Pushing the Limits

Page 29

“Midnight.” My father stood and extended his hand. “I didn’t have a chance to properly introduce myself earlier. I’m Owen Emerson.”


Echo kept silent on the way to Shirley and Dale’s. Stretching the material each time, she repeatedly tugged her gloves up while she yanked her sleeves down. She clearly needed some time to deflate after that interesting meeting. My favorite punk band played on the radio and I drummed my fingers with the bass on the steering wheel. I still had a hard time registering it. Echo Emerson sat in my car, intentionally hanging out with me. Mom would have loved her.

Several shitty cars lined the streets. I’d worked the evening shift at the Malt and Burger for so long, I forgot what hanging out with friends felt like. Sure, they were still around when I got home, but they were too stoned by that time to be any fun.

I parked on the street behind Rico’s gangster piece of crap. Echo stared out the window at the small boxed house. “Where are we?”

“My foster parents’ house. Dale and Shirley are at their trailer down at the lake.”

Her foot tapped against the floorboard as she assessed the house. The vinyl either needed to be replaced or repainted. Isaiah and I had cleaned a strip in the back once and discovered that the vinyl used to be yellow instead of gray from the grime currently coating it. The house matched the other crappy ones stacked together in the neighborhood—bare with no shrubs or landscaping. On the stoop, three large shadows smoked cigarettes and bellowed deep, rough laughs.

I got out of the car and quickly moved around to open her door. She stepped out, never once peeling her eyes off the house. “How many people are in there?”

“Ten or so.”

The end of February brought warmer air during the days, so the nights weren’t so crisp. Still, Echo shoved her hands in her jacket like she was freezing to death. At least she was wearing a jacket for once. I wanted her to be comfortable, yet I also wanted to hang out with friends and spend time with my girl. Using my body, I backed her against my car. “Isaiah and Beth will be in there.”

Her eyebrows rose. “Beth hates me.”

I chuckled, loving Echo for calling it straight. I framed her face with my hands, letting my fingers enjoy the feel of her satin skin. “You’re my world, so I’d say that evens things out.”

Echo’s eyes widened and she paled. Why was she upset? My mind replayed every moment carefully and then froze, rewound, replayed and froze again on the words I’d said.

It had been so long since I’d let myself fall for anybody. I gazed into her beautiful green eyes and her fear melted. A shy smile tugged at her lips and at my heart. Fuck me and the rest of the world, I was in love.

Echo’s gloved hands reached up and guided my head to hers. I let myself bask in her warmth and deepened our kiss, enjoying the teasing taste of her tongue and the way her soft lips moved against mine. Very easily, I could lose myself in her … forever.

“Didn’t one of your fucked-up foster moms teach you manners? At least bring the girl in and give her a beer before you feel her up,” Rico called from the stoop.

I kissed Echo’s lips lightly, my fingers burning from the heat blazing from her cheeks. Her arms fell to her sides while I contemplated the best way to pay Rico back for embarrassing her. “Vega, you got some major balls harassing my girl.”

The porch light flashed on and Rico swore under his breath when Echo and I stepped into the glow. “Sorry, vato, I didn’t know you brought Echo.”

“How many girls do you kiss against cars?” asked Echo in a clipped manner.

My mouth gaped, but no sound came out. Rico and his two cousins cackled at my expression. I snapped it shut when Echo winked. Damn, I loved it when she dished it back.

“Echo Emerson, please don’t tell me you’re really with this loser.” Rico’s cousin, Antonio, stepped off the stoop, smiling from one ear to another.

I reached out to pull her close to me, but Echo unexpectedly leapt forward, throwing her arms around him. “Oh. My. God. I can’t believe you’re here.”

Jealousy lurched in my stomach when Antonio lifted Echo off the ground, swinging her by her feet. “You’re gorgeous as ever.”

I would never figure this girl out. Antonio was one initiation rite away from a gang. Echo didn’t look at me the entire first term, yet she throws herself at this asshole.

He finally lowered her to the ground. Echo bounced in excitement. “So, how is it?”

Antonio rubbed his jaw and his smiled waned. “Unbelievable. The teachers, the students, the classrooms, it’s …” He glanced away from her. “It’s shitty you’re not there.”

Echo’s excitement faded and she forced the smile in place. “At least one of us got to go to Hoffman. They could have deleted the spot when my father turned it down.”

My brain clicked so loudly, I was surprised no one else heard it. Antonio attended Hoffman, the only creative and performing arts school in the county, which admitted only juniors and seniors. Spots were granted based on talent and the competition to get in was furious. Jealousy still rolled through my body. I needed to confirm my theory before I ruined a friendship. “You went to Eastwick?”

“Echo and I had every art class together our freshman and sophomore year. Hoffman offered me her spot when she was no longer able to take it.” Antonio held his hand out to me. “Beth’s pestering Maria. Think you could tell your sister to give her a break?”

I clasped his hand, happy Antonio had brought a girl of his own. “Beth doesn’t like anybody, and me telling her to give your girl a break is only going to make things worse.”

“Yeah, you’re right. So, how did you convince a classy girl like Echo to hang out with a bastard like you?” Antonio applied pressure to my hand before releasing it. He may not be interested in her, but he cared about her enough to not like the idea of me being with her. Which spoke volumes about his friendship with Echo. Until now, Antonio never cared what or how many girls I brought home to sleep with.

Not sure how I felt about Antonio and Echo, I linked my fingers with hers. Antonio cocked a surprised eyebrow. Damn straight, bro. I did just mark my territory. Rico punched his cousin in the shoulder. “Noah’s gone all serious. Even went to a dance.”

Antonio relaxed his position. “No shit. Gonna do prom next? I’d pay money to see you dressed up like a monkey.”

“Very funny.” I pushed past Rico and his hyena cousins and led Echo inside.

The already small living room seemed to have shrunk a few sizes thanks to several teenagers strewn across the furniture and floor. Beth sat on the kitchen table, beer in one hand and cigarette dangling from the other. Isaiah stood beside her, making ridiculous faces, enjoying every time Beth howled in laughter. Looked like the two of them had made a head start on the dime bag we bought this morning.

The sound of a car screeching came from the television. Several people called out a greeting and told me to move out of the way so they could see the TV.

“‘Sup, man.” Isaiah pulled me into a half hug and smiled like an idiot. “Echo.”

Echo pressed closer to me and I took advantage of the situation by wrapping my hand around the curve of her waist. My mouth watered from her sweet scent. Man, she smelled good.

“Hi, Isaiah. How are you doing, Beth?” Echo asked.

Beth took a long draw off her cigarette, glaring at Echo. Standing her ground, Echo stared back, pretending Beth’s fury didn’t matter to her. Pride flooded my body. Beth broke first, blowing smoke to the side. “I went to the store today, Noah, and bought glue. The crazy kind.”

Echo’s entire body flinched and I wasn’t the only one who noticed. Isaiah hissed something into Beth’s ear as she took a long drink from her beer. Her bloodshot eyes sparked with happy condemnation.

“Come on, let me show you the house.” Like a house tour could help salvage this situation. I applied pressure with my hand on Echo’s back, pushing her toward the hallway.

“Enjoy the grand tour, Princess!” yelled Beth.

When Echo stepped away, I hissed to Beth, “Knock it off.”

She shrugged and took another sip of beer.

Unfortunately, we didn’t have far to go. Four steps later we stood in the middle of the hallway, next to the pink-and-green-tiled bathroom. Echo stared at the cracked white paint on the ceiling, probably wondering how to escape.

“The room behind us is Beth’s and the other one is Shirley and Dale’s,” I said.

Echo tugged at the gloves on her arms. She had to know that this one time, Beth meant to tear me down. “Echo, what Beth said … that was a shot at me, not you. She thinks she’s going to have to put me back together after you rip my heart out and shatter me.”

Laughter erupted from the living room and Rico cursed. Twice in one night I’d declared my emotions to her and she had yet to say a thing back. The silence between us dragged. She finally asked, “Are you any good at Xbox?”

It couldn’t be that easy. Anytime Beth tore down a girl I brought here, I spent more time convincing them to let it go than I did trying to get into their pants. I wanted to play, but I also wanted Echo to enjoy herself. “Yeah.”

“Then why don’t you prove it?” She yanked on my hand and led me to the living room. Was this some sort of test? Should I be protesting, telling her we should leave because Beth made her uncomfortable? That’s what the other girls had wanted.

But she seemed persistent as we entered the living room and motioned for me to join in the game. I’d find out soon enough if this was a test. I snagged the open spot on the couch and pulled Echo down on my lap. “Hey, Rico, hand me a controller.”

“Yeah, Rico, give it to someone who can actually play,” said Isaiah. More laughter and insults followed.

“You’d play better without me on your lap,” she whispered.

I added myself to the game and prepared to kick some ass. As everyone else selected their player, my lips grazed Echo’s earlobe. I loved how she closed her eyes and leaned into me. “But then I couldn’t do this.”

After a half hour, Antonio lured her away by throwing around words like technique and shading. I planned on joining her in the kitchen when the game ended, but decided against it when she grabbed a pencil and spoke rapidly as she sketched. I’d wanted her to be comfortable and I’d wanted to hang with my friends. Somehow, I got both my wishes.

An hour and a half later, Antonio sat in the kitchen chair opposite from Echo, making out with his girl. He occasionally mumbled something to Echo while she sketched and nursed a beer.

Beth emerged from the basement, bag of pot and rolling papers in hand. I tossed the controller onto the couch. “I’m out.”

Several of the guys groaned when Rico snagged my controller. Isaiah threw an empty beer can at me. “Come on, man, Rico sucks. I can’t believe you’re leaving me hanging.”

I ignored the comments they made regarding my manhood in their attempt to draw me back into the game. Echo’s hand flew rapidly over the paper, her eyes darting after it. I ran my fingers through her curls, gently pulling them straight, just for them to bounce back.

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