
Page 50

“The police think he might have seen the sign on my door, seen the word doctor, and probably thought that I had prescription drugs on site.”

“Fucking scum,” I growl. Taking a pause, I breathe deep, trying to calm down. I pinch the bridge of my nose. “Are you okay?” I ask her.

“I’m fine, baby. Don’t worry.”

“I am going to worry because I’m here while you are there, and I feel fucking helpless. I hate that I’m not there with you, to help you.”

“Just hearing your voice helps me. And I got your texts earlier. They came through at the same time as when the alarm company called, but I came straight to the office. I’m sorry I didn’t get a chance to reply.”

I cringe, remembering why I had text her. “Don’t worry about that. Where are you right now? Are you okay to talk? There is something you need to know. The reason I text earlier…God, it’s been a shit night all around.”

“I’m sitting in Jonah’s car. He’s in my building, on the phone with Andre. What’s wrong, Leandro?”

I can hear the worry in her voice loud and clear.

“It’s nothing for you to worry about…and I am really sorry to land this on you when you are already dealing with the burglary, but I don’t want to not tell you, and then the pictures appear in the news, and you see them.”

“Pictures?” Her voice goes cold. “What pictures?”

I let out a sigh. “I was in the hotel bar with Carrick earlier, having a beer. A woman came over, asked to have her picture taken with me. So, I said yes because I have to do shit like that, and to cut a long story short—and this is going to sound bad, India, so hear me out first—this woman propositioned me while her friend took pictures of us, and…she grabbed my crotch. As I tried to get her hand off of me, I turned my face in her direction in shock, and she…kissed me.” I wince at what I’m telling her. “Her friend caught the whole fucking debacle on camera…and I…kind of lost my temper. She was threatening to sell the photos to the press.” I’m quick to add, “So, I might have called her a soulless bitch and her friend a fucking cunt.”

When I finish, there’s just absolute silence on the end of the phone. I close my eyes against it, worried about what’s going through her mind.

“India…babe, are you still there?”

She exhales. “I’m here.”

Relief. “Are you…okay?”

“Just processing.”

“I am sorry.”

“It’s not your fault that some lunatic woman violated you. I’m actually pretty fucking angry. If a guy did that to a woman, he’d be arrested for assault.”

A smile pushes up my lips. “I fucking love you, a real lot, India Harris.”

“I love you a whole lot, too, Leandro Silva.”

“When my season is over, I’m taking you and Jett on a long vacation where there are no junkie burglars or psycho crotch-grabbing women.”

“Sounds like heaven.”

“It will be, babe. I promise.”

“I should go.” She sighs. “I need to call my insurance company, and someone is coming to fingerprint my office. I have to wait until they’re done, so I can call the alarm company, and they can reset the alarm. Not that there’s much point as there’s nothing left to steal.”

“Leave it. Go home, and sort the alarm out in the morning. Like you said, there is nothing left to steal.”

“Yeah…I might do that.”

“I’ll have to call Sophie first thing, let her know. We need to cancel my patients for Monday, as I can’t see the office being in any sort of shape by then. I’ll need to get some new furniture and computers. God, my head’s hurting from just thinking about it. Ugh, tomorrow is going to suck monkey balls.”

“Suck monkey balls?” I laugh.

“It’s a saying…not a nice one. In fact I have no clue where I heard it from or why I even used it.” She giggles, and the sound soothes me.

“I love that sound,” I tell her. “You have the cutest laugh.”

“And you have the sexiest voice. With your accent…” She trails off.

“Does my accent turn you on?” My cock sits up and pays attention.

“Maybe,” she says coyly.

“Estou com saudades de você.”

She moans softly. “Tell me what you said?”

“I said, I miss you.”

“I miss you, too, so much. Say something else in Portuguese.”

“Preciso muito te foder.”

“What does that mean?” Her voice is breathy, making my cock harder.

I palm my dick through my jeans, really needing her touch though, not my own. “I said, I really need to fuck you.”

She lets out a sexy giggle. “And I really need to be fucked by you.”

I groan, squeezing my cock with my hand. “Ring me as soon as you get home. So, I can make you come with my voice.”

“In Portuguese?” Her voice is gentle groan.

I close my eyes on the sound, imagining her here with me. “Anything you want, babe. I just need to hear you come.”

“I love how you can fix any situation with sex.”

“It’s a gift.”

“A gift that you’re really good at. I’ll call you as soon as I’m home in bed. I love you.”

“Love you, too.”

Disconnecting the call, I toss my phone on the bed and grab a bottle of water from my fridge, turning the sound back on the TV. There is no way I am sleeping right now. Not until I know she is home, safe.

And if I wasn’t sure before about retiring, then I am now. I’m making this my last season, and after this year, I am never leaving India’s side again.

MY WEEKEND OFFICIALLY SUCKED MONKEY BALLS, aside from Leandro winning the Prix in Belgium. I was worried he wouldn’t, with the stress of everything, but that’s been the only good thing to happen this weekend.

I spent all of Saturday morning canceling my Monday appointments while Sophie canceled my Tuesday appointments. I thought it best to give myself a good window to get the office back in shape.

Kit and Jett came to the office with me. Sophie met us there, and we all spent the rest of the Saturday sorting the office back up, putting it into some semblance of normality. We got to catch parts of Leandro’s qualifying race on Jett’s iPad, which he’d brought with him. That was good, as I’d have hated to completely miss it.

The office was dirty, covered in powder from the fingerprint guy. Honestly, it just felt unclean and violated. I wanted it scrubbed back to clean. So, I came back on Sunday and scrubbed the place until it was gleaming.

Afterward, I went to the local PC World and bought new iMacs for Sophie and for myself.

When I got home, I saw the pictures of Leandro and that woman in the news. Kit had gotten the local paper, and it was on the front page, the picture of him and her. At the bottom was a small picture of him and me that was taken in Hungary.

Of course, the press knows Leandro and I are together. They know my name, what I do for a living, and that I have a son, but they don’t know anything more than that.

But this kind of story, claiming he’s cheating on his girlfriend, is the kind of fodder the press lap up.

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