Remember Me?

Page 34

“I don't know.” I raise my eyebrows. “Should I be worried?” There's an appreciative laugh around the table, and I notice Byron shooting me daggers. Honestly. I was only making a joke.

“Seriously, though, Lexi. I need to talk to you about our recent... discussions.” Simon Johnson gives me a meaningful nod. “We'll have lunch when you get back properly.” “Absolutely.” I match his confidential tone, even though I have no idea what he's talking about. “Simon.” Dana steps forward, lowering her voice a smidgen. “The doctors don't know whether Lexi's amnesia is permanent or temporary. So she may have some problems with memory...” “Probably an advantage, in this business,” says a balding man opposite, and there's another chuckle around the table. “Lexi, I have every confidence in you,” Simon Johnson says firmly. He turns to a red-?haired guy sitting nearby. “Daniel, you two haven't met yet, have you? Daniel is our new finance controller. Daniel, you might have seen Lexi on television?” “That's right!” I can see recognition dawning on the guy's face as we shake hands. “So you're the whiz kid I've heard about.” Whiz kid? “Er... I don't think so,” I say uncertainly, and there's a laugh. “Don't be modest!” Simon gives me a warm smile, then turns to Daniel. “This young woman has had the most meteoric rise through this company. From associate junior sales manager to director of her department within eighteen months. As I've said many times to Lexi herself, it was a gamble, giving her the jobbut I've never regretted taking that risk for a moment. She's a natural leader. She's inspirational. She puts in twenty-?four hours a day; she has some exciting strategic visions for the future This is a very, very talented member of the company.” As he finishes, Simon is beaming at me; so are the balding guy and a couple of the others.

I'm in a state of total shock. My face is puce; my legs are wobbling. No one's ever spoken about me like that. Ever, my whole life. “Well... thanks!” I stutter at last.

“Lexi.” Simon gestures at an empty chair. “Can we tempt you to stay for the budget meeting?” “Er...” I glance at Dana for help. 138 “She's not staying long today, Simon,” says Dana. “We're popping down to Flooring now.” “Of course.” He nods. “Well, you're missing a treat. Everyone loves a budget meeting.” His eyes crinkle with humor.

“Don't you realize I did this to avoid the budget meeting?” I gesture at the last remaining graze on my head and there's another huge laugh around the room. “See you soon, Lexi,” Simon says. “Look after yourself.” As Dana and I leave the boardroom I'm light-?headed with exhilaration. I can't quite believe all that just happened. I bantered with Simon Johnson. I'm a whiz kid! I have strategic visions of the future! I just hope I wrote them down somewhere.

“So, you remember where the Flooring department is?” Dana says as we descend again in the lift. “I know everyone's eager to see you.” “Me too!” I say with growing confidence. We head out of the lift and Dana's phone gives a little chirrup. “Oh dear!” she says as she glances at it. “I should take this. Do you want to pop along to your office and I'll see you in there?” “Absolutely!” I stride down the corridor. It looks just the same as it ever did, with the same brown carpet and fire notices and plastic plants. The Flooring department is just along, to the left. And to the right is Gavin's office. I mean my office. My own private office. I stand outside the door for a moment, psyching myself to go in. I still can't quite believe it's my office. My job. Come on. There's nothing to be scared of. I can do this job, Simon Johnson said so. As I reach for the door handle, I see a girl of about twenty darting out of the main office.

Her hands go to her mouth. 139 “Oh!” she says. “Lexi! You're back!” “Yes.” I peer uncertainly at her. “You'll have to forgive me. I've had this accident; my memory's gone...” “Yeah, they said.” She looks nervous. “I'm Clare. Your assistant?” “Oh hi! Nice to meet you! So I'm in here?” I jerk my head toward Gavin's door. “That's right. Can I bring you a cup of coffee?” “Yes, please!” I try to hide my delight. “That would be great.” I have an assistant who brings me cups of coffee. I have really, really made it. I step into the office and let the door close behind me with a satisfying clunk. Wow. I'd forgotten how big this room was. It has a sweeping desk and a plant and a sofa... and everything. I put my briefcase down on the desk and walk over to the window. I even have a view! Of another tall building, admittedly but still, it's mine! I'm the boss! I can't help laughing in euphoria as I swing around and jump onto the sofa. I bounce up and down a few times, then stop abruptly as there's a knocking on the door. Shit. If someone walked in right now and saw me... Catching my breath, I hurry over to the desk, pick up a random piece of paper, and start perusing it with a businesslike frown. “Come in!” “Lexi!” Dana bustles in. “Are you making yourself at home again? Clare told me you didn't even recognize her! This is going to be tricky for you, isn't it? I hadn't quite appreciated...” She shakes her head, her brow creased. “So you don't remember anything?” “Well... no,” I admit. “But I'm sure it'll all come back to me, sooner or later.” 140 “Let's hope you're right!” She still looks anxious. “Now, let's go through to the department, reacquaint yourself with everybody...” We head outand I suddenly see Fi coming out of the Flooring office, in a short black skirt with boots and a green sleeveless top. She looks different from the way I remember her, with a new red streak in her hair and a thinner face, somehow. But it's her. She's even wearing the same set of tortoiseshell bangles she always used to.

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