Rock Hard

Page 48

He covered his mouth with the back of his hand and chuckled. “That shit goes straight to your head.”

“I don’t think you’re supposed to chug half the bottle.” Though three glasses deep, she was working on it. She rested her wrist on the edge of the tub, her half-full flute tilted precariously. “Since you refuse to f**k me, can I have some more chocolate, please?”

“I’m not refusing. I just don’t think that’s what you really want right now.”

“You don’t know a goddamned thing about what I want.” Her eyes filled with unexpected tears. “Why won’t you ever listen to me?” If sex had been his idea, she’d already be on her back with him thrusting into her slutty, needy body.

He brushed a tear away with his thumb. “Shh, sweetheart, I’m not going to take advantage of you when you’re this upset.” He extended a spoonful of mousse toward her.

Oh yeah? Well, if he wasn’t going to do as she asked, she’d just have to seduce him then. She waited until the spoon touched her bottom lip then slowly drew her tongue over it. She repeated the motion again and again, knowing what kind of thoughts she encouraged. Sed watched her lick his offering one thin layer at a time. He couldn’t take his eyes off her mouth or the carefully timed strokes of her tongue. She sucked the remaining mousse from the spoon. “Mmmmm.”

Sed answered her murmur of pleasure with a soft curse.

Her eyes drifted down his body, wishing he’d get naked already. The chocolate and champagne weren’t doing it for her. She could still think. Her eyes settled on the crotch of his jeans. Anything ready to tango in his pants? Getting there, but only half-mast. She could do better.

“What are you looking at?” he asked.

Her gaze lifted to his. He had one eyebrow raised at her.

“I want more.”

“More what?”

“You know what I want, Sed. Give it to me.” She opened her mouth for another bite.

He scooped another spoonful of mousse. “If you don’t stop that, I’m going to give it to you real good here in a minute. And then you’re going to get pissed at me for taking advantage of you.”

“Why would I get pissed if you give me what I need?”

“Jess, you’re not thinking clearly. The last thing you need right now is sex.”

She completely disagreed with him. No surprise there. Jessica rubbed her mouth over the soft dessert, licking the chocolate from her coated lips in bliss. She kept her eyes closed, but she assumed he watched with undivided attention. Her tongue stroked the underside of the spoon repetitively and then dipped into the depression on top.

“I wish I was a spoon,” he murmured.

After she licked all traces of dessert from the spoon, she moaned, “More, Sed. I need more.”

He fed her another spoonful of mousse, and another.

“Yes, Sed. Give it to me. More.”

He scraped the spoon against the sides of the glass and gave his final offering. She finished the last bite and opened her eyes.

He rattled the spoon in the glass. “It’s all gone.”

She glanced at the glass, noting the film of mousse on its inner surface. “There’s a little left. Don’t waste it.”

He rubbed his index finger along the inner surface of the glass and offered it to her, his breath catching. She licked his finger from base to tip and then sucked it into her mouth. The salt of his skin mingled with the sweet, rich taste of chocolate.

“Jess,” he gasped.

She sucked his finger gently, drawing her mouth back to the tip, and working her tongue along its underside, before she sucked it deep again. She released his finger and took a sip of her champagne. “Are you sure there isn’t any more?” Her eyes drifted down to his lap again. His c**k strained against his pants as a thick, rigid pole along the inside of his left thigh.

How was he not in the tub already?

“I can order you another.”

“I think I’ve had enough chocolate. What else do you have to offer?” She glanced down at his lap suggestively.

He didn’t seem to notice. “Champagne.”

“Excellent champagne,” she murmured and took another gulp of the sparkling beverage.

“Strawberries.” He lifted a lid off a plate sitting beside him on the floor. The smell of beef and grease filled the air. “And a hamburger.”

She chuckled. “You don’t really think I’d eat that, do you?”

“I ordered it for me, but if you want some…” He took a bite. “I’ll share,” he said with his mouth full.

“Charming, Sed. Hand me the strawberries.”

He handed her a large goblet with fresh trimmed strawberries. She drained her champagne flute in several gulps and dropped the glass on the towel next to the tub. She set the cold goblet of strawberries on her chest and bit into a berry, pretending she didn’t notice the juice dripping down her chin. She could be as persistent as he was stubborn.

Sed tossed his half-eaten burger on his plate. He retrieved her discarded champagne glass and refilled it. “I think you need more champagne.” He handed the full glass to her.

“You’re right. I’m not drunk yet.” She polished off the glass in four swallows and dropped the flute on the floor again before selecting another strawberry. “I wonder if my law professors already know about my amateur  p**n  debut.”

“You’re not supposed to be thinking about that.” He stuffed the final quarter of his hamburger into his mouth. He could be such a pig. She wasn’t sure why it turned her on.

“This is a big deal in my life, Sed. What am I supposed to be thinking about?”

He peeled his shirt off over his head and tossed it aside. “Me.”

Like she could think of anything else when he was shirtless. “You just ate, Sed. You can’t come into the water for at least twenty minutes.” Despite her teasing, her appreciative gaze roamed the hard contours of his naked chest and stomach. Beautiful man. About time he got down to business and gave her what she really wanted.

He took the goblet of strawberries from her and set it on the floor. “I’m not planning on swimming.” He drew her body halfway around the garden tub, so that her back was to him and the edge of the tub separated their bodies. His arms wrapped around her, large hands grasping her br**sts. His mouth descended to suck on her neck. “Is this what you want?”

She gasped. “Yes.”

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