Orchard Valley Grooms

Page 20

Valerie was familiar with her father’s stubbornness; she’d inherited a streak of it herself.

“Your mother told me there was a reason for me to return. To tell you the truth, I’d already decided I wasn’t going to let her talk me into it. She was darn good at that, you know. She’d drag me into the most outlandish things and make me think it was my idea.”

Her father was grinning as he spoke, his eyes twinkling with a rare joy.

“That was when she told me about you girls. Your mother and I were standing by a small lake.” He frowned, evidently trying to remember each detail of his experience. “She asked me to look into the water. I thought it was an unusual request, considering the discussion we were having.”

“What did you see?” Valerie was picturing trout and maybe some bass, knowing how much her father enjoyed lazing away a summer afternoon fishing.

“I saw the future.”

“The future?” This sounded like something out of a science fiction novel.

“You heard me,” he said irritably. “The water was like a window and I could look into the years ahead. I saw you and your sisters, and you know what? It was the most beautiful scene I could ever have imagined. So much joy, so much laughter and love. I couldn’t stop looking, couldn’t stop smiling. There were my precious daughters, all so happy, all so blessed with love, the same way your mother and I had been.”

“It sounds lovely, Dad.” Her father had undergone traumatic surgery and just barely survived. If he believed in this dream, if he maintained he’d actually spoken to her mother, then Valerie couldn’t bring herself to disillusion him. Nor did she want to argue. Especially not now, when her own emotions had taken such a beating.

“I remember every single moment of that meeting with your mother. I didn’t see a single angel, though. I don’t mind telling you, that was a bit of a disappointment. Nor did I hear anyone playing the harp.”

Valerie hid a smile.

“You understand what I’m saying, don’t you?”

“About angels?”

“No,” he returned impatiently. “About you and Colby. He’s the one I saw you with, Val. You had three beautiful children.”

“Dad, why now?” At his quizzical gaze, she elaborated. “Why are you trying so hard to convince me to marry Colby? After the surgery, you seemed to have given up the idea. What happened to change your mind?”

“You did.”


“You’re both so darned stubborn. I hadn’t counted on that.”

“But you apologized for the matchmaking, remember?”

“Of course I remember. I gave it up on Grace’s advice, but only because I felt you two wouldn’t need any help from me. But I quickly found out you need my help more than ever. That’s why I talked about Cassidy so much. To get you thinking about what you really wanted. And to make Colby a little jealous. Face it, Val. Eventually you’re going to marry him.”

“Dad, please, I know you want to believe this, but it just isn’t going to happen.” Without realizing what he was doing, her own father was making everything so much more painful.

“Don’t you understand, child? Colby loves you, and you love him, and you’re going to have a wonderful life together. Naturally there’ll be ups and downs, but there are in any marriage.”

“I’m not marrying Colby,” she said from between gritted teeth. “For heaven’s sake, I only met him a few weeks ago!”

“You think I’m an old man whose elevator doesn’t go all the way to the top, but you’re wrong.” He gave her a lazy smile. “I know what I saw. All I’m asking is that you be patient with Colby and patient with yourself. Just don’t do anything foolish.”

“Like what?”

“Going back to Texas. You belong here in Orchard Valley now. It’s where you’re going to raise your children and where Colby’s going to continue his practice.”

“It’s too late.”

“For what?”

Valerie stood, her chest aching with the effort to breathe normally. She felt so empty, so alone. More than anything, she wanted to believe her father’s dream, but she couldn’t. She just couldn’t.

“I’ve already booked my flight. My plane leaves in the afternoon.” She didn’t wait for her father to disagree with her, to tell her what a terrible mistake she was making. Instead she hurried into the house and up the stairs, not stopping until she was inside her room, with the door firmly closed.

She hauled her suitcase from the closet. There wasn’t much to pack, and the entire process took her all of five minutes. She didn’t weep. Her tears had already been spent.

When she returned to Texas, she’d be more mindful of love. It had touched her life once; perhaps it would again. In time. When her heart had healed. When she was ready.

With that thought in mind, she reached for the phone on the nightstand and held it in her lap, staring sightlessly at the keys. After an endless moment, she tapped out the long-distance number.

“Hello.” The deep male voice sounded hurried and impatient.

“Hello, Rowdy,” she said quietly.

“Valerie.” He seemed delighted to be hearing from her. “I’m glad you phoned. I tried to reach you earlier in the day, but your sister told me you were out. Did she mention my call?”

“No. Was it something important?” Norah must have been the one who answered, since Steffie was out most of the day. Romantic Norah, who so badly wanted Valerie to marry Colby and live happily ever after.

“It wasn’t urgent. I just wanted to see how soon CHIPS could have you back. There’s been a big hole here since you left.”

“I realize my being gone has been an inconvenience—”

“Don’t be silly. I wasn’t referring to the workload, I was talking about you. Like I told you before, I got used to having you around,” he said gruffly, as though he was uncomfortable saying such things. “Doesn’t seem right with you not here. You’re an important part of my team. That’s how come I’m giving you a ten percent raise—just so you’ll know how much you’re appreciated.”

Valerie gasped. “That isn’t necessary.”

“Sure it is. Now, when are you flying home?”

Home. Home wasn’t in Texas, it never really had been, but Rowdy wouldn’t understand that.


“Oh, sorry. That was actually the reason for my call. I’ve booked my flight for tomorrow. I’ll arrive early in the evening and be at the office Monday morning.” She forced some enthusiasm into her words.

“That’s great news! It’s just what I was hoping to hear. We’ll celebrate. How about if I pick you up at the airport and take you to dinner?”

The invitation surprised her, although she supposed it shouldn’t have. “Ah…” She didn’t know what to say. She’d already promised herself she wasn’t going to spend the rest of her life pining away for Colby Winston. Yet when the opportunity arose to put the past firmly behind her and begin a new life, she hesitated.

“I don’t think so,” she told him regretfully. “Not just yet. I’m going to need some time to readjust after being away for so long.” It had been less than three weeks, but it felt like a whole lifetime.

“You’ve been gone too long,” Rowdy said, his voice low and resonant. “I’ve missed you, Valerie. I haven’t made a secret of it, either. When you get back, I’d like the two of us to sit down and talk.”

Sudden dread attacked her stomach, her nerves. This wasn’t what she wanted to hear. “I—I don’t know if that’d be a good idea, Rowdy. I don’t mean to be—”

“I know what you’re thinking,” Rowdy cut in. “And I have to admit, I share your concern. An office romance can lead to problems. That’s why I want us to talk. Clear the air before we get involved.”

It obviously hadn’t occurred to Rowdy that she might not be interested. But only a little while ago, the prospect of a relationship with him would have filled her with excitement.

Colby had hardly ever spent a more uncomfortable night. He hadn’t been able to sleep and, finally giving up, had gone downstairs to read. Another hour ticked slowly by, and still his mind refused to relax. Feeling even more disgruntled, he set the novel aside.

It would have helped if Sherry had kept her dinner date, but she’d cancelled. Not only that, she’d let him know she didn’t want to see him again. She was right to have done it, too—a fact that didn’t improve his disposition.

When it came to his relationships with women, Colby just wasn’t getting anywhere. Okay, so he was behind schedule. He’d underestimated the difficulty of finding the type of wife he wanted.

His requirements were very specific, which was why he’d intended to conduct his search in a methodical, orderly manner. It wasn’t as though he’d discovered any shortage of “old-fashioned” girls, either. Unfortunately, most of them didn’t appeal to him.

This only served to confuse him further. Obviously there was a flaw in his plan. Of one thing he was certain—Sherry was out of the picture. For that matter, so was Valerie.


Her name seemed to be engraved on his mind, but by sheer force of will, he turned his thoughts in another direction. He got up and moved into his den to print out the article he’d been working on earlier that day. Although he’d shrugged off its importance when he spoke to Valerie, he was well aware that the invitation to submit it was a real honor. He’d done exhaustive research, and every word he’d written had been carefully considered.

But right then and there, Colby realized it meant nothing. Nothing. With an angry burst of energy, he crumpled the sheets and tossed them in his wastebasket.

Colby rarely acted in anger. Rarely did he allow himself to display any emotion. He’d schooled himself well; he’d needed to. He dealt with death so often, with fear, with grief. It became crucial, a matter of emotional survival, to keep his own feelings strictly private. Over the years, that had become second nature. For the first time in recent memory, he deplored his inexperience at expressing emotion.

He had no trouble recognizing that his inability to sleep, his lack of interest in a good novel, his discontent with the article he was writing, were all caused by what had happened between him and Valerie that morning.

He’d done what he had to do. It hadn’t been easy—for either of them—but it was necessary. She’d made him angry with her demand that he be cruel. She wouldn’t accept anything less. By the time she left, he’d been furious. She’d prodded and pushed and shoved until, backed into a corner, he’d had no choice.

Every harsh word he’d spoken had boomeranged back to hit him. She’d insisted repeatedly that he tell her to get out of his life. And he’d done it….

It was over, which was exactly what he wanted. Valerie would go back to Texas and he’d continue living here in Orchard Valley.

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