Real Vampires Have More to Love

Page 18

“Blade filled me in on the Westwood situation. I don’t like the EV involvement.” He didn’t waste time with a hello.

“Can’t be helped.” I locked the door again. “You didn’t see either Westwood hanging out in the alley just now, did you?”

Rafe gave me a “Get real” look.

“Okay, fine. So we’ve declared a temporary cease fire. I’m sure Jerry’s warning to Vivien helped too.” I glanced at my cell lying next to papers strewn across my work table. “I’m waiting for Greg Kaplan to call me back. He took over the cleanup after I killed Papa Westwood. I wonder why he did it.”

“That’s what’s worrying me. An EV never does anything without an agenda.” Rafe shoved the papers aside and sat on the table. He looked good in a black T-shirt with a red N-V slashed across it. His dark wash jeans were snug and well-worn.

“We’ll find out when Greg calls back.” I stacked my papers. “Nice shirt. That your new logo for the club?”

“Yeah, Nadia’s design. What do you think?” Rafe glanced down. “She’s very tuned in to the club scene.”

“I love it. You going to have live entertainment or a DJ?” I shoved the papers onto a shelf and sat next to Rafe. I still wanted him to dance at Flo’s party. Especially now that I had hope I might live long enough to hostess the thing.

“A mix of both. In fact, I told Nadia I’d talk to Nathan about getting Israel Caine to perform as our opening act since he’s coming to town anyway.” Rafe nudged my knee with his. “You have a problem with that?”

“Why would I? Sounds like an excellent plan to me. Ray isn’t exactly your biggest fan though.” I smiled, remembering how Rafe had run interference when Ray had made moves on me. I’d always thought it was out of loyalty to Jerry, his employer. Now I wondered how much of it was from Rafe’s own jealousy.

“Nathan’s a businessman and an excellent manager. Nadia’s willing to pay big bucks to get this club off to a good start.” Rafe grinned. “But if you want to put in a good word with Ray, I wouldn’t stop you.”

“Asking a favor?” I smiled at Rafe. For a weak and selfish moment I wished that he was still my bodyguard. Then I could have him by my side when I had my meeting with Greg Kaplan and not seem like I was wimping out. I blocked all these thoughts so Rafe, who could read me better than anyone but Jerry, couldn’t get them. He had his own obligations, and I wasn’t one of them.

“Hey, if you’d rather not talk to Caine, I understand. It took you a long time to convince him to move on. The guy might think you were trying to start up again.” Rafe pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket. It was a clipping from a magazine. A picture of Ray with a tall beautiful brunette I recognized.

“Reading the tabloids now?” I tossed it back in his lap and jumped off the table.

“Nadia does. She thought you’d be interested.” Rafe dropped the clipping in my overflowing trash can. “Guess you’re not. The woman’s vampire, Glory. She came on to me in that club in L.A.”

“Yes, I remember. Guess Ray finally got his vampire sex.” I managed to say it like I didn’t give a damn. And I shouldn’t. I could have initiated Ray into the ways of vampire lovemaking myself. But I’d been with Jerry. Had always been with Jerry.

“Hey, what’s Jerry got on you, Rafe? He says you still owe him. How can that be? Your contract is up, right?” I watched his face carefully. If I didn’t know him so well, I might have missed the slight tightening around one corner of his mouth.

“Don’t worry about it.” Rafe pushed off the table and headed for the door. “I assume you’re here for the night? No EV games planned?”

“I don’t play games with EVs.” I wasn’t about to share my plans with Rafe. He needed to work on his club. But if Greg called, I was meeting him. “I’ll put in a personal plea with Ray to sing in your club, but I want a favor in return.”

“Let me guess.” Rafe threw the dead bolts open and had his hand on the knob. “Dancing for your bachelorette party.”

“Right.” I grinned and stepped up to him. “You don’t have to wear your angel costume, just something sexy. To please the ladies.” I put my hand on his chest. “And me.”

“I’m hiring extra security and putting it on the tab.” He grabbed my hand and tugged me closer. “And quit toying with me. It’s becoming clear that I need to move on just like Caine has. You’re Blade’s woman, always have been.”

“You’re right.” I stepped back. But I was more attracted than “Blade’s woman” had a right to be. The animal part of him pulled at me on a deeply primitive level. And then there was that heat again. Vampires had a chill that never quite went away. No matter how many times Jerry and I exchanged blood, we never gave each other warmth like I felt from Rafe’s body. His blood would be hot, fire on my tongue. He smiled, his dimples so charming that my heart stumbled. Yes, Rafe could be a warrior, but he understood me on a level that Jerry never had, despite our centuries together.

“Come here, Glory. You’ve had some damned near misses, haven’t you. Still feeling shaky?”

“Yes.” I slid my arms around Rafe’s lean waist and laid my head on his chest. “I’m not toying with you, Rafe. You’re my best friend. Please don’t ask me to let you walk out of my life and forget you. I . . . I can’t.” I couldn’t look at him because I knew his dark eyes would be pushing to see into my soul.

“Damn it, Glory. I’m still here for you. You want me to stay?” His strong arms held me close. “You can always count on me. Whatever you need. I hope you know that. But I wanted to be more than a friend. Guess that’s my problem, not yours.” He laid his cheek on my hair for a moment. “Enough of this shit. If I’m staying, I’ve got to make a call.”

I pushed back, relieved yet confused. “No, you need to take care of your club. I’ll call Ray. Nate too, if necessary. Give me the date you want him to sing.” I ran my fingers through my hair, suddenly nervous. Silly to be uncomfortable around Rafael Valdez. I mean, I’d had him sleeping on the foot of my bed for five freakin’ years.

“Here’s a list of possible dates.” Rafe dug in his pocket, pulled out a piece of paper and practically threw it at me. “Nadia’s got a crew working night and day to get the place ready. As soon as we get the headliner nailed down, we’ll start publicity for the opening. You’ll have to schedule your party a night or two before then.” Rafe grinned, obviously bursting to get out of there and tell his partner things were rolling along.

“Fine. Go. I’ve got work here and a call to make.” I picked up my cell. “Thanks, Rafe. Seriously. Flo’ll be over the moon.”

“I know you can’t guarantee anything, but I appreciate the try. Lock the door behind me.” Rafe grabbed me around the waist, landed a kiss on my lips, then was out the door.

I touched my fingers to my mouth. Not much there as far as a kiss, but sweet to see him so excited. I hit speed dial on the phone for Israel Caine. We’d pretended to be engaged long enough to have each other’s numbers. He picked up on the third ring.

“Glory, babe. Everything okay?” Ray’s voice was deep, with the same sexy vibe as the way he sang.

“I’m fine. I’ve been reading in the press here that you’re coming to Austin for the South by Southwest Music Festival. I hope you’re going to say hi when you’re in town.” Still a fangirl, I just managed to bite back a giggle.

“Of course. You were my first stop.” Ray laughed, and I heard noise in the background. “Let me go outside. It’s crazy in here.” I heard music, then silence. “There, I’m on the balcony. I rented one of Chip’s houses in the hills, and it’s party central here for the band. The guys won’t leave me alone.”

“Sounds like business as usual.” I laughed and sat on the table. Chip was the vampire who owned his record label and a big chunk of real estate in L.A. “How’ve you been, Ray?”

“Fine. Promoting the new album. Getting into the vamp scene.” He coughed. “Finally got a vamp woman to pop my cherry, Glory girl.”

Gee, put it right out there. I wouldn’t make love with him, and Ray had been desperate for vampire sex. It was different when you added the incredibly erotic mutual blood drinking.

“That’s good, I guess.” So why did I feel like crying?

“Wish it had been with you. Even though it was incredible with the fang banging and all. I’m even writing a song about it. You know how you feel like you’re taking in the life force and connecting so deep.” He groaned, a noise that made me squirm. “Still, I have a feeling the wild thing with you, babe, would have been the absolute best.” Ray’s voice was a sensual rumble.

“We’ll never know.” I sighed. “But, Ray, new subject.”

“Good idea. This one’s killing me. What now?”

“When you come to town, you’re bringing the band, right?” I knew he was, it had already been in the newspapers.

“Yes, Chip and Nathan have worked out something to promote the first single on the new album.” Ray coughed again. “Damn it, vampires aren’t supposed to get sick, but something here is bothering me. It’ll be good to get out of L.A. for a while.”

“You’re not taking weird drugs out there, are you?” I knew Ray liked to experiment. Of course lately so did I.

“No. Well, not much anyway. Now you were going to ask me something else.”

“Yes. Two favors.”

“I like the sound of that. Then you’ll owe me.” Ray laughed, the evil laugh that I loved so much. Yeah, I did love him. Jerry too, and Rafe. I did love my men. But I couldn’t like the way everyone I knew was suddenly keeping a tally of the favors I owed. I was in debt up to my eyebrows. Money I could handle, but favors? Those could end up biting me on my chubby butt.

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