Rock Hard

Page 21

His Jessica. His.

They shuddered and strained against each other. Gasping. Crying out. Whimpering. When their bodies stopped quaking, she collapsed against his chest.

Jessica wrapped her arms around his neck and snuggled against him, still shuddering sporadically. His arms circled her back as he drew her nearer.

A smattering of applause erupted in the dining area. “That was beautiful, guys. Really,” Eric said.

Sed grabbed the edges of the blanket beneath him and wrapped them around Jessica’s back. He glared at Eric, who sat at the dining table eating what was left of Trey’s cherry pie with his fingers. “Get the f**k out of here.”

Jessica’s entire body shook uncontrollably against him. Concerned, Sed leaned back to look at her face and found her laughing.

“He’s right. That was beautiful. You are one hell of a good lay, Mister Lionheart.”

She kissed him and lifted her hips to separate their bodies. Sed grunted in protest. He loved being buried in her warmth and would have stayed there forever if she’d allow it. She settled sideways on his lap and leaned against his chest, letting him hold her. She didn’t rush away like the last time. Let him hold her. Let him. He kissed her temple and snuggled her close. How had he lived a single day without her? She was as essential to his life as air.

“So I guess this means you two are back together,” Eric said.

“Yeah,” Sed murmured, not caring that his dimples were showing as he grinned.

“No,” Jessica corrected.

He glanced down at her. “No?”

“Just sex, Sed.”

His arms tightened around her. “Yeah, that’s what I meant. Just sex.”

He’d take anything she was willing to give. His heart would just have to get used to that sinking ache inside until he could win her back.

Chapter 12

Jessica listened to Sed’s heartbeat beneath her ear. She didn’t think he was feeling much for her. She couldn’t hurt him yet and that was okay. He’d eventually get tired of her using him like a piece of meat.

And what a delectable slab of prime rib he was.

God, she’d forgotten how perfectly their bodies responded to each other. She hoped it took a while to exact her revenge, because she was very much enjoying this little game.

“You want to go somewhere?” he asked.

A shiver raced down her spine at the sound of his deep voice. She looked up at him. “Like now? It’s late.”

“Isn’t Las Vegas the city that never sleeps?”

“I think that’s New York.”

“Right. This is Sin City.” He grinned wickedly and combed his fingers through her hair as his gaze caressed her face. “I thought you might like to take a walk down the strip with me.” His eyebrows lifted suggestively.

Her breath caught. “Sightseeing?”

“Maybe a little.” His gaze locked with hers and he grinned that sexy grin that made her body throb. “When our eyes are open.”

Her heart raced out of control. She hadn’t toured a city with Sed in over two years. The possibilities for public encounters in Las Vegas were endless. “I have a skirt in my car.”

She squirmed off his lap, scooped her clothes off the floor, and headed for the small bathroom near the back of the bus.

Eric wolf-whistled as she darted past him in the nude. She stuck her tongue out at him before shutting herself in the bathroom. She cleaned up in the sink and hurriedly dressed in her jeans and T-shirt.

There was a knock at the door. “I’m coming in,” Sed called.

Sed squeezed into the tiny bathroom and turned on the sink tap. She backed into the nook between the toilet and the shower. The man completely dominated the small room. He completely dominated everything. Jessica knew he couldn’t help it, but it still irked her. Since he’d become famous, his influence spread beyond his personal sphere, which made him more infuriating. She felt like a washed out shadow whenever she was near him. Except when she was f**king him. Only then did she feel his equal.

“You’re glowering at me.” He was looking at her reflection in the mirror as he washed traces of their joining from his body.

“No, I’m not.”

“Yeah, you are. What did I do wrong now?”

“Nothing you can help.” She moved to stand behind him and ran her hands up the contoured muscles of his belly and chest. “You’ve been working out.”

“Just some free weights and lots of push-ups, pull-ups, sit-ups.”

“All those ups are really paying off. Sexier than ever.”

She rested her cheek against his back and inhaled the unique scent of his skin. Like everything else about this man, it never failed to turn her on.

“Maybe we should go sightseeing tomorrow,” he said, covering her hand with his. “We should get a hotel room for the night. There’s no privacy here. I want to be alone with you.”

“How about we tour a few places, get a room when we get tired, and then continue our tour tomorrow?”

He looked at her over his shoulder and smiled. “You always were brilliant.”

She kissed his shoulder and moved around him to exit the bathroom. “I’ll be back soon.”

Jessica left the bus and hurried to the parking garage where she’d left her car. From her trunk, she grabbed a suitcase of clothes and the bag that contained her cosmetics and personal necessities, and then hurried back.

Sinners’ fans had cleared out, and with them, the security guards. No problems getting around the barrier this time.

She found Sed leaning against the bus. His wide-brimmed hat was tilted low over his brow, his pretty blue eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses. He wore black leather pants, a white T-shirt, and a long leather duster.

“It’s pretty warm out here for a coat,” Jessica said, an eyebrow lifted at him.

“I’m willing to suffer for style.”

She laughed. He reached for her suitcase, but she sidestepped him before he could take it from her. “I’ve got it.”

He sighed and followed her onto the bus empty-handed.

Eric wasn’t the only band member on the bus now. Trey rested on the sofa, watching TV with his sultry emerald-green eyes more closed than opened. He glanced up when Jessica walked past.

“Jessica?” he said incredulously.

“Hey, Trey. How have you been?”

“I’ve been better,” he said quietly. “Head is killing me.”

“Do you need me to take you to the hospital?” Sed asked. “That dickhead bouncer really whacked you a good one.”

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