Rock Hard

Page 38

“Where is Jessica, anyway? Gonna take her out and play along the Vegas strip like you did last night? Did she give you some? I bet she did. I’d take that over a subdural hema-fuckin-toma any day.”

Trey started flinging all of his non-cherry Life Savers across the room. Some of them hit the wall and shattered, spreading candy confetti across the floor.

“Can I come in?” Jessica asked from the doorway.

“Speaking of your good piece of ass. I guess she got lonely. Probably wants to give you some right now.”

Sed didn’t know how to react. This wasn’t like Trey at all. When he was a teenager, yeah, Trey had been like this. Chip on his shoulder. The world out to get him. But he’d been content for the past decade.

“Come on in, sweetheart,” Sed called to Jessica. “Help me keep Trey company.”

“Are you sure?” Jessica asked, stepping through the doorway but not venturing any deeper into the room.

He was more than sure. Maybe she could calm Trey down where he had so utterly failed.

“By all means,” Trey said, “join the party. I’m currently waiting for a surprise enema as a punishment for sucking contraband Life Savers. Pull up a chair. Should be fun to watch my continued misery.”

“Trey, what the f**k is wrong with you?” Sed asked.

“I don’t know, Sed. Maybe I have brain damage or something.” He poked himself in the head much harder than necessary.

Sed winced. Where was Brian? Brian would know how to handle him.

Jessica came further into the room and perched on the edge of Trey’s bed. “What’s the matter, sweetie?” She traced his eyebrow with her thumb, leaning close so only inches separated their noses. Jade green eyes stared into emerald green. Had it been any other guy on the planet, Sed might have been jealous, but this was Trey. He had no interest in another guy’s woman. He could get what he wanted from an infinite variety of available ass.

“Don’t baby me,” Trey grumbled at Jessica.

“I’m not babying you. I’m concerned about you. You don’t really think you’re going to be stuck in the hospital forever, do you?”

He crossed his arms over his chest, bunching his hospital gown across his shoulders. “Maybe.”

“Youse wants me and Sed ta bust ya outta dis joint?”

Trey grinned, watching her from the corner of his eye. “Maybe.”

“Sed,” Jessica whispered.


“Start tying bed sheets together.” She stood and crossed the room to press on the window with both hands. “I’ll work on getting this open.”

“We’re on the fifteenth floor,” he reminded her.

“So it will take a lot of sheets. Raid the supply closet.” She glanced at Trey. “You aren’t afraid of heights, are you?”

Trey grinned and shook his head at her.

“Good.” She looked down at the ground far below. “I’m not sure we can get enough sheets. That’s a loooooong way down. Maybe we should make a parachute instead. How do you feel about base jumping?”

“Uh, no.” Trey chuckled, his scowl completely gone. “I think I prefer being stuck in this hellhole over attempting your brilliant escape plans.”

“If you want to survive,” Sed murmured in all seriousness.

Trey and Jessica exchanged glances and burst out laughing.

“Oh jeez,” Trey said, wiping tears of mirth from the corners of both eyes. “He thought you were serious.”

Sed chewed his lip, feeling like an ass. He had been taking it all too seriously. No wonder Trey had been so uptight. “Nah, I was just playing along with her.”

“Suuuuure,” Trey said, laughing even harder.

Jessica’s eyes met Sed’s. She smiled and winked at him. And just like that all the tension left the room. This woman, his woman, was amazing.

Jessica seemed to enjoy caring for Trey. Fluffing his pillow. Adjusting his bed to a more reclined position. Rubbing his wrists, which he claimed were cramping up on him. Sed was convinced Trey was making stuff up just to get her attention. Sed considered making up a few aches of his own. She was practically ignoring him and he didn’t like it. At all.

A while later, Eric entered the room with a garbage bag. “It’s about time you woke up, lazy ass,” he said to Trey. “You think you’re on vacation or something?” He crossed the room in several long-legged strides and upended the sack over Trey’s lap, burying him in an avalanche of cherry suckers. “I hope they don’t keep you in here longer than a day. I can’t keep up with this addiction of yours.”

Dave, their soundboard operator, entered with a laptop and set it on Trey’s lap. “Dude, I’m tired of answering your f**kin’ fan mail. Do it yourself.”

“What?” Trey scrolled down a screen of messages, his fingers curled awkwardly over the touch pad.

“A thousand get-well-soon messages and counting,” Dave told him. “Your fans have always been loyal.”

“Not to mention crazy as hell,” Eric said. “There’s a whole crowd of them camped outside the hospital. Getting through security was insane.”

“Awesome. I could use a little fan lovin’ right now.”

“Oh, there’s plenty of love in there,” Dave said. “Trust me.”

“Any interesting pictures?”

“Slutty, you mean?” Eric said, fingering the cleft in the center of his chin.

Trey grinned his orneriest. “Obviously.”

Dave, the most normal-looking roadie on the planet, sat in the chair beside the bed. “I put those in your save folder.”

“I think I love you, Dave,” Trey said, poking keys with one finger.

“You ready to go eat?” Sed asked Jessica. “Eric and Dave will keep an eye on Trey. And you must be starving. I know I am.”

She nodded. He moved his arm to circle her shoulders and directed her toward the door. “See you later, Trey. We’ll stop by again this evening.”

“Later,” Trey said absently, pointing at something on the computer screen and laughing with Eric. “She’s right. That does make me feel better. But I don’t think that bikini is legal. Not even on a nude beach.”

“Dude, dude, email her back. Wait. Let me get a picture of your head staples.” Eric snapped a picture of the side of Trey’s head with his camera phone. “Fuckin’ brutal. You are gonna get so much sympathy pu**y.”

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