good husband.” His eyes probed hers.

Valerie smiled and nodded, then they both turned and walked in opposite directions. And although she was tempted, she didn’t look back.

Valerie’s cell phone vibrated, and she took the call in the hospital lobby.

“Valerie, it’s Rowdy. Thought I’d check and see how everything’s going with your father. No one’s heard from you in a while.”

When had she last reported into CHIPS headquarters? Two days before, she calculated. Two whole days! Valerie found that hard to believe. Until recently, her job had been all-consuming, but it wasn’t that way now. She’d completely overlooked her work responsibilities, forgotten everything that had once been so important. It seemed impossible that she could have allowed so much time to slip past.

“My father had open-heart surgery.”

“How’s he doing now?”

“Fabulously well. His recovery in the last twenty-four hours has been remarkable.” She didn’t tell him that much of the improvement was a result of a change in attitude. Since his “conversation in the garden” with Grace, David Bloomfield’s will to live was stronger than ever. If there was anything to worry about now, it was the fact that Steffie hadn’t arrived yet and no one had heard from her. Valerie had spent part of the morning calling the airlines to find out which flight she was on, to no avail.

“We miss you around here,” Rowdy said in that casual way of his. Valerie could picture him sitting in his office, leaning back in his plush leather chair, cowboy boots propped on the mahogany desk. She couldn’t remember ever seeing Rowdy without his boots and hat. She always thought of him as the Texan of frontier legend, the man who tackled life with robust energy, who considered no problem insurmountable. He worked hard, played hard and lived hard.

“I miss CHIPS, too.”

“Any idea when you’ll be back?”

“I’m sorry, no, but if you need me because of the Old West Bank deal—”

“No, no,” Rowdy said, breaking in. “We’re handling that from our end, so don’t you worry about a thing. I just wanted you to know I miss you.”

The personal pronoun didn’t escape Valerie’s notice. Rowdy was attracted to her. “My father wanted me to thank you for the flowers,” she said. “Th-they got here yesterday morning.” She’d hardly been aware of it at the time, although the nurses had all exclaimed over the lavish bouquets. Now, she felt flustered and nervous with him, something that had never happened before. Their relationship was moving into new territory, and Valerie found the ground unstable and a bit frightening.

“Actually the flowers were for you. I thought you needed something to brighten up your day.”

“It was very thoughtful of you.”

“It’s the least I could do for my favorite executive. You hurry back, you hear?”

“I will. And, Rowdy, thanks for calling.” She closed her cell phone and let her breath rush out in a deep sigh.

Norah was already in the waiting room when Valerie returned there. “That was Rowdy Cassidy,” she explained unnecessarily.

“Are you in love with him?” Norah asked without preamble. “I thought you and Dr. Winston might be hitting it off, but…”

“Colby’s involved with Sherry Waterman.” Valerie kept her voice steady, making a strenuous effort to feign disinterest.

One glance at Norah told her she hadn’t succeeded. “You’ll recall that I never bothered to mention Sherry. There’s a reason.”

“Oh?” Valerie shrugged. “I wondered…I mean, even Colby seemed to think you had, or rather that you should have.” She’d wanted to ask her sister, but had hesitated, almost preferring not to know.

“Those two have been dating for a year. If Colby was serious about Sherry he would’ve asked her to marry him before now. Even Sherry’s given up on them, although Colby doesn’t seem to have figured that out yet. The last I heard, she was seeing someone else. Not that I blame her,” Norah was quick to add. “It must be the most frustrating thing in the world to be crazy about a guy and have him lukewarm toward you.”

“I’m sure it must be.”

“You still haven’t answered me,” Norah pressed. “What about Rowdy? Are you in love with him?”

Valerie shrugged again, uncomfortable with the subject of her boss, unsure of her own feelings toward him. “Yes and no.”

“You’re beginning to sound like Colby. I think he loves everything Sherry represents. She’s a nurturing, kind-hearted woman. She fits the image of what Colby wants in a wife.”

“Then what’s stopping him?”

Norah gnawed on her lower lip for a moment. “My guess is that she bores him. Don’t get me wrong, Sherry’s not a boring person. Actually when I think about it, Sherry and I are a lot alike. She’s a homebody like me, and little things mean a lot to her. She doesn’t need an active social life or fancy clothes. Given the choice between a stay-at-home date with a rented movie or dining in a world-class restaurant, she’d opt for the movie.”

“I see.”

“You’re much better suited to Colby.”

“Me?” Valerie asked, her voice rising in astonishment. Hadn’t Norah just finished describing the kind of woman Colby wanted—a woman completely unlike Valerie?

“I’ve seen the looks the two of you exchange,” Norah continued thoughtfully. “I’m not blind, you know. I can feel the attraction between you. It’s mutual—and it’s hot.”

“Really,” Valerie said, becoming preoccupied with the crease in her wool trousers.

“Yes, really!”

“Yes, well, I’ll admit we’re attracted to each other, but nothing’s going to come of it.” She glanced at her watch, wanting an excuse to leave. “I’m going to stop in and see Dad.”

Norah’s smile seemed all-knowing. “Okay.”

David Bloomfield’s color was better, and he grinned happily when he saw his eldest daughter.

“Hello, Dad,” she said in a cheerful voice as she leaned over to kiss his cheek.

“Valerie,” he whispered, holding out his hand to her. “Listen, sweetheart, you’re spending too much time at the hospital. Take the day and get out in the sunshine. You’re beginning to look pale.”


“It’ll do you good. No more sleeping on some dilapidated couch in the waiting room, either.”

She’d slept in her own bed in her own room for the first time the night before. In the morning, she’d been astonished at how well rested she felt. And she’d indulged in a long, hot shower, followed by a good breakfast—cooked by Norah.

The crews were just beginning to spray the apple trees under the direction of Dale Howard, the orchard manager. She’d heard the familiar sounds of men working in the orchards. It brought back memories of years past, of racing down the long, even rows, and climbing onto the low limbs of the trees, sitting there like a princess surveying her magical kingdom. Orchard Valley was magical, a town set apart.

For Valerie, coming home was like escaping to the past. The people were friendly, the neighbors neighborly, and problems were shared. It was a little piece of heaven.

“I wasn’t at the hospital last night,” she told him, pulling herself out of her musings. She loved Orchard Valley more than any place on earth, but she’d never be satisfied living here. There wasn’t enough challenge, not enough to tax her mind. No, Houston was her future and she accepted that with only one regret. Colby.

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