
Page 35

“Yes,” falls from her lips in a breathy whisper.

I push my hand under the fabric, finding her wet. “Fuck.” I groan, my head falling to her chest as I run my finger through her slickness.

Then, down over her clit, I lift my head to stare in her eyes as I push my finger inside her. She’s tight, her insides gripping me like a vise. I start to finger her, pressing the heel of my hand against her clit, and then I slip in another finger.

I need to taste her.

“I want you on my mouth,” I roughly tell her, kissing her still. I remove my fingers from inside her and slide my hand around her back. I flip us over until she is lying on top of me. “Sit on my face, baby. I want to feel that sweet little pussy of yours riding my face before I fuck you.”

Rising up onto her knees, she stares down at me. Then, she stands on the bed, putting a leg on either side of me. She slides her panties down her legs, taking them off. Then, she moves over my face, lowering to her knees.

No hesitation or shyness. I fucking love that.

I grab the backs of her thighs, pulling her to my mouth where I want her.

The first touch of my tongue on her clit, she moans loudly. Falling forward, she grips my headboard with her hands.

She tastes fucking amazing. I could stay here all day with her on my face.

She starts to rotate her hips against me while I lick at her pussy.

“That’s it, baby. Fuck my mouth.”

“Oh God,” she moans.

“Not God, babe. Me.”

I push my tongue inside her, and she cries out.

I want to give her more. I want to feel all of her.

I want to make her come so fucking hard that she will remember it for days after.

I slide my hand around her ass. Then, I run my finger through her slickness while my tongue licks her clit.

I don’t know whether India is into anal, but there is only one way to find out. I move my wet finger over her tight puckered hole and gently press against it.

Her whole body stiffens, so I ease my finger off.

“You want me to stop?”

There’s a brief pause, before she speaks, “I haven’t ever…”

“Then, we won’t do it.”

“No…” She stares down at me. “I mean, yes. I think…I want to. Just be gentle.”

“Always, babe.”

My tongue goes back to her clit. Making soft strokes over it, I gently move the tip of my finger over her hole. I feel her lose herself to the sensation. Gathering some more wetness from her pussy, I use it to push the tip of my finger into her asshole.

I feel the orgasm tear through her as she screams out my name. I’ve never heard a more erotic sound.

When her orgasm starts to subside, I slide out from underneath her. Kneeling behind her, I press my chest against her trembling back. My arm coming around her waist, I pull her back to sit on my lap. My cock is rock-hard and pressed up against her ass.

She tilts her face back to look at me.

“Are you okay?” I ask.

Her eyes go to my lips. “I’m better than okay.”

I kiss her, swiping my tongue over hers, letting her taste herself on me.

“You taste so fucking good,” I tell her.

“I want to taste you,” she says.

I nearly come all over her ass. “You don’t have to.”

“I want to.” She bites down on her lip, drawing my attention to her mouth.

“Do you have your lipstick with you?” I ask.

She raises her brow. “Why?”

“Because…” I nip her lower lip with my teeth. “Since the moment I saw you wearing that red lipstick of yours, I have had this image stuck in my head of you sucking me off with your lipstick smeared all over my cock.”

Her breath catches, her eyes flaring with desire. “It’s in my bag.”

Sliding her off of me, I grab her bag from the floor and pass it to her. She fishes her lipstick out and reapplies it without using a mirror.

“Impressive.” I grin.

“It’s just one of my many talents.”

I’m pretty sure my dick just got harder. I’m at the point of being in pain, and my balls are so blue that it’s not even funny.

“You have all your women put on lipstick for you?” she asks.

I take hold of her chin with my hand, staring into her eyes. “No. Only you. And there has been no one since you, if you were wondering that also.”

I see surprise flicker through her eyes. It doesn’t make me feel great. But, then, my reputation does precede me.

“You haven’t slept with anyone since me?” The disbelief in her voice annoys me.

“No.” I remove my hand from her chin, but continue to pin her with my stare.

“But, all of those pictures of you with women in the press…”

“They were just that—pictures. Have you fucked anyone since me?” I turn the tables on her, but I am not really sure if I want to hear the answer to this question.

Her eyes flare with indignation. “No.” She juts her chin out.

“Good. Now, get down on your knees, and suck my cock.”

I am a bossy bastard in the bedroom, but she doesn’t seem to mind.

A smile lights her eyes, as she tilts her head to the side. “You could say please.”

I slide my fingers into her hair, bringing her face closer to mine. “Sorry. India, get down on your knees and suck my cock, please.”

She gives me a haughty look. “Better.” Then, she slides off the bed, to her feet.

I follow her movement, putting my feet on the floor, sitting on the edge of the bed.

She lowers to her knees, and I have never seen anything more beautiful than the sight of her kneeling before me, those big blue eyes blinking up at me. My fingers slide into her hair, threading through the strands, and I guide her head down to my cock. The second her lips touch my cock, I know this will all be over way too soon if I don’t control myself.

“Fuck, yes,” I groan.

My fingers tighten in her hair as she slides her mouth down my cock, taking me throat deep.

“Shit. Jesus, that’s it, baby,” I hiss. “Take it all.”

She is fucking amazing. A doctor who gives head like a porn star. I can feel the head of my cock hitting the back of her throat.

I brush her hair aside, watching her suck me off. “The sight of you, like this with your lips on my cock, is even better than I imagined.”

My hips start to move as she flattens her tongue over my cock, taking me deep each time.

“That’s it, baby. You suck me so good.” I can feel myself starting to lose control.

I’m going to come. I need to stop her. But it just feels so fucking good.

She hollows her cheeks, sucking me hard, and a shot of pre-cum shoots from my cock.

“Ah, India, baby…you have to stop. I will come if you don’t.” I tug gently on her hair.

She lets my cock from her mouth with a pop. Sitting back on her heels, her lips are smeared red, and her lipstick is all over my cock, her hair tousled from my hands in it.

Fucking beautiful.

“I thought that was the idea.” She runs a finger down my cock, and he jerks.

“Next time. Right now, I need to fuck you.” Hands under her arms, I haul her to her feet and lift her onto the bed.

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