Rock Hard

Page 79

“I know a great film crew. They do all of Sinners’ music videos. Maybe we can add some special effects to our next public encounter. Heavy metal sound track. Giant robots. Explosions in the background when I come inside you. Stuff like that.”

She picked up one of his French fries and tossed it at him. It hit him on the cheek and landed on the table. “We just have to be more careful.”

Nodding, he devoured his barbecued rib. “Eat faster,” he insisted, his mouth full.

She grinned and pushed her salad around her plate.

“Slight problem,” she said. “I don’t have a skirt on.”

“It’s dark out,” he said, stuffing French fries in his mouth ten at a time. “No one will see a thing.”

“And there isn’t really anything worth seeing around here.”

“So we hop in a cab and drive around until we find someplace interesting.”

She stole one of his French fries and nibbled on it.

“You aren’t eating faster,” he pointed out.

She tried to eat faster, but she was nervous around him tonight. Ever since he told her he loved her, things felt different. Confusing. “Can I ask you something?”

“What kind of something?” he asked suspiciously.

“Why do you let Eric watch you have sex with your groupies?”

He leaned away from the table and rubbed a hand over his backward ball cap. “You know about that, huh?”

“Yeah, I know. Will you tell me why?”

He gazed out the dark window beside them. “You don’t want to ask me that.”

“I just thought… I thought if you like it that much, I wouldn’t mind Eric watching us together. If you wanted him to.” She felt the heat rise up her neck to her cheeks, but forced herself to not duck her head, so he’d know she was serious.

His gaze swiveled back to her. “Really?” After a moment, he shook his head. “I don’t need him to watch us.”

Her brow furrowed. Need him? Sed needed Eric to watch? This entire time, she thought it was Eric who needed that kind of voyeuristic stimulation. “What do you mean, you don’t need him?”

“I don’t have any problem getting off with you, Jessica. Something about him watching me do boring chicks helps me get off. Without him there, I just can’t… get excited enough.” He stared at her for a moment and then lowered his gaze. “See, I told you that you didn’t want to ask me that.”

“You can’t get off with other women?” She was so stunned by the idea that her head started to spin.

“Why do you think I do two or three of them at a time?”

She winced. Okay, she didn’t need that reminder.

“Since you left me, I have a hard time, you know.” He glanced at her pointedly.

“I have no clue.”

“Finding satisfaction.” He hesitated. “Will you just finish your salad, already?”

She grinned, feeling strangely validated. “I’m the only girl who gets you off?” she pressed.

He scowled at her. “Do you know how horrible that is for someone who loves sex as much as I do? I went two years like that. Sex was a chore to find ten seconds of relief. Sometimes I thought I’d do better being celibate.”

“Poor baby.” She didn’t feel one bit sorry for him, though. Just happy for herself. “I’ll make it up to you in a few minutes.”

“You’d better,” he growled. “This thing with Trey has made things impossible. You’re always there, but it would be wrong to pounce on you every couple of hours.”

She grinned. “Why is that wrong?”

He groaned. “Will you just eat faster?”

Chapter 35

“Let us out here,” Sed told the cab driver.

The cab pulled to a stop along the curb and let them out. Jessica glanced around, a confused expression on her face. On the other side of a chain-link fence, brightly colored slides sloped and twisted around deep pools. A fake volcano spewed orange-lit water into the air. People shouted and laughed throughout the attraction.

“A water park?” she asked. “This place will be packed.”

Actually, as it was after dark, the parking lot was almost empty. “I thought you were feeling adventurous.”

“I am, but I didn’t bring a swimsuit.”

“I’m sure they sell them.”

“We have to be discreet, Sed. No repeats of Vegas.”


As they walked hand in hand toward the entrance, Jessica still seemed uneasy.

“Something’s bothering you,” he said.

“This is like a family place. There will be little kids all over the place.”

“No one will know what we’re doing.” He spotted a sign next to the cash register. No one under 16 admitted after dark. He pointed at the sign. “Does that make you feel better?”

“A little.”

“Two, please,” he said to the cashier and reached for his wallet.

“We close in an hour,” the attendant told him.

Only an hour? Well, he was with Jessica. An hour should be plenty of time. “That’s fine.”

They went to the gift store first. Jessica sorted through a rack of swimsuits in her size. He pulled a white string bikini off the bar and handed it to her.

“Try this one,” he growled into her ear.

She lifted it to eye level. “It’s kind of… revealing.”

He growled against her neck. She shuddered and headed for the dressing room with the bikini in hand. He grabbed the nearest pair of swim shorts in his size and went to stand outside the curtained dressing rooms at the back of the store to wait for Jessica. He heard the rustle of her clothes as she removed them on the other side of the curtain. He glanced up at the security camera and shifted his merchandise in front of his raging hard-on. God, he couldn’t wait to sink into her warm flesh.

“How does it look?” he asked gruffly. If it weren’t for the damned security camera, he’d have already joined her to see for himself.


“Let me see.”

She slid the curtain back and he dropped his swim shorts on the floor. “Whoa,” he said, eyes skimming the rounded tops of her br**sts spilling from the scraps of fabric, her belly, the triangle of white fabric concealing… He forced his gaze to her thighs. Thighs.

She turned around and watched him over her shoulder. His gaze moved down her sexy back, the lower curve of both ass cheeks peeking from beneath the swimsuit, her thighs. God, her thighs. And her slender calves. Thighs. Ass. And her… “Ungh.”

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