
Page 9

“That’s why I’m here.” She managed to smile wanly at him, but she couldn’t shake the lingering hurt that clung to her. “I never gave them my blood Arianna; I’ve never done that with anyone else.”

She managed a small nod, trying not to show how upset she was. She knew that she was failing. “It’s ok.”

“Arianna, I thought… I don’t know what I thought. That’s the problem, I didn’t want to think.”

“I know Braith, I know how you felt, how it hurt to think, to breathe even. I know because I didn’t want to think or feel anymore either. It’s ok, I don’t like it, but it’s ok. It’s… It’s what you had to do.”

She could barely speak by the time she was done, hurt clogged her throat, but she couldn’t find any anger. She couldn’t be angry now. She hadn’t been there for him, she had thought that he had lied to her, and he had thought that she’d betrayed him. She couldn’t be angry now when he was looking at her with such a hopeful, needy expression. He may not have given them his blood, but she was sure that he had done other things with them. Things that they had not done together. Aria quickly shut the thought down. It had no place here, this was their one night, he wanted to be honest, and she could not fault him for that. But she was not going to ruin this night, she couldn’t.

“And what did you do to stop from thinking?” he asked softly though she heard the tight tension in his voice.

He had buried himself in women, and blood. She had buried herself in the woods, in the wild, in the solitude. “Went fishing.”

He lifted an eyebrow in surprise, his head tilted slightly to the side. “You went fishing?”

“Yes, I’d go to the lake almost every day and go fishing. It was quiet, peaceful; I could lose myself in the nature and serenity of it. Even when Max…”

“Max?” the name was almost growled at her.

She frowned at him. She had taken his shocking news relatively well; he owed her the same respect. “Yes, Max. He is my friend. He was also a blood slave, though his experience was far worse than mine. He needed the solitude, the peace, the company of someone who understood at least a little of what he had gone through. He would join me most days, and we would just sit silently together.”

“I think Max wants to be more than a friend,” his voice was low, gravelly. She heard the displeasure in his tone.

“Braith…” She didn’t know what to say, what to do. But he was being honest and she should too. “Yes, he does. And at one time I had a big crush on Max. He was older, my brother’s best friend, and my first kiss.” Braith’s hand tightened on the back of her head, he fairly vibrated with anger. “But even before we were blood slaves, even before I met you, I had decided that it could never be between us.”

He was struggling to keep control, struggling to keep himself calm. “Why not?” he asked quietly.

Aria shrugged. “My life isn’t one that I would wish on anyone else, especially not a child. It’s too hard, too brutal.”

He was silent for a long moment, and then he pulled her slowly down to him. His lips were warm against hers, soft, and soothing. His hand cradled the back of her head gently. She lost herself to him again, forgetting everything and everyone. The effect he had over her was amazing, and absolute.

He pulled slowly away from her, softly kissing her lips, and then her nose. “It will all be ok,” he whispered. “Everything will work out.”

She managed a wry smile as she nodded. They both knew that it would not be ok, but here, tonight, in his arms, she could believe anything. She fell into his kiss, losing herself to the touch and feel of him. He was wonderful, amazing, everything she had always wanted, and could never have. He rolled her slowly over, his kiss moving leisurely over her neck. He pulled her shirt down, revealing her shoulders. He stilled upon the bite mark, his lips hovering over it as she felt the hard press of his fangs against her flesh.

“It’s ok,” she breathed, her fingers curling into his thick hair. “It’s ok Braith.”

He didn’t hesitate, but bit gently down, reopening the wound and causing her blood to spurt once more. Aria arched against him, the pain was sharp, and fleeting. Then she felt the familiar pull, the familiar tug of her blood into his body. But unlike the first time, he was not half starved now; he was far gentler, and far more caring as he moved over her. She clung to his hard arms, tears streaming down her face as she savored in the wondrous joy of the moment. She never wanted it to end, never wanted to part from him.

He pulled slowly away from her, kissing her softly, holding her tight as he wiped the tears from her cheeks. “Don’t cry Arianna.”

She couldn’t stifle the tears, or emotions streaming from her. She ran her hands over his beloved face, wanting to savor every detail of him before they were separated again. For good. He pulled slightly away from her, biting deep into his wrist. She watched in wide eyed wonder as blood flowed from him. Unlike the last time, she would remember this exchange.

She felt she should be repulsed by the idea of drinking his blood. The vampires were her enemies after all, they always had been, but she could not bring herself to feel revulsion as he held his wrist out to her. The need in his eyes was glaringly obvious, and she was not going to turn him down. She would never hurt him in such away. She took hold of his wrist, watching him as she brought it to her mouth. His eyes sparked with desire, and love.

His blood was sweet as it flowed into her, powerful as it seeped into her cells. He kissed her forehead gently, his nose rubbing briefly against hers as he nuzzled her. “I love you too Arianna,” he breathed, his mouth hot against her ear. His words only caused more tears to flow.


Aria woke to the smell of something delicious cooking. She smiled softly, stretching out upon the comfortable bed as her stomach rumbled in eager anticipation. She didn’t know what he was cooking for her now, but it smelled wonderful. Upon crawling out of bed, she discovered the bathroom, and the shower. Drawn by the lure of hot water, she was unable to resist climbing into the shower and staying in there for a very long time. She discovered the robe after forcefully removing herself from the dwindling heat.

The robe smelled of him, which made it even more irresistible to slip on. The soft material felt fantastic against her bare skin. She hesitated a moment, self conscious about going bare beneath the robe, but she wasn’t ready to put her clothes back on. They weren’t filthy, but they most certainly weren’t as clean as the robe, and she wanted to enjoy her brief reprieve for a little while longer. She didn’t think Braith would mind anyway.

She slipped from the room, following her nose as she padded silently down the hall. “Something smells amazing, and I’ve decided the shower is the best invention ever.”

She turned the corner, holding the knot on the front of her robe as Braith came into sight. He was standing in the kitchen doorway, his back to her. She frowned, uncertain as to what he was doing there. His head turned toward her, his gaze was dark and stormy as he caught sight of her. There was also fury blasting from his eyes. She hesitated, her feet staggering slightly on the hardwood floor. She didn’t understand the rage in his gaze, didn’t know why it would be directed at her. They had been fine when they had fallen to sleep, better than fine even. She had never felt so content and happy in her life.

And now it seemed as if the sight of her was enough to send him into a rage. Aria began to shake; her hands trembled on the knot of the robe. What was going on?

His eyes narrowed slightly, and then his hand slammed into the doorway with enough force to splinter the wood. Aria gasped in surprise, jumping slightly as the wood cracked loudly and bits of it scattered to the floor. Her heart jumped in surprise, but she still did not feel any fear, not of him anyway. He wouldn’t hurt her she knew that, she just didn’t understand what was wrong with him right now.

He turned slowly away from her, his back ramrod straight, his muscles quivering with tension. Aria looked slowly away from his rigid back, her eyes widening, her mouth dropping as she caught sight of Jack on the other side of the room. He was standing by the door outside, staring at her. There was surprise in his features, but there was also confusion, fear, and a deep sadness that shook her.

It was then that she realized their wonderful world of bliss had been forever shattered once more. “Aria,” Jack greeted softly.

She stared at him for a moment longer, then fear and horror tore through her. She wanted to reach out to Braith, but her hand remained frozen on her knot. She didn’t know what to say, what to do. She was practically naked, standing in their family house, her hair wet and straggling. She knew what it all looked like, and she didn’t care. What she cared about was the fact that Jack had found them. That he had come here to ruin their brief time together, again. Anger spurted through her, they’d had so little time together as it was, and now it was over.

She glared at him, her hands fisting at her sides. Jack quirked an eyebrow as he studied her questioningly. “I’m assuming you didn’t force her here,” he said softly.

“No,” Aria responded, when Braith didn’t.

Jack stared hard at her for a moment before turning his attention to his brother. “What are you doing Braith?” Jack asked quietly.

Braith’s body remained ramrod straight. Fury radiated from him, shaking the arm that was slammed into the wall. Aria knew that it was more than just Jack being here that was shaking him, but also the fact that their time together was over. They both knew Jack was here to take her back, and there was nothing that either of them could do to stop it. She had to go back to her world, just as Braith had to return to his. Neither of them could hide away forever, it was impossible.

“That’s none of your business,” Braith growled.

Jack’s eyes flashed with anger. “It is my business. She’s a young girl, you have no right…”

“I’m not a child!” Aria interrupted sharply. “And you are not my father, or my brother, Jack.”

Jack’s eyes were hard as he stared at her. “No, your father and brothers would have come in here looking to kill; they would have been disgusted to find you like this.” Aria recoiled from his harsh words, her mouth parted, she felt as if she had been slapped by him.

“Don’t,” Braith snarled, his hand clenching on the ruined doorframe. “Don’t talk to her like that.”

“You have no idea what you have gotten yourself messed up with here Aria,” Jack continued as if Braith had never spoken. “And yes, you are a child. Especially when compared to us. You are a small blink in our lifespan Aria. You should know better Braith, I thought better of you than to do this with a young girl, a human girl no less! What the hell are you doing!?”

Braith bristled at the reprimand, the muscles in his back rippled. “Like I said before, that’s none of your business.”

Jack’s eyes widened slightly, he shook his head. “How did you even find her? What are you even doing outside of the palace?” Neither Braith nor Aria answered him. Jack glanced rapidly between them, then his shoulders slumped slightly and his gaze landed upon Aria. “You lied to me.”

Aria shook her head. “I didn’t lie to you.”

“Then what the hell do you call it!?” he exploded. “I asked if he had shared his blood with you! You told me no!”

“I’m not going to tell you again to watch how you talk to her!” Braith warned.

Aria reached out to him, grasping hold of his arm as she sensed his rapidly unraveling control, he was nearing a volatile snapping point. She didn’t want them fighting, not only were they brothers but she had a feeling that they would destroy this house, and each other, if they did. And the last thing she wanted was for either of them to be hurt.

“It’s ok Braith.” He relaxed slightly, but a tremor remained in his muscles, and she was not fooled into thinking that he wouldn’t attack at a moment’s notice. “I didn’t remember Jack; I thought it was a dream. I didn’t lie to you on purpose, it was…” She didn’t know what it was, she couldn’t explain it. “I’m sorry Jack.”

“Don’t apologize to him,” Braith told her.

“You put us all in danger,” Jack scolded.

Aria bit on her bottom lip, her fingers wrapped tighter around Braith’s arm. She stepped closer to him, needing his touch to soothe her raw nerves. He glanced back at her, his eyes softening as he took her in. She stared up at him for a moment, trying hard to calm her racing heart. He finally released his hold on the wall, pulling her tighter against him, but also moving her slightly behind him. Jack watched them silently, his eyes narrowed as he studied them.

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