
Page 15

“It’s nice to meet you too,” Mia said, offering a smile.

“I’m sure we’ll be working closely together since you’re Mr. Hamilton’s personal assistant.”

Mia smiled and nodded, not knowing what else to say. She was terrible with casual chitchat.

As if sensing her unease, Eleanor was quick to retreat.

“Well, we’ll leave you to your work, John. I’m sure you’re busy, and I still have to take Mia around the office.”

“I’ll see you around,” John said. “Welcome to the team.”

“Thank you,” Mia murmured.

She followed Eleanor out and then repeated the process with five other employees, all in various positions of management within the company. The CFO was an impatient, fidgety man who seemed preoccupied and irritated at the distraction. Even Eleanor was brief and hurried Mia away.

The two vice presidents Mia met next were women, one who looked to be in her thirties with a warm smile and intelligent eyes. The other was slightly older, maybe forty or so, and she was a talker. It took several attempts before Eleanor was able to pull Mia away and cross the parallel hall to the other side of the building.

There, she met a myriad of people whose names she had no hope of remembering. Several looked speculatively at her when she was introduced as Gabe’s personal assistant. She couldn’t blame them really, as Gabe hadn’t had one in years. And there was the fact that she was Jace’s sister, and as soon as her name came out of Eleanor’s mouth, there had been instant recognition. And just as instant were the wheels turning in their heads as they’d stared at Mia.

Oh yeah, she was definitely going to be the gossip du jour.

When they were finally done with the meet and greet, Eleanor took her to the lounge and showed her the refrigerator and fully stocked kitchen. There was an eating area with an array of snacks and easy-to-prepare foods, and a cabinet with a variety of drinks, as well as a water cooler.

Eleanor turned and waved with her hands. “And that’s the grand tour. Oh, and the ladies’ bathroom is between the lounge and the cubicle section.”

Mia smiled warmly. “Thank you, Eleanor. I appreciate your taking the time to show me around and for your kindness.”

“Anytime. If you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to let me know. I’m going to get back to my desk and relieve Charlotte.”

Mia followed her out but went in search of the bathroom instead of returning immediately to Gabe’s office. She needed to pee and freshen up. She was still feeling the effects of the night before and she was certain she looked hungover.

She went into the stall at the very end and closed the door behind her. Almost immediately, she heard the door open and more than one person enter. Ugh, she hated peeing around others. But the other women evidently weren’t going down to the stalls. The sound of a faucet running gave her time to do her business, and she was prepared to finish up and exit when she went still.

“So what do you make of Gabe’s new personal assistant?”

The woman’s voice was filled with amusement—and disbelief. Mia wanted to groan. Not even here half a day and she was already the topic of gossip. Which was to be expected, but she’d hoped not to have to hear it firsthand.

“Isn’t she Jace Crestwell’s little sister?” another woman asked.

“Uh-huh. Guess we know how she landed that job.”

“Poor thing. She probably has no idea what she’s gotten herself into.”

“I don’t know. I think I could go for some of that,” the first woman said. “I mean, hello. He’s rich, he’s gorgeous and I’ve heard he’s a beast in bed. Literally. Did you hear the rumor that he has a contract he makes all his women sign before he goes to bed with them?”

“Wonder which employment contract the new girl signed,” the second woman said in a knowing voice.

There was laughter from at least three people. Great. Girls’ meeting in the bathroom and Mia was trapped. She pulled up her feet so no one could see and just prayed they never made it down this far.

“I’d rather be the filling in a Jace and Ash sandwich,” one of the women said. “Can you imagine having two dominant billionaires in your bed?”

Mia rolled her eyes and shuddered. Like she wanted to hear all of this about her brother?

“What do you think the story is behind those two?” the first one asked. “They always seem to go for the same woman. It’s kind of weird if you ask me. I mean not that I would mind having a threesome with them, but for them it’s a regular thing.”

“Maybe they’re bisexual.”

Mia’s mouth fell open. Holy shit. Not that she gave gossip much credence, but apparently the rumor mill was that Jace and Ash had some major kink of their own going on, and Gabe wasn’t the lone ranger in this company.

She so did not want to imagine her brother in those kinds of situations.

“Ten-to-one, Gabe’s fucking Jace’s sister. Can you imagine if Jace finds out? Everyone knows he’s way overprotective of her.”

Mia sighed. It was probably too much to hope for that she could come to work and not have instant speculation.

“Maybe he knows and doesn’t care,” another woman offered. “She’s an adult.”

“She’s way younger than Gabe, and if he made her sign a contract, I don’t see that going over well with Jace.”

“Maybe she’s into that sort of thing.”

“Uh, guys,” a new voice piped up in a hesitant voice. “I kind of know the contract thing is real. I snuck into his office one night when I was working late. I was curious. You know, because of the rumors and stuff. He had a boilerplate contract in his desk. Very interesting reading. Let’s just say that if a woman goes to bed with him, she basically signs her life over to him for that period of time.”

Mia’s head dropped to her knees with a thud.

“Get out! Are you kidding?”

“Are you insane? Do you know what would have happened if he had caught you? You would have been fired on the spot and God only knows what else he would have gone after you for.”

“How the hell did you get into his office? I know for a fact he keeps it locked.”

“I, uhm, picked the lock. I’m pretty good at it,” the newer woman admitted.

“Girl, you’ve got a death wish. I wouldn’t be doing that shit again if I were you.”

“Shit guys, we need to get back to work. That report’s due at two, and Gabe is not as understanding as Ash is about tardiness. I wish Jace and Ash would hurry up and get back from wherever it is they are. They’re much easier to work for than Gabe.”

There was a flurry of activity and the sounds of scurrying feet, paper being pulled from the dispenser and then finally the sounds of retreat. The door squeaked shut and Mia let out a long sigh of relief.

She scrambled off the toilet and hurriedly fixed her skirt. She opened the door to the stall and peeked out and then fled to the sink, doing a quick wash. At the door, she hesitated, cracked it open just an inch and peered down the hall.

The coast was clear so she bolted out and hurried back to Gabe’s office.

Oh, the things you learned at work.

Gabe would be so pissed if he knew his office had been broken into and his personal documents had been read. Not that she was going to be a tattletale on her first day of work. She didn’t even know which woman was the guilty party. All the names and voices had run together during the introductions.

Thankfully Gabe had not returned from his meeting, and Mia sank into her chair. She opened the folder again and the words swam in front of her eyes. It was a lot of information to process.

She jumped when her phone rang. She eyed it nervously and then hesitantly picked up the receiver.

“Mia Crestwell,” she said by way of answering. Hello seemed unprofessional, and she didn’t want to come across as a complete idiot.

Gabe’s voice filled her ear, warm and sensual. “Mia, I’m running a little late. I’d intended for us to have lunch together, but I’m going to be delayed. I’m having Eleanor order in lunch for you.”

“Okay. Thank you,” she murmured.

“Did she take you around the office?”

“Yes, she did.”

“And? Everything go well? Was everyone polite to you?”

“Oh of course. Everyone was great. I’m back in the office, obviously, since I’m talking to you. I’m working on the folder of stuff you gave me this morning.”

“Just don’t forget to eat,” he said, admonishment in his voice. “I’ll see you after lunch.”

Before she could say bye, the line went dead. Ruefully, she replaced the receiver and turned her attention back to the folder.

Thirty minutes later, Eleanor popped her head in the door and Mia waved her in. Eleanor carried a takeout bag with her and placed it on Mia’s desk.

“Mr. Hamilton said you like Thai, and there’s a really good place down the block that delivers so I ordered you the special. If you’ll give me an idea of your likes and dislikes, I’ll make note so that in the future I make sure and get you something to your taste.”

“Thai is perfect,” Mia said. “Thank you. You didn’t need to do this.”

Eleanor frowned. “Mr. Hamilton was very specific that I was to order in lunch for you and also to make certain you eat. Oh, and if he didn’t tell you already, he has a stocked minifridge here in his office with an array of drinks, so help yourself. It’s over underneath the cabinet.”

“Thank you, Eleanor. You’ve been very kind.”

Eleanor nodded and then turned and disappeared from the office.

So far Mia wasn’t entirely certain this was working out the way it was supposed to. She was Gabe’s personal assistant, which meant she assisted. It didn’t mean that other employees were supposed to wait on her hand and foot. She hoped he didn’t give others in the department the same kind of directive. If he had, her name would be mud and no one would believe they weren’t sleeping together and that she wasn’t here merely to provide Gabe sexual services.

Even if that was indeed her primary job duty.

Gah. It made her sound like a prostitute. And maybe in essence she was. She was contracted for sex. If that didn’t make her a call girl, what did it make her?

The only consolation she could take was that he wasn’t paying her for sex.

She groaned when she realized just how stupid that assertion was. He was paying her. A lot! For a nonexistent job with duties so far that amounted to memorizing details of key people. She was on his payroll and somehow she didn’t think she’d find “sex toy” on her personnel file. But they both knew that was precisely what she was. A paid sexual submissive.

Her head hit the desk and she sighed. She didn’t think herself particularly submissive. Not that she couldn’t be. In the right situation. But it certainly wasn’t something deeply ingrained within her. A need that she was compelled to fulfill in order to be happy.

It was…a kink. When she’d never imagined she had any. She still wasn’t sure exactly where she stood on the whole idea of bondage and submission and all the other eye-opening items in that contract.

But she’d agreed. She’d signed her name willingly. So she was sure as hell about to find out.

Chapter thirteen

Mia was buried in her work when the door opened and Gabe walked in. She looked up, drinking in the sight of him. His gaze connected with hers and there was a flare of appreciation that gave her a giddy thrill. There was an instant shock of awareness, tension that was nearly tangible in the spacious office.

Lust coiled in his eyes and her stomach bottomed out as all her girly parts came to life. Whoa, but this was some intense chemistry now that they’d allowed it to be unleashed.

“Come here.”

The order was quick and imperious and she stood automatically, responding to the brusque command. She met him in the middle of the floor and he pulled her roughly into his embrace.

His kiss was desperate and aching, as if he’d thought of nothing else but her in his absence. It was a fanciful thought, but one that seemed validated by the way he devoured her mouth. Their tongues met, hot and damp. Her lip gloss would be shot, but the idea of seeing her color on his mouth only intensified the quick desire he’d fueled.

She may wear his marks, but in a way, he’d wear hers too, even temporarily. Her stamp. Her brand. She may be his, but he damn well also belonged to her for however long their agreement lasted.

She caught a whisper of perfume on his clothing, and was seized by fierce jealousy, no matter how unreasonable the emotion was.

The instant possessiveness caught her by surprise. She hadn’t ever considered herself a possessive or jealous person. The idea that some other woman had been close to him made her want to bare her teeth and snarl. He needed an invisible sign that said Hands off. He’s mine.

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